Different Kinds of Transport
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Свинарева Оксана Сергеевна

Презентация к уроку английского языка  по теме"транспорт" в 7 классе


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Different Kinds of Transport

Слайд 2

Plan of the lesson: New words and words combinations Doing some exercises Listening Comparison of adjectives and adverbs Test yourself

Слайд 3

A car

Слайд 4

A double-decker bus

Слайд 5

A coach

Слайд 6

A van

Слайд 7

A motorcycle

Слайд 8

A bicycle

Слайд 9

A train

Слайд 10


Слайд 11

A plane

Слайд 12

A helicopter

Слайд 13

A hot-air balloon

Слайд 14

A spaceship

Слайд 15

An airship

Слайд 16

A ship

Слайд 17

A boat

Слайд 18

Create your own sentences Example: My father likes to travel by plane because it`s very comfortable.

Слайд 19

comparison of adjectives & adverbs О дносло ж ные Cheap- cheap er -the cheap est Fast- fast er - the fast est Slow- slow er - the slow est Safe- saf er - the saf est Nois y - nois i er - the nois i est Quiet- quiet er - the quiet est Многосложные Dangerous- more dangerous- the most dangerous Expensive- more expensive- the most expensive Interesting- more interesting-the most interesting Comfortable- more comfortable- the most comfortable Исключения: good- better – the best bad- worse - the worst

Слайд 20

Make sentences comparing traveling by plane, train, boat, car and bicycle. by car faster by car by train slower by bicycle is by boat more cheaper by boat expensive than by plane less safer by plane by bicycle comfortable by train

Слайд 21

Test Yourself №1. Translate into English : -Велосипед медленнее, чем автомобиль. -Метро удобнее, чем автобус. -Поезд безопаснее, чем мотоцикл. -Лодка- самый дешевый вид транспорта. -Путешествовать на самолете опаснее всего.

Слайд 22

Home task “ What kind of transport do you prefer and why?” Write down mini-project

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