Заочная интерактивная экскурсия по Лондону "Symbols of London"
презентация к уроку (5 класс) по теме
Данное мероприятие проводилось для учащихся 5-х классов в рамках недели иностранных языков. Цель экскурсии ознакомление учащихся с некоторыми достопримечательностями Лондона и развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
Заочная интерактивная экскурсия по Лондону
“Symbols of London”, 5 класс
Жидкоблинова Елена Георгиевна, учитель английского языка
- Познакомить учащихся с некоторыми достопримечательностями Лондона.
- Создать образовательную среду, способствующую максимальному усвоению изучаемого материала.
- Расширить кругозор и словарный запас учащихся.
- Отработать ЛЕ в устной речи.
- Развивать фонематический слух и зрительно-слуховую догадку.
- Работать над умением вычленять необходимую информацию из устной речи.
- Активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.
- Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
- Воспитывать уважение к культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, Интернет, презентация
Ход занятия
- Организационный момент.
Guide: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see all of you today. How are you?
Pupils: We are fine. And you?
G.: I’m fine too, thanks. Do you like travelling?
P.: Yes, we do.
G.: What can we travel by? (слайд 2)
P.: We can travel by train, plane, car.
G.: And we can travel by ship, taxi, by ship and on foot.
- Сообщение темы и цели занятия.
G.: By the way I’m a guide. Do you know what is a guide? (make clear the meaning of the word) And I suggest going sightseeing right now. Try to guess where we are travelling today.
P.: (name different cities and countries till guess London)
G.: Of course, to London. Do you want to travel there? Why?
P.: (the pupils answer the question)
G.: How do you think, is it interesting and important for us to travel there or not?
P.: (the pupils answer the question)
- Основная часть.
G.: Thank you for the answers. I think now the aim of our meeting is clear to everybody. And now we can start our sightseeing tour around London Center. This is the map. (слайд 3) Look at it. There are so many sights on it. Do you know any of them?
P.: (answer the question, name the sights)
G.: I think we’ll start our excursion with Westminster Palace and its famous Big Ben. And first of all I suggest listening to Big Ben. (слайд 4)
(listening) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juT1zsim6es)
What tower bell has got the sound like Big Ben’s?
P.: The Kremlin tower has got the sound like this.
G.: The Westminster Palace is the seat of the British government. It is also known as the Houses of Parliament. It was the primary London residence of the Kings of England until a fire destroyed much of the house in 1512. The Clock Tower is often referred to by the name of its main bell, "Big Ben".
G.: The next place we are visiting is Trafalgar Square. Let’s look at the map where it is. (слайд 5) We have an excellent opportunity to go there right now by watching the video. But I have the task for you. You must hear the answers to my questions. Here they are. (слайд 6)
- When was Battle of Trafalgar?
- What is in the center of the square?
- How many lions are there on the square?
- What is a plinth?
- What else did you see on the square?
P.: (слайд 7) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glM0GNRRYso)
(watching the video and find the answers)
G.: It’s a beautiful place, isn’t it? And now let’s check your answers. (слайд 8)
P.: Battle of Trafalgar was in 1805.
Nelson’s column is in the center of the square.
There are 4 lions there.
Plinth is a statue to a famous person.
There are fountains on the square.
G.: OK, this task was quite easy for you. It was done brilliantly. The next point of our tour is Buckingham Palace. Let’s look on the map where is it. (слайд 9) Buckingham Palace is the official residence (home) of the British Queen Elisabeth II. (слайд 10) She is living there most of the time. When she is at home the national flag is flying over the palace. The queen has got her own guards.
And now, try to explain the meaning of the text on the screen.
P.: (reading and translating the text)
G.: Well, thank you. The most correct translations were … (name the children)
But our excursion is going on. And we are in Tower of London now. (слайд 11) Look at the map, please.
How do you think it is old or new? Try to guess when it was built.
P.: (name different ages)
G.: In fact it was built in 1066. (слайд 12) It is the oldest place in London. Think over what was its aim.
P.: (giving answers)
G.: Yes, some of your answers are correct. First of all it was a castle. But then it was a palace, a prison and even a zoo. And now it is a historical museum. (слайд 13) The guides there are Yeomen Warders or Beefeaters. They have different responsibilities and only one of them is named Raven master. He must feed the ravens in the Tower. It is believed that if the ravens leave the Tower the monarchy will fall. And now we are going to watch the Ceremony of Keys which takes place in the Tower every night. Watch it and answer my questions:
- How many people take part in the ceremony?
- What did you understand? Depict the ceremony in Russian.
P.: (watching the video)
G.: So, are you ready to answer? (слайд 14) How many people take part in the Ceremony?
P.: 8 people take part in the Ceremony.
G.: Depict the Ceremony.
P.: (варианты пояснения увиденного)
G.: Very well. We can continue the tour. (слайд 15) Not far from Tower of London there is Tower Bridge. Look at it. Why does it have such a name? (слайд 16)
P.: (variants of answers)
G.: It’s like two towers on the stone ships in the middle of the Thames. It is one of the most beautiful bridges not only in London but in the world. It was opened in 1894.
And we are returning to the Westminster Palace. Across the Thames opposite the Palace there is the London Eye. (слайд 17)
The London Eye (слайд 18) is a 135-metre (443 ft) tall giant Ferris wheel. It was erected in 1999. It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the most popular paid tourist attraction in the UK.
Do you want to ride on such a Ferris wheel? Why have the passenger cars got such an unusual form?
P.: (giving answers)
G.: And now we should pass quite a long distance to get to two interesting places. Let’s look at the map. (слайд 19) They are the Sherlock Holmes Museum and Madame Tussauds. There are only 200 m between them.
Let’s start with the Sherlock Holmes Museum. (слайд 20) Have you ever read the books about Sherlock Holmes? Do you know the author of these books?
P.: Arthur Conan Doyle.
G.: SIR Arthur Conan Doyle. His books are worth reading. They are very interesting. Have a look. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBLi7otIuIs)
Madam Tussauds is a world famous wax museum. Let’s watch the excursion about this museum. Name the celebrities you’ve recognized. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYZQ1Eq4nYU)
P.: (name the celebrities)
- Подведение итогов.
G.: Our sightseeing tour is over. Do you like it? What places did you like most of all? Who is going to find some more information about the places we’ve met today?
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What can we travel by? go by taxi go by train go by ship go by plane go by bus go by car go on foot
Westminster Palace and Big Ben
Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock in the Palace of Westminster in London. The name is generally extended to refer to the clock or the clock tower as well. It is one of the most famous symbols of Britain.
Trafalgar Square
When was Battle of Trafalgar? What is in the centre of the square? How many lions are there in the square? What is a plinth? What else did you see in the square?
When was Battle of Trafalgar? What is in the centre of the square? How many lions are there in the square? What is a plinth? What else did you see in the square?
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the principal residence and office of the British monarch. The palace was built for the Duke of Buckingham as a large townhouse in 1705. The Queen’s guards are responsible for guarding the royal palaces
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Tower of London
The Tower of London is the oldest place in London. It is a very big castle. It was a castle, a palace, a zoo, a prison and a museum.
The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London (the Beefeaters), are ceremonial guardians of the Tower. The name Beefeater originates from the Wardens’ payment that included beef. The Ravenmaster feeds the ravens in the tower. It is believed that if the ravens leave the Tower, the manarchy will fall.
The video How many people take part in the ceremony? What did you understand? Depict the ceremony in Russian.
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge crosses the Thames River. It is one of the oldest bridges in London. It is over a hundred years old.
Lo ndon Eye
Do you want to ride in such a Ferris wheel? Why have the passenger cars got such an unusual form?
The video Do you know the author of these books? Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle
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