Внеклассное мероприятие "My dear, dear teacher".
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме

Александрова Маргарита Александровна

Мероприятие ко Дню учителя. 


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Сценарий мероприятия

Вед .  Good morning our teachers and our guests.

We are glad to see you! How are you? We devote our programmer to our favorite teachers and guests today. We know our teachers love dancing, poetry, and singing. And we love our teachers too. We wish them to be always healthy and wise.

We invite here our junior form pupils. They want to greet their teachers and guests.

The 3-rd form will sing the song « My dear, dear teacher».

(3 класс исполняют песню « My dear, dear teacher»).

My dear, dear teacher

I love you very much

I want you to be happy

All day and all night.(2 раза)

Вед. Thank you! It was great! And now we invite here the 4-th form with the fairy-tale.

(ученики 4-го класса ставят сценку «Теремок» и песня «1,2,3,4,5»)


An Author
A Grandfather
A Grandmother
A Granddaughter
A Dog, named Zhuchka
A Cat
A Mouse 

Garden, further a house, a shaft, trees, flowers and bushes. 

AN AUTHOR: Once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother.
The grandfather was a very good gardener he liked to spend a lot of time looking after his plants. In springtime he planted a turnip, a cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, grew dill and spring onion and many other vegetables. But the turnip was his favourite. The grandfather even used to sing songs for it. 
A GRANDFATHER: We had planted a little seed,
We took out all the weed.
So it grows and grows fast
And will bring the rich crop at last. 

AN AUTHOR: The turnip was growing bigger and bigger with the grandfather's songs and there came time to take it out. 

A GRANDFATHER: Came the happy, happy time
Taking out crops of mine.
Pooling, pooling my turnip
Can’t just do it - it's too big!
I should call grandmother for help. Grandma, grandma come over to help me to pool the turnip out. 

A GRANDMOTHER: I am coming, I'll help you with your crops with the greatest pleasure, grandpa. 

AN AUTHOR: The grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they are both pooling hard, but cann't pool the turnip out. 

A GRANDMOTHER: You know, grandpa, we wouldn’t be able to take the turnip out by ourselves. It’s too deep in the ground. Lets call our granddaughter to help us. 

A GRANDFATHER: It’s a very bright idea. Call our granddaughter to help us. 

A GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, granddaughter come to help us to pool the turnip out. 

A GRANDDAUGHTER: I am coming, why didn’t you call me earlier? I bet you are tired already. 

AN AUTHOR: The granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. 

A GRANDDAUGHTER: I think we need more help. This turnip doesn’t want to get out easily. Let’s call Zhuchka to help us. Zhuchka, Zhuchka come to help us to pool the turnip out. 

ZHUCHKA: Woof, woof I am in a hurry to come. Where is that stubborn turnip? We will quickly pool it out all together. 

AN AUTHOR: Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. 

ZHUCHKA: It’s not so easy as I thought it would be. Let’s call the cat to help us. Kitty, kitty come down to help us to pool the turnip out. 

A CAT: I am coming. Prrrrr, prrrrr we will pool the turnip out easily. 

AN AUTHOR: The cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. 

A CAT: I believe we need help. Let’s call the mouse. Mouse, mouse, little paws, come and help us to pool the turnip out. 

A MOUSE: I am happy to help, especially when all the family is working together. 

AN AUTHOR: The mouse holding on to the cat, the cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard and singing together.
All are singing: We are working very hard,
Pooling the turnip out of the mud,
All together we are so strong
We are singing a happy song.

AN AUTHOR: And they pooled the turnip out! All of them were glad that the turnip was finally out. The grandma cooked the turnip and gave everybody a piece of a sweet and tasty turnip. When the mouse ate her piece of turnip she said. 

A MOUSE: It was so lovely. 

AN AUTHOR: The mouse licked her nose. 

A MOUSE: If you need my help next time, please don’t hesitate and call me again. I like the turnip so much. 

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Раз, два, три, четыре, пять.
Once I caught a fish alive,
Однажды я поймал живую рыбу,
Six, seven, eight, nine ,ten,
Шесть, семь, восемь, девять, десять,
Then I let it go again.
Потом я её снова отпустил.
Why did you let it go?
Почему ты её отпустил
Because it bit my finger so.
Потому что так она укусила мой палец.
Which finger did it bite?
Которой палец она укусила?
This little finger on the right

Вед. Good of you my dear friends. Now the 3-rd form would like to present their song «ALLETE».

(ученики 3-го класса поют песню «Алуэтта»)

Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your head,
Put your finger on your head,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your nose,
Put your finger on your nose,
On your nose, on your nose,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your mouth,
Put your finger on your mouth,
On your mouth, on your mouth,
On your nose, on your nose,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your chin,
Put your finger on your chin,
On your chin, on your chin,
On your mouth, on your mouth,
On your nose, on your nose,
On your head, on your head,
Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Вед. Excellent! The 4-th form prepared the scene « Big turnip». Come in please.

(ученики 4-го класса ставят сценку «Репка»)

An Author
A Grandfather
A Grandmother
A Granddaughter
A Dog, named Zhuchka
A Cat
A Mouse 

Garden, further a house, a shaft, trees, flowers and bushes. 
AN AUTHOR: Once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother.
The grandfather was a very good gardener he liked to spend a lot of time looking after his plants. In springtime he planted a turnip, a cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, grew dill and spring onion and many other vegetables. But the turnip was his favourite. The grandfather even used to sing songs for it. 
A GRANDFATHER: We had planted a little seed,
We took out all the weed.
So it grows and grows fast
And will bring the rich crop at last. 
AN AUTHOR: The turnip was growing bigger and bigger with the grandfather's songs and there came time to take it out. 
A GRANDFATHER: Came the happy, happy time
Taking out crops of mine.
Pooling, pooling my turnip
Can’t just do it - it's too big!
I should call grandmother for help. Grandma, grandma come over to help me to pool the turnip out. 
A GRANDMOTHER: I am coming, I'll help you with your crops with the greatest pleasure, grandpa. 

AN AUTHOR: The grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they are both pooling hard, but cann't pool the turnip out. 

A GRANDMOTHER: You know, grandpa, we wouldn’t be able to take the turnip out by ourselves. It’s too deep in the ground. Lets call our granddaughter to help us. 

A GRANDFATHER: It’s a very bright idea. Call our granddaughter to help us. 

A GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, granddaughter come to help us to pool the turnip out. 
A GRANDDAUGHTER: I am coming, why didn’t you call me earlier? I bet you are tired already. 

AN AUTHOR: The granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. 

A GRANDDAUGHTER: I think we need more help. This turnip doesn’t want to get out easily. Let’s call Zhuchka to help us. Zhuchka, Zhuchka come to help us to pool the turnip out. 

ZHUCHKA: Woof, woof I am in a hurry to come. Where is that stubborn turnip? We will quickly pool it out all together. 

AN AUTHOR: Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. 

ZHUCHKA: It’s not so easy as I thought it would be. Let’s call the cat to help us. Kitty, kitty come down to help us to pool the turnip out. 

A CAT: I am coming. Prrrrr, prrrrr we will pool the turnip out easily. 

AN AUTHOR: The cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. 

A CAT: I believe we need help. Let’s call the mouse. Mouse, mouse, little paws, come and help us to pool the turnip out. 

A MOUSE: I am happy to help, especially when all the family is working together. 

AN AUTHOR: The mouse holding on to the cat, the cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard and singing together.
All are singing: We are working very hard,
Pooling the turnip out of the mud,
All together we are so strong
We are singing a happy song.

AN AUTHOR: And they pooled the turnip out! All of them were glad that the turnip was finally out. The grandma cooked the turnip and gave everybody a piece of a sweet and tasty turnip. When the mouse ate her piece of turnip she said. 

A MOUSE: It was so lovely. 

AN AUTHOR: The mouse licked her nose. 

A MOUSE: If you need my help next time, please don’t hesitate and call me again. I like the turnip so much.

Вед. Thank you girls! It was great! Now let’s remember summer and summer holidays.

(ученики 4-го класса исполняют песню «Чунга-чанга»)


Chunga-Changa deep blue dome of the sky
Chunga-Changa summer is all year-round
Chunga-Changa merrily living
Chunga-Changa singing little song

Wonder island wonder island
Living on it is easy and effortless
Living on it is easy and effortless

Our happiness is constant
Chew coconuts eat bananas
Chew coconuts eat bananas
Chunga-Changa there is no better place
Chunga-Changa we know no troubles
Chunga-Changa who lived here for an hour
Chunga-Changa won’t leave us

Wonder island wonder island
Living on it is easy and effortless
Living on it is easy and effortless

Our happiness is constant
Chew coconuts eat bananas
Chew coconuts eat bananas

Chunga-Changa deep blue dome of the sky
Chunga-Changa summer is all year-round
Chunga-Changa merrily living
Chunga-Changa singing little song
Wonder island wonder island
Living on it is easy and effortless
Living on it is easy and effortless
Our happiness is constant
Chew coconuts eat bananas
Chew coconuts eat bananas

Вед. Good! And now the 4-th form will read the poem.

(ученики 4-го класса читают стихотворения)

 I love my cat
It’s warm and fat,
My cat is grey,
It likes to play.

I like dogs, all dogs,
Big dogs and small dogs.
Black dogs and white dogs.
But I like best,
As you can see,
The dog who likes
To play with me.

We go to the Zoo
Tomorrow on Sunday
We go to the Zoo
Tomorrow , tomorrow
There is a zebu there,
And a zebra too,
A bear and a monkey,
And a kangaroo.

A hare is kind
A tiger is wild
A mouse is small
A giraffe is tall.

I love all kind of animals,
Dogs and cats and rabbits,
I love all kind of animals,
I know their little habits.

Little mouse
Come to my house
Sit on the chair
Eat a pear.

Вед. THANKS my dear friends! Now we invite here 6-th form.

( сценка «Колобок» в исполнении 6-го класса).


        Characters: the  storyteller, Puff-the-Ball,  the  hare,  the  bear, the wolf,

     the  fox.

Storyteller:   Once  upon  a  time  there  lived  Puff – the – Ball.  He  had  a

     grandmother  and  a  grandfather.  He  loved  them,  but  one  day  he  run   Puff – the – Ball: I’ m  Puff – the – Ball.  I’ m  yellow,  big  and  sweet.

        Storyteller: Then  he  met  a  Hare.

             Puff – the – Ball:  Hello!  Who  are  you?

             Hare:  Hello!  I’ m  a  Hare.  And  who  are  you?

             Puff – the – Ball: I’ m  Puff – the – Ball.  I’ m  yellow,  big  and  sweet.


             Hare:  Good!  I  will eat  you!

             Puff – the – Ball:  Oh,  please,  don’ t  eat  me!  I  will  dance  for  you.

             ( Играет  музыка,  колобок  танцует.)

             Storyteller: And  he  runs  away.  Then  he  sees  a  wolf.

             Wolf:  Hello!  I’ m  a  Wolf. I’ m   grey  and  I’ m  hungry.  And  who  are  you?


             Puff – the – Ball: I’ m  Puff – the – Ball. I’ m  yellow,  big  and  sweet.

             Wolf: I  will eat  you!

             Puff – the – Ball: Oh,  please,  don’ t  eat  me!  I  will  dance  for  you.

             ( Играет  музыка,  колобок  танцует.)

             Storyteller: And   Puff – the – Ball  again  runs  away  and  sees  a  Bear.

             Puff – the – Ball:  Hello!  Who  are  you?

             Bear:  Hello!  I’ m  a  Bear.  I’ m  brown  and  very  strong.  And  who  are  you?

             Puff – the – Ball: I’ m  Puff – the – Ball. I’ m  yellow,  big  and  sweet.

          Bear:   Good!  I  will eat  you!

             Puff – the – Ball: Oh,  please,  don’ t  eat  me!  I  will  dance  for  you.

             ( Играет  музыка,  колобок  танцует.)

             Storyteller:  And   Puff – the – Ball  again  runs  away  and  sees  a  Fox.

             Puff – the – Ball:  Hello!  Who  are  you?

             Fox:  Hello!  I’ m  a  Fox.  I  have  a  long  tail.  Who  are  you?

             Puff – the – Ball: I’ m  Puff – the – Ball. I’ m  yellow,  big  and  sweet.

             Fox:  Oh,  very  good!  I  will eat  you!

             Puff – the – Ball:  Oh,  please,  don’ t  eat  me!  I  will  dance  for  you.

             ( Играет  музыка,  колобок  танцует.)

             Fox:  Come  to  me,  Puff – the – Ball.  I  can’ t  se  you.

             ( Колобок  подходит  к  лисе  поближе  и  танцует  рядом  с  ней.)


             Storyteller:  Then  Fox  eats  Puff – the – Ball  and  runs  away.

Вед. Now we are coming to an end. Thank you for your activity? For your job. We wish you good job, good luck today and all the time.


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