Открытый урок "Must a politician be kind?"
план-конспект урока (10 класс) по теме
Открытый урок по теме: "Must a politician be kind?"
УМК Кузовлев В.П.
Класс: 10
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Открытый урок в 10 классе.
"Must a politician be kind?"
второй квалификационной категории
Кочнева Наталья Викторовна
г. Весьегонск
2006 год
Topic:" Must a politician be kind? "
- лексический материал по теме
- страноведческий материал по теме (политические системы США, Великобритании и России).
- отрицательные и положительные качества, присущие политику.
Rc.р. - уметь:
- понимать на слух информацию о политической системе стран, изучаемого языка и России.
- использовать изученную лексику в устной и письменной речи.
- читать текст с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного.
- монологически высказываться на предложенную учителем тему.
- высказывать своё мнение.
- Обучающая - совершенствование лексико-грамматического материала в устной речи.
- Развивающая - развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов из прочитанного.
- Воспитательная – беседа об актуальной проблеме нравственности в политике, проблеме двойного стандарта нравственности: для политика и для человека, работающего в другой сфере.
Оборудование: На доске название темы урока, кроссворд, вопросы к кроссворду, задание для письменной работы, лексический материал для аудирования.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент
- Повторение лексико-грамматического материала.
-We know a lot of information about political system of the Russian Federation, the USA and the UK. Now, we'll repeat some facts about it.
- Речевая зарядка.
Translate some phrases from English into Russian.
- a presidential republic (президентская республика)
- legislative branch (законодательная ветвь власти)
- to appoint a minister (назначать министра)
- the Constitutional Court (Конституционный суд)
- to examine a bill (рассматривать законопроект)
- to approve a bill (одобрять законопроект)
- a constitutional monarchy (конституционная монархия)
- Head of State (глава государства)
Translate some phrases from Russian into English.
- Федеральное собрание (the Federal Assembly)
- Государственная дума (the State Duma)
- Верховный суд (the Supreme Court)
- распустить парламент (to dissolve parliament)
- наложить вето на законопроект (to veto a bill)
- палата лордов (the House of Lord)
- исполнительная ветвь власти (the executive branch)
- избираться народом (to be elected by the people)
2. Аудирование.
- Now, please, listen to the information about political system of the UK and answer the questions.
Text №1
The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the government of the UK is by a hereditary sovereign an elected House of Commons and a partly hereditary House of Lords. The Supreme legislative power is vested in the Parliament. The parliament has two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
- What does the term "constitutional monarchy" mean? (The term "constitutional monarchy" means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is head of State).
- How many Houses has parliament? (The parliament has two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons).
Text №2
- Listen to the information about the USA and answer to questions.
The USA is a presidential republic. The legislative power of the USA is vested in the Congress consists of two Houses – the Senate and the House of Representatives. The executive branch of the President, the vice – president and the Cabinet. The judicial branch of the government is headed by the Supreme Court.
- What is the legislative power in the USA vested in? (The legislative power of the USA is vested in the Congress consists of two Houses – the Senate and the House of Representatives.)
- What is the judicial branch of the government headed by? (The Supreme Court is headed by the judicial branch of the government.)
Text №3
- Listen to the information about political system of Russia.
Russia is a presidential republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, judicial. The legislative power is vested in Federal Assembly. The executive power belongs to the Government, which is headed by the Prime - minister. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts.
- What does the federal government consists of? (The government of the Russia Federation consists of the legislative, the executive and the judicial branches, checked by the President).
- What are the judicial branches is represented by? (The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other courts).
- Новая тема
1. Практика в письменной речи.
- Some people think that in politics much depends on the personality of a politician.
- Which traits are positive and which are negative for a politician in you opinion?
- Open you exercise – books, Write the date, today is the 24-th of February.
- Choose the worlds from the blackboard and write them in two columns: negative traits and positive traits. ( На слова, характеризующие политика с положительной или отрицательной стороны. См. приложение).
- Please, say about negative traits for a politician.
- Add, please.
- Please, say about positive traits for a politician.
- What traits do you add?
2.Практика в чтении с основным содержанием прочитанного.
- What kind of people can succeed in politics? What traits of character should they have?
- Open you books at p.54. Ex 1.
Your look at opinion of a modern expert about the problem.
- Read the text attentively silent reading and answer the questions:
- Which of the expert's ideas do these statements confirm?
- A politician should be power-loving. (He/she should have a will to win and a wish to have power).
- A politician should be gifted. (Any politician who wants to win should be a read personality. No image-maker can help a person who is nothing. It is impossible to improve "nothing". Image-makers and advisors can add only 15-20% to the image of a politician).
- A politician should be risky. (A good politician should have ability to risk and to love risking if hell she wants to win).
- A politician should be ambitious. (He/she should use power for improving the situation in the country).
- A politician should be pliable. (A politician who follows one and the some strategic line and doesn't revise his/her ideas won't live a long life in politics).
3.Задание творческого характера.
- Look at the blackboard and do the crossword. And read the name of one of the most respected and devoted British politicians.
(На доске кроссворд и задание к кроссворду). (См. приложение).
- Please, go to the blackboard and fill in sentences and devoted British politician?
(The most respected and devoted British politician was Winston Churchill).
4.Практика в устной речи.
Unfortunately, young people often think that politics is for adults. But very soon you'll have to make a choice.
- Characterise in five words a politician you would like to be the head of your country.
I would like to have such person who will be …… (Прилагательное).
- What kind of person can be an ideal politician in your opinion? Do you know such people in your country? Think and speak about them.
I think……person can be an ideal politician……has such qualities.
- Домашнее задание (с комментарием).
- Open your diary-books and write down your homework: Ex.5.p.57.
- Open your books and listen to the task. You must read the text about a cleric and answer the questions:
- What war do they mean in the article?
- What kind of politician was the wartime Pope?
- What did the Pope do in the face of the Holocaust?
- Do you think that a cleric should be involved in politics? Why?
V.Подведение итогов. Оценивание учащихся.
- Thank you for excellent lesson. You work very well. I give you such marcs:
- You confirm statements from text very well. I give 5 to…
- …… answer my questions and do the crossword very good. I give you 5 too.
- I like an active work at the lesson. I give 5…and 4…
1.Лексика для аудирования.
a hereditary - наследственный
soverei -монарх
is vested – принадлежит
2.Лексический материал.
(Слова, характеризующие политика с положительной и отрицательной стороны)
sociable | общительный |
ambitious | честолюбивый |
popular | популярный |
generous | благородный |
patient | терпеливый |
honest | честный |
bossy | надменный |
power | властолюбивый |
strong | волевой |
skilful | умелый |
special | особый |
gifted | талантливый |
loyal | верный, преданный |
sympathetic | сочувствующий |
kind | добрый |
conservative | консервативный |
emotional | эмоциональный |
hard-working | трудолюбивый |
patriotic | патриотический |
hypocritical | лицемерный |
prudent | осторожный |
reserved | сдержанный |
reticent | скрытный |
tolerant | терпеливый |
courageous | смелый |
risky | опасный, рисковый |
secret | скрытный |
ruthless | жестокий |
cunning | хитрый |
consistent | логичный |
sly | ловкий, коварный |
religious | религиозный |
deceitful | лживый |
self-reliant | уверенный в себе |
disciplined | дисциплинированный |
eloquent | красноречивый |
3.Вопросы к кроссворду.
- He was a member of the House of Commons
- He worked very much. He was hard working.
- He was very popular with the nation during the Second World War.
- During the Second World War he had to make, decisions that could bring success or failure. He was risky.
- He smoked much and in many pictures he is depicted (изображен) with a cigar.
- The British think that he always knows what he should should do in difficult situations.
- He could wait, he was patient.
- He was reputed to be a skilful politician because many times he showed his ability to do well his job.
- Many years passed after his death but the British still remember and love him.
Дополнительное задание.
Now, please let's do the Quize about English-Speaking Countries.
- What kind of state is the UK?
(A parliamentary monarchy)
- Who is the official head of the UK?
(The Queen)
- What is the capital of England?
- How many countries are there in the UK?
- How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?
(Two, the Houses of Lords and the House of Commons)
- What kind of state is the USA?
(a presidential republic)
- Which city in the State of Florida has the same name as a Russian city?
(St. Petersburg)
- What is the official name of Great Britain?
(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- What is the name of the most famous clock in London?
- Who discovered America?
(Christopher Columbus)
- Who was the first president of the USA?
(George Washington)
- What is the capital of the USA?
- На какой реке находиться Лондон?
(на Темзе)
- Какому адмиралу установлен памятник в центре Трафальгарской площади?
(адмиралу Нельсону)
- Какой университет является старейшим в Великобритании? (оксфордский)
- Какой самый широко распространенный музыкальный инструмент в Шотландии?
- Назовите главный законодательный орган в Великобритании? (парламент)
- Сколько штатов в США? (50)
- Назовите самый большой город в США? (Нью-Йорк)
- Сколько сенаторов в сенате? (100)
- Кто является президентом США? (Джордж Буш)
- Как зовут королеву Великобритании? (Елизавета II)
Самоанализ открытого урока в 10 классе
Я показала урок в 10 классе по теме"Must a politician be kind?" Это 5 урок в разделе Unit 2 "Western democraties. Are they democratic?"
На своем уроке я ставила следующие цели (см. выше) и считаю, что их достигла. Достигла точности в названии урока, стимулировала активную работу учащихся на уроке. Урок по типу комбинированный, преобладающий метод работы: проблемный. На уроке использовала фронтальную работу с классом, осуществила подведение итогов урока и комментирование оценок, домашнее задание прокомментировала. Поскольку, основной целью обучению в 10 классе является совершенствование речевых навыков, то урок был построен так, что учащиеся повторили изученный лексический материал по теме "политика", читали текст с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного и показали умение отлично ориентироваться в тексте и отвечать на поставленные вопросы. Учащиеся свободно излагали мысли на заданную тему. На уроке старалась включать в работу всех учащихся. Хочется отметить активную работу Титовой Любы, Мамонова Ильи, Солопова Сергея, Басниковой Яны, Семеновой Юлии и других. Работа этих учащихся была оценена и прокомментирована. Думаю, что этапы урока были последовательными, урок информационно - содержателен, целесообразен, высокий уровень эмоционального настроя и активности учащихся присутствовал на уроке, оценка результатов учебной деятельности дана объективно. Считаю, что всё запланированное осуществила. Урок удался!
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