Открытый урок "Must a politician be kind?"
план-конспект урока (10 класс) по теме

Кочнева Наталья Викторовна


Открытый урок по теме: "Must a politician be kind?"

УМК Кузовлев В.П.

Класс: 10



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Открытый урок в 10 классе.


"Must a politician be kind?"



 второй квалификационной категории

 Кочнева Наталья Викторовна

г. Весьегонск

2006 год

Topic:" Must a politician be kind? "



  1. лексический материал по теме
  2. страноведческий материал по теме (политические системы США, Великобритании и России).
  3. отрицательные и положительные качества, присущие политику.

Rc.р. - уметь:

  1. понимать на слух информацию о политической системе стран, изучаемого языка и России.
  2. использовать изученную лексику в устной и письменной речи.
  3. читать текст с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного.
  4. монологически высказываться на предложенную учителем тему.
  5. высказывать своё мнение.


  1. Обучающая - совершенствование лексико-грамматического материала в устной речи.
  2. Развивающая - развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов из прочитанного.
  3. Воспитательная – беседа об актуальной проблеме нравственности в политике, проблеме двойного стандарта нравственности: для политика и для человека, работающего в другой сфере.

 Оборудование: На доске название темы урока, кроссворд, вопросы к кроссворду, задание для письменной работы, лексический материал для аудирования.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

  1. Повторение лексико-грамматического материала.

-We know a lot of information about political system of the Russian Federation, the USA and the UK. Now, we'll repeat some facts about it.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

Translate some phrases from English into Russian.

  1. a presidential republic (президентская республика)
  2. legislative branch (законодательная ветвь власти)
  3. to appoint a minister (назначать министра)
  4. the Constitutional Court (Конституционный суд)
  5. to examine a bill (рассматривать законопроект)
  6. to approve a bill (одобрять законопроект)
  7. a constitutional monarchy (конституционная монархия)
  8. Head of State (глава государства)

Translate some phrases from Russian into English.

  1. Федеральное собрание (the Federal Assembly)
  2. Государственная дума (the State Duma)
  3. Верховный суд (the Supreme Court)
  4. распустить парламент (to dissolve parliament)
  5.  наложить вето на законопроект (to veto a bill)
  6. палата лордов (the House of Lord)
  7. исполнительная ветвь власти (the executive branch)
  8. избираться народом (to be elected by the people)

2. Аудирование.

  1. Now, please, listen to the information about political system of the UK and answer the questions.

Text №1

The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the government of the UK is by a hereditary sovereign an elected House of Commons and a partly hereditary House of Lords. The Supreme legislative power is vested in the Parliament. The parliament has two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.


  1. What does the term "constitutional monarchy" mean? (The term "constitutional monarchy" means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is head of State).
  2. How many Houses has parliament? (The parliament has two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons).

Text №2

  1. Listen to the information about the USA and answer to questions.

The USA is a presidential republic. The legislative power of the USA is vested in the Congress consists of two Houses – the Senate and the House of Representatives. The executive branch of the President, the vice – president and the Cabinet. The judicial branch of the government is headed by the Supreme Court.


  1. What is the legislative power in the USA vested in? (The legislative power of the USA is vested in the Congress consists of two Houses – the Senate and the House of Representatives.)
  2. What is the judicial branch of the government headed by? (The Supreme Court is headed by the judicial branch of the government.)

Text №3

- Listen to the information about political system of Russia.

Russia is a presidential republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, judicial. The legislative power is vested in Federal Assembly. The executive power belongs to the Government, which is headed by the Prime - minister. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts.


  1. What does the federal government consists of? (The government of the Russia Federation consists of the legislative, the executive and the judicial branches, checked by the President).
  2. What are the judicial branches is represented by? (The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other courts).

  1. Новая тема

1. Практика в письменной речи.

  1. Some people think that in politics much depends on the personality of a politician.
  2. Which traits are positive and which are negative for a politician in you opinion?
  3. Open you exercise – books, Write the date, today is the 24-th of February.
  4. Choose the worlds from the blackboard and write them in two columns: negative traits and positive traits. ( На слова, характеризующие политика с положительной или отрицательной стороны. См. приложение).
  5. Please, say about negative traits for a politician.
  6. Add, please.
  7. Please, say about positive traits for a politician.
  8. What traits do you add?

2.Практика в чтении с основным содержанием прочитанного.

  1. What kind of people can succeed in politics? What traits of character should they have?
  2.   Open you books at p.54. Ex 1.

Your look at opinion of a modern expert about the problem.

  1. Read the text attentively silent reading and answer the questions:
  2. Which of the expert's ideas do these statements confirm?
  3. A politician should be power-loving. (He/she should have a will to win and a wish to have power).
  4. A politician should be gifted. (Any politician who wants to win should be a read personality. No image-maker can help a person who is nothing. It is impossible to improve "nothing". Image-makers and advisors can add only 15-20% to the image of a politician).
  5.  A politician should be risky. (A good politician should have ability to risk and to love risking if hell she wants to win).
  6. A politician should be ambitious. (He/she should use power for improving the situation in the country).
  7. A politician should be pliable. (A politician who follows one and the some strategic line and doesn't revise his/her ideas won't live a long life in politics).

3.Задание творческого характера.

  1. Look at the blackboard and do the crossword. And read the name of one of the most respected and devoted British politicians.

(На доске кроссворд и задание к кроссворду). (См. приложение).

  1. Please, go to the blackboard and fill in sentences and devoted British politician?

(The most respected and devoted British politician was Winston Churchill).

4.Практика в устной речи.

Unfortunately, young people often think that politics is for adults. But very soon you'll have to make a choice.

  1. Characterise in five words a politician you would like to be the head of your country.

I would like to have such person who will be …… (Прилагательное).

  1. What kind of person can be an ideal politician in your opinion? Do you know such people in your country? Think and speak about them.

I think……person can be an ideal politician……has such qualities.

  1. Домашнее задание (с комментарием).
  1. Open your diary-books and write down your homework: Ex.5.p.57.
  2. Open your books and listen to the task. You must read the text about a cleric and answer the questions:
  1. What war do they mean in the article?
  2. What kind of politician was the wartime Pope?
  3. What did the Pope do in the face of the Holocaust?
  4. Do you think that a cleric should be involved in politics? Why?

V.Подведение итогов. Оценивание учащихся.

  1. Thank you for excellent lesson. You work very well. I give you such marcs:
  2. You confirm statements from text very well. I give 5 to…
  3. …… answer my questions and do the crossword very good. I give you 5 too.
  4. I like an active work at the lesson. I give 5…and 4…


1.Лексика для аудирования.

a hereditary - наследственный

soverei  -монарх

is vested – принадлежит

2.Лексический материал.

(Слова, характеризующие политика с положительной и отрицательной стороны)


























верный, преданный


























опасный, рисковый










ловкий, коварный






уверенный в себе





3.Вопросы к кроссворду.

  1. He was a member of the House of Commons
  2. He worked very much. He was hard working.
  3. He was very popular with the nation during the Second World War.
  4. During the Second World War he had to make, decisions that could bring success or failure. He was risky.
  5. He smoked much and in many pictures he is depicted (изображен) with a cigar.
  6. The British think that he always knows what he should should do in difficult situations.
  7. He could wait, he was patient.
  8. He was reputed to be a skilful politician because many times he showed his ability to do well his job.
  9. Many years passed after his death but the British still remember and love him.

Дополнительное задание.

Now, please let's do the Quize about English-Speaking Countries.

  1. What kind of state is the UK?

(A parliamentary monarchy)

  1. Who is the official head of the UK?

(The Queen)

  1. What is the capital of England?


  1. How many countries are there in the UK?


  1. How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?

 (Two, the Houses of Lords and the House of Commons)

  1. What kind of state is the USA?

(a presidential republic)

  1. Which city in the State of Florida has the same name as a Russian city?

(St. Petersburg)

  1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 

  1. What is the name of the most famous clock in London?
  2. Who discovered America?

(Christopher Columbus)

  1. Who was the first president of the USA?

(George Washington)

  1. What is the capital of the USA?


  1. На какой реке находиться Лондон?

 (на Темзе)

  1. Какому адмиралу установлен памятник в центре Трафальгарской площади?

(адмиралу Нельсону)

  1. Какой университет является старейшим в Великобритании? (оксфордский)
  2. Какой самый широко распространенный музыкальный инструмент в Шотландии?


  1. Назовите главный законодательный орган в Великобритании? (парламент)
  2. Сколько штатов в США? (50)
  3. Назовите самый большой город в США? (Нью-Йорк)
  4. Сколько сенаторов в сенате? (100)
  5. Кто является президентом США? (Джордж Буш)
  6. Как зовут королеву Великобритании? (Елизавета II)

Самоанализ открытого урока в 10 классе

Я показала урок в 10 классе по теме"Must a politician be kind?" Это 5 урок в разделе Unit 2 "Western democraties. Are they democratic?"

На своем уроке я ставила следующие цели (см. выше) и считаю, что их достигла. Достигла точности в названии урока, стимулировала активную работу учащихся на уроке. Урок по типу комбинированный, преобладающий метод работы: проблемный. На уроке использовала фронтальную работу с классом, осуществила подведение итогов урока и комментирование оценок, домашнее задание прокомментировала. Поскольку, основной целью обучению в 10 классе является совершенствование речевых навыков, то урок был построен так, что учащиеся повторили изученный лексический материал по теме "политика", читали текст с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного и показали умение отлично ориентироваться в тексте и отвечать на поставленные вопросы. Учащиеся свободно излагали мысли на заданную тему. На уроке старалась включать в работу всех учащихся. Хочется отметить активную работу Титовой Любы, Мамонова Ильи, Солопова Сергея, Басниковой Яны, Семеновой Юлии и других. Работа этих учащихся была оценена и прокомментирована. Думаю, что этапы урока были последовательными, урок информационно - содержателен, целесообразен, высокий уровень эмоционального настроя и активности учащихся присутствовал на уроке, оценка результатов учебной деятельности дана объективно. Считаю, что всё запланированное осуществила. Урок удался!

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