методическая разработка по теме

Анкета для тех, кто изучает английский язык (для среднего уровня). Поможет выявить ваши сильные и слабые стороны процесса изучения. Является основой для вводной беседы на изучаемом языке, мотивируя вас использовать полезную лексику и грамматику в рассказе о себе. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Learner questionnaire

What kind of learner are you?

  1. I never/sometimes/often practice my English outside class.
  2. I am usually very active/quiet/ rather lazy in class, and I never/sometimes/often ask questions.
  3. I’m very/reasonably/not at all confident about speaking English in front of a group of people.
  4. I worry a lot/worry a bit/don’t worry at all about making mistakes.
  5. I always/sometimes/never make notes during the lesson.
  6. I have/don’t have a monolingual dictionary. I sometimes/never/often use it in class/for my homework.
  7. Expanding my vocabulary is/isn’t one of my main priorities.
  8. I am very/fairy/ not very interested in work on English phrases and idioms.
  9. Studying and remembering grammar rules is/isn’t very important to me. I feel/don’t feel I need to do a lot of work on grammar.
  10. I feel/don’t feel I need to revise a lot of the grammar and vocabulary I have learnt in the past. (Especially ……………………………)
  11. I think it’s extremely important/quite important/not very important to have good pronunciation in English. Improving my pronunciation is/isn’t a priority for me.
  12. For me, writing essays, letters, etc. in English is reasonably easy/a real problem/not that important.

Learner questionnaire

What kind of learner are you?

  1. I never/sometimes/often practice my English outside class.
  2. I am usually very active/quiet/ rather lazy in class, and I never/sometimes/often ask questions.
  3. I’m very/reasonably/not at all confident about speaking English in front of a group of people.
  4. I worry a lot/worry a bit/don’t worry at all about making mistakes.
  5. I always/sometimes/never make notes during the lesson.
  6. I have/don’t have a monolingual dictionary. I sometimes/never/often use it in class/for my homework.
  7. Expanding my vocabulary is/isn’t one of my main priorities.
  8. I am very/fairy/ not very interested in work on English phrases and idioms.
  9. Studying and remembering grammar rules is/isn’t very important to me. I feel/don’t feel I need to do a lot of work on grammar.
  10. I feel/don’t feel I need to revise a lot of the grammar and vocabulary I have learnt in the past. (Especially ……………………………)
  11. I think it’s extremely important/quite important/not very important to have good pronunciation in English. Improving my pronunciation is/isn’t a priority for me.
  12. For me, writing essays, letters, etc. in English is reasonably easy/a real problem/not that important.

Longman        Learner questionnaire        Longman

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