Разработка урока на тему "Time off"
презентация к уроку (11 класс) по теме

План урока в 11 классе.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Жумагалиева Сымбат Кайдаровна

Атырауская область


средняя школа имени М.Ауэзова

Theme of the lesson: Time off

Grade 11

Aims of the lesson:

  1. To provide students with an opportunity for free speaking practice
  2. To develop students’ reading, speaking, listening abilities
  3. To communicate about the theme

Materials: Presentation, Worksheets

  1. Warm-up

Good afternoon! How are you? Are you in good mood? Are you tired? If you are tired and sad, what is the best way of the recreation? I think it’s listening to music. Now let’s listening to music. What do you think about this music?

The song  “My heart will go on… “

  1. Introduction

Listening to the music is the best recreation. After the hard working day you want to relax. What leisure activities do you choose?

You may watch TV,  read the books, meet friends …

What is the leisure activity?

Leisure activities are activities that you do to relax or enjoy yourself.  The time when you are working or not busy.

  1.  Speaking
  1. Find someone who…



…goes to the cinema

…meets your friends

…goes to the concerts

…hangs around street corners because they have nothing to do

…does a lot of sport

…stays at home and watch TV

  1. Pair work



Where do you go in for your free time?

Who goes with you?

What do you usually wear?

When did you last go there?

What do you remember most about it?

Do you sometimes prefer to stay at home rather than go out?

  1. Role- play

Interviewer: Excuse me, I’m doing a survey on how people spend their time. Can I ask you a few questions? Do you ever …? Use these collocations from this box:

Leisure survey


How often

Go to the cinema

Go to the theatre




Play football

Listen to the music

Passer- by answers from this box:



hardly ever

not very often

very seldom

very often


every day/ evening


from time to time



  1. Reading the leisure activities in the box and discuss them with your partner. Which leisure activities do you like and dislike?



Going to nightclubs









Playing cards





  1. Reading

Do you know who is a coach potato? Please, skim the article at p.39 ex 5

Find the definition.

Answer: someone who takes little or no exercise, and who spend their free time doing very little.

Centuries ago, people didn’t have much free time, because everybody was working too hard. In Britain in the  nineteenth century, people had more spare time, but because the Victorians hated relaxing and doing nothing, they invented football. Rugby and cricket. People took up more gentle activities too, like gardening, bird-watching and train spotting, and it was even possible simply to watch a sport and give the impression that you were actually doing something. Gradually, leisure activities have become less and less energetic interests and hobbies. But now there is a new type of person who thinks that lying on the sofa watching television on Sunday afternoon or reading the newspaper from cover to cover is the most  exciting activity they can manage. This twentieth century coach potato. For them, every activity is too much trouble, and laziness is an art form! So how do you spend your free time?

Are you a coach potato?

  1. Rhyme “A coach potato” by Caroline Graham

Do you  like to swim?

Do you like to ski?

I am a coach potato I like TV?

                            Does he like to swim?

                            Does he like to ski?

He’s a coach potato

He likes TV

He doesn’t like to ski

He’s a coach potato

He likes TV.

  1. Group work.

Creative work: make a poster for the new club or leisure facility and tell about it. Decide on:

The size, shape and design on the poster

The name of the club

The location

The type of music

The opening hours

Any age restrictions

The cost of entry

  1. The lesson is over. Marks.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Жумагалиева Сымбат Кайдаровна Казахстан Атырауская область пос.Индерборский средняя школа имени М.Ауэзова

Слайд 2

Theme of the lesson “Time off” Aims: To provide students with an opportunity for free speaking practice; To develop students’reading, listening abilities; To communicate about the topic.

Слайд 3

Free time Leisure activities Spare time Recreation

Слайд 4


Слайд 5

Leisure relaxation entertainment enjoyment pleasure fun new experience excitement joy

Слайд 6

Leisure Time Activities watching TV playing computer games listening to music reading books listening to the radio reading newspapers

Слайд 7

Teenagers' Preferred Leisure Activities watching TV - 76% playing computer games - 71% listening to music - 60% reading books - 51% listening to the radio - 48% reading newspapers - 37%

Слайд 8

Questions Names … goes to the cinema … meets your friends … goes to the concerts … hangs around street corners because they have nothing to do … does a lot of sport … stays at home and watch TV Task 1 Find someone who…

Слайд 9

Questions Where do you go in your free time? Who do you go with? What do you usually wear? When did you last go there? What do you remember most about it? Do you sometimes prefer to stay at home rather than go out? Task 2

Слайд 10

Task 3 Interviewer: Excuse me, I’m doing a survey on how people spend their time. Can I ask you a few questions? Do you ever …?

Слайд 11

football tennis cricket shopping fishing gardening entertaining painting going to nightclubs watching reading swimming running walking playing cards do-it-yoursel f Task 4 Discuss the leisure activities with your partner. I think football is boring.

Слайд 12

Task 5 Centuries ago, people didn’t have much free time, because everybody was working too hard. In Britain in the nineteenth century, people had more spare time, but because the Victorians hated relaxing and doing nothing, they invented football. Rugby and cricket. People took up more gentle activities too, like gardening, bird-watching and train spotting, and it was even possible simply to watch a sport and give the impression that you were actually doing something. Gradually, leisure activities have become less and less energetic interests and hobbies. But now there is a new type of person who thinks that lying on the sofa watching television on Sunday afternoon or reading the newspaper from cover to cover is the most exciting activity they can manage. This the twentieth century coach potato. For them, every activity is too much trouble, and laziness is an art form! So how do you spend your free time? Are you a coach potato?

Слайд 13

Someone who takes little or no exercise, and who spends their free time doing very little.

Слайд 14

Rhyme by Carolyn Graham “A coach potato” Do you like to swim? Do you like to ski? I am a coach potato I like TV. Does he like to swim? Does he like to ski? He’s a coach potato He likes TV. He doesn’t like to ski He’s a coach potato He likes TV

Слайд 15

Task 7 Create a poster for the new club or leisure facility. Decide on: The size, shape and design on the poster The name of the club The location The type of music The opening hours Any age restrictions The cost of entry

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