методическая разработка (8 класс) на тему
Конкурс знатоков Америки – один из нетрадиционных уроков в 8-м классе. Проводится он после изучения самых больших и значимых городов США: Вашингтона и Нью-Йорка. Готовясь к уроку, дети много работали самостоятельно. Таким образом, развивается их познавательная, поисковая деятельность, расширяется их кругозор при подборе нужного материала. Воспитательное значение подобной работы – ответственность при подготовке за свою команду. Слабые дети не остаются в стороне.
Используются разнообразные виды речевой деятельности (монологическая речь, диалоги, аудирование). Знание учащимися лексики находит письменное отражение в работе над кроссвордами.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конкурс знатоков Америки – один из нетрадиционных уроков в 8-м классе. Проводится он после изучения самых больших и значимых городов США: Вашингтона и Нью-Йорка. Готовясь к уроку, дети много работали самостоятельно. Таким образом, развивается их познавательная, поисковая деятельность, расширяется их кругозор при подборе нужного материала. Воспитательное значение подобной работы – ответственность при подготовке за свою команду. Слабые дети не остаются в стороне.
Используются разнообразные виды речевой деятельности (монологическая речь, диалоги, аудирование). Знание учащимися лексики находит письменное отражение в работе над кроссвордами.
THE U. S. A.
Учитель: Величко Ася Альбертовна
A final lesson.
Washington – New York.”
Game in the form of competition.
There are 2 teams of students. The members of one of them “came from Washington”, others – “from New-York”.
Visual Aids and Equipments: a map of the U.S.A., pictures with sights of Washington and New-York, tape recorder, flag of the U. S. A., crosswords.
Teacher: Today at the lesson we are going to talk about America, about its people, its traditions, its main cities: Washington and New-York.
I hope you’ll enrich your knowledge about this great country. Now listen to a song about America.
“America, the Beautiful” is the national anthem of instead of “The Star – Spangled Banner”. Katherine Lee Bates, an English Professor at Wesley College, rode in a horse-drawn wagon up Pike’s Peak, mountaintop in Colorado in 1893. She saw a view of the mountains that few people saw in those days and was inspired by her glimpse of the “spacious skies” and “purple mountains” to write a poem, which became the first verse of the song. The public loved the poem, and Miss Bates was encouraged to set it to music. She chose the music of the hymn by Samuel Ward. The words and music traveled around the world, and today Mexico, Canada and Australia sing it with their own countries names in stead “America”.
(Students stand up and listen to the tape-recording.)
Teacher: I invite the captains of the teams to introduce all the members of their teams and tell some words about themselves. The captains one after another introduce themselves and the members of the teams (names, abilities, interests and hobbies).
Teacher: Thanks a lot. I see that all of you are creative persons. Let’s listen to the jury, they’ll tell us about the results of the first game.
Teacher: The second game is called “9 questions”. Each team has to ask 9 questions about America. You’ll get one point for each right answer.
(The members of the teams ask questions to each other in turn.) The questions may be different, for example:
- What was the first English settlement in North America?
- Who was the first president of the U.S.A.? (George Washington.)
3) What name did the British give to the Dutch colony of the Amsterdam? (New-York.)
- Who is believed to have sewn the first American flag? (Betsy Ross.)
- What was the number of the first English colonies in America? (Thirteen.)
- When was the Declaration of Independence issued? (On July 4, 1776.)
- Where was the Constitution of the U.S.A. worked out? (In Philadelphia.)
- What ship brought a group of English Protestants to America in 1620? (The “Mayflower”.)
- What is the second name of the Washington memorial? (“The pencil”.)
- What memorial is built in honor of the 16-th President of the U.S.A.? (The Lincoln Memorial.)
- Who is the Father of the telephone? (Alexander Bell.)
- What is the center of the cinema production in the U.S.A.? (Hollywood.)
- Who is considered to be the “Father of the country”? (George Washington.)
- Who created the best animated cartoons in the U.S.A.? (Walt Disney.)
- Who is the 42-nd President of the U.S.A.? (Bill Clinton.)
- Who is traditionally thought to be the discoverer of America? (Christopher Columbus.)
- Who gave his name to America? (Amerigo Vespuchi.)
- Who is the name wife of Bill Clinton? (Hillary Clinton.)
Teacher: Now Rack your Brains and make correct choice. Be faster and you’ll get more points.
- The first capital of the U.S.A. was (New-York, Philadelphia, Washington)
- Independence Day is celebrated (on the 4-th of July, on the 14-th of February, on the 25-th of December)
- Halloween is celebrated (in July, in October, in February)
- The highest skyscraper is in (New-York, Washington, Chicago)
- The Library of Congress is located (in Washington, in New-York, in Philadelphia)
- George Washington’s favourite subject at school was (History, Geography, Mathematics)
- The Declaration of Independence was adopted by (Tom Jefferson, Abr. Lincoln, G. Washington)
- The Emancipation Proclamation was adopted by (T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, G. Washington)
- Empire State Building is located in (Washington, New-York, Chicago)
- The Statue of Liberty is located in (Washington, New-York, Chicago).
Teacher: The forth game is your home task. You have to show how friendly you are meeting guests from Britain or from Russia in “your” country. What would you talk with them about? What can you tell them about your “native” city?
(Students act the dialogs “Meeting Guests”. The place of conversation may be at home at the table, at the airport, in the street, etc. Students choose it themselves. The main task is to advice the foreigner what places of interest would be better to visit and why.).
Teacher: Now be ready to puzzle out crosswords. Each team has prepared their own crosswords for rivals. Two members from each team may take part in this game.
(Students who puzzle out the crosswords sit at the tables. Five minutes are given to them.)
Teacher: All the rest students will take part in the sixth game. Look at the pictures and guess what sightseeing of New-York or Washington it is. Your task is not only to give the name of the sights, but tell us some words about them. For each right full answer you’ll get a point.
(Students look at the pictures, which are on the blackboard and one after another give information about different historical buildings: White House, Library of Congress, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Supreme Court, Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the Guggenheim Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc.).
Teacher: It was our last game. In some minutes we’ll know who are the winners, the best experts of America. But I think it doesn’t matter you are a winner or a loser, you’ve been good at all kinds of competitions. I’m glad that all of you take part in this game and enriched your knowledge of America.
(Jury informs the score of the competition. All the participants stand up and listen to the song “America, the Beautiful”).
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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