тест по теме чтение для 9 класса по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева
тест (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Вы услышите разговор двух знакомых. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1, 2
или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите
запись дважды.
Vicky was reading poetry because
1) she loves poetry.
2) it was her homework.
3) she wanted to impress her friend.
Vicky finds it difficult to learn
1) French.
2) Chinese.
3) English.
Vicky is planning to go to university
1) right after school.
2) in a year after school.
3) in the distant future.
Vicky’s hobby is
1) reading.
2) gardening.
3) home theatre.
Vicky hates
1) computer games.
2) cruel sports.
3) arguing with friends.
Last Saturday Vicky went to
1) the countryside.
2) the cinema.
3) a party
Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
1. Early mention of the problems | 4. The great variety of reading material |
2.The link between adult and child literacy | 5. Present levels of adult illiteracy |
3. A new attempt to improve literacy | 6. Lack of progress |
- We live in an age when we are surrounded by information. Apart from information in notices, books and newspapers, we receive information in our e-mail, from the internet, and from text messages on our mobile phones. So it is ironic that with so much information available to us, more people than ever before are unable to access it because they are not able to read and write.
- Adult literacy is a very important, but often overlooked part of any basic education programme. Most programmes focus on children, but research and experience show that if children come from homes in which adults have low literacy skills, those children will have a very high chance of becoming low-literate adults themselves.
- The number of illiterate adults in the world is now over 900 million, nearly equivalent to the population of India. Two out of every three of those adults are women. That shocking figure gets worse if you include individuals who are not completely literate, so they lack the level of skill required to be successful in the family, at work, and in the community.
- The international community has been calling attention to the problem of illiteracy for a long time. As early as 1948, education was among the basic human rights included in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. More recently, at a meeting of the World Conference on Education in 1990, it was stated that ‘illiteracy is a significant problem in all countries, industrialized and developing’. Delegates to the meeting agreed to try and reduce the adult illiteracy rate to one-half of its 1990 level by the year 2000, and to reduce the difference between male and female illiteracy rates. The goal was repeated at various conferences throughout that decade.
- However, by the end of the century statistical evidence showed that efforts to improve literacy were still failing. Although some progress had been made, 113 million children still remained out of school and although the overall numbers of literate adults had risen, many remained illiterate.
- At the beginning of the new millennium, an organization called the World Education Forum published six education aims. These range from providing care and education in early childhood, to improving the quality of all aspects of education. One of its goals was a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women. In addition, in 2001 ever members of the United Nations General Assembly voted to call the years 2003 to 2012’the Literacy Decade’.
Jack and Jessica’s parents enjoyed an active lifestyle and
often took their children to the country. Chilly March
weather was not a good reason for __________ to stay at
“I wish we _________ go skiing, but it’s already too
warm,” their father said. So they took a picnic basket and
set off for a hill walk.
It was sunny. The last traces of snow were melting in the
valley. The parents __________ for a place for their picnic
when Jack cried out:
“Look what I_____________!” He was holding a piece of
ice with a snake frozen in it.
“Careful! It_______________ you!” Jessica warned, BITE
“Snakes’ ______________ are dangerous!” TOOTH
Their father looked at the snake and said that it _________
a grass snake, not poisonous at all.
“Poor thing,” Jessica immediately changed her attitude to
the snake. “It looks like it’s absolutely dead.”
“Wait and see,” their father said, “Put it here, in the sun.”
The ice round the snake melted down and the snake…
“Snakes are cold-blooded animals,” their father
“Their body temperature changes with the temperature of
the environment. Snakes can be frozen but when the spring
______, they come back to life.”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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