Урок-КВН в 7 классе по теме"What is an ideal friend?"
методическая разработка (7 класс) по теме
Заключительный урок по циклу "Do you have any prblems with your friends?"Цель: Актививизация лексики по теме,развитие навыков говорения,формирование потребности и способности понимать чужие точки зрения на проблемы дружеских отношений.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Club of the Merry and the Quick-Witted
Заключительный урок по циклу “ Do you have any problems with your friends?’’
Учебник “English”, 7 класс. Автор В. П. Кузовлев и др.
Тема “ What is an ideal friend?”
Цель: активизация лексики по теме, развитие навыков говорения, формирование потребности и способности понимать чужие точки зрения на проблемы дружеских отношений.
Ход мероприятия.
Dear friends, try to forget that we are at the lesson. Today we are going to talk about your friends and problems which trouble you and what an ideal friend is. (Слайд 1) Let’s divide into three teams. Name your teams and after that you’ll have some tasks. (Учащиеся делятся на команды, представляются). Are you ready? Then, the first task for you.
Task 1. “Who do you make friends with?” (Слайд №2)
Choose the words describing appearance and character of your friends.
Well-dressed, bossy, sociable, messy, good-looking, tall, lively, merry, athlete, kind-hearted, well-known, popular, smart, strong, confident, nice, thin, honest, happy, merry, patient.
Task 2. “How well do you know you classmates?’’ ( Слайд 3).
Guess your friends! Make up a riddle about one of the members of the team. What is he/ she like? What does he/she look like? Is he/she tall? etc.
Task 3. “Do friends’ troubles trouble you?’’ ( Слайд 4).
What can you advise your friend who
- is always late? ( He should be in time)
- looks fat? ( She should keep to a diet)
- feels lonely? ( He should not back to people)
- behaves badly? ( She should not have quarrel with people)
- has bad marks at school? (He should not often play computer games)
- criticizes you? (She should be patient with people)
- wants to have a pen-friend? (He should not be lazy to write letters)
- doesn’t keep your secrets? (She should not be a chatter-box)
- doesn’t work too hard? (He should follow teacher’s advices)
Task 4. We get along with our friends and do different things together. Now the next task for you. Who will be the first in choosing the right words. (Команды получают карточки с заданиями).
- 1). Enjoy, joy, enjoyment.
I can tell my friend all my … and problems. We …good music together: it gives us great … .
2). Amusement, amusing, amuse.
My Friend … all the people around him. He knows a lot of … things. Everybody loves him for his … tricks.
- 1). Useful, useless, use.
What is the … of being alone? Try everything to find a friend. Friends are … .Friendship is not a … thing.
2). Friend, friendly, friendship.
My father is a very good … . He is very … to me. I’m very pleased to have his … .
- 1). Impolite, politely, politeness, polite.
I don’t like people who are not … . They don’t speak … .They hardly know the meaning of … . They are very … .
Task 5. These are portraits of my old – true friends (Слайд 5). Try to guess their characters.
Task 6. Find the ending of the following proverbs and give their Russian equivalents (Слайд 6)
A friend in need (is a friend indeed. – Друзья познаются в беде).
No man is useless (while he has a friend. – Человек не бесполезен, если у него есть друг).
Little friends may (prove great friends. - Старый друг лучше новых двух).
They are rich (who have true friends. – Богат тот, у кого есть друзья).
Friends are ( the thieves of time. – Друзья – воры твоего времени).
A friend to everybody (is a friend to nobody. – Друг для всех – это не друг).
Task 7. Reading limericks or singing merry songs is a good time for and your friends if you have a sense of humour. ( Читают детские стихи, исполняют вместе песню).
Task 8. All of you know the proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed). Look at the picture (Слайд 7).Tom is a real friend. When he saw that Nick was nearly drowned he jumped into the river and saved him.” What made you do it?” people asked him. What do think his answer was? (Ученики дают предполагаемый ответ)… Tom answered: ”He had my boots on”.
(Подведение итогов, определение команды – победительницы).
Teacher: Today is a remarkable day for us. Thank you for taking part in our game. I think that only friendship has helped you today and you’ve proved that you are good friends.
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