Quiz cards по курсу "История Англии" для учащихся 7-8 классов гимназий
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему
Quiz cards (карточки с вопросами) по курсу истории Англии помогают сделать уроки английского языка интереснее. Работать с ними можно в парах и в небольших группах. Также учитель может работать со всей группой. Карточки с вопросами помогают лучше запомнить самые значительные имена и даты английской истории.
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Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1Here are native English names of animals: ox, cow, calf, swine. Give French names of meals cooked from meat.
( beef, veal, mutton, pork) | 1What is the difference between Britain and Britannia?
(Britain – England, Scotland, Wales. Britannia- the Roman province made up of the recent-day England and Wales) |
2 People listed below had settled in Britain by the end of the period of invasion. List them in the correct chronological order: 1 Normans, 2 Celts, 3 Vikings, 4 Romans, 5 Anglo-Saxons, 6 Britons
(Britons, Celts, Romans, Anglo- Saxons, Vikings, Normans) | 2 Albion is a word used in some poetic contests to refer to England. Why is England called Albion?
(It is the original Roman name for Britain. Romans saw the white cliffs when they came To Britain for the first time. Latin word “albus” means “ white”.) |
3What is the name of the king who had the nickname “England’s Darling”?
( Alfred the Great) | 3What Celtic languages do you know? Name at least three of them.
(Breton, Cornish, Scottish, Gaelic, Irish, Welsh) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1Under whose reign did English rather than French become the official language used in parliament and the law courts?
( Edward III, 1362)
| 1The first Parliament in Britain was held in: Choose the right answer.
(b- 1241 |
2 The Celtic warriors carried spears and swords. What were they made of?
(Bronze) | 2How long did the Hundred Years War last? Choose the right answer:
( c-116)
3Stonehenge was probably built as:
(b- a lunar calendar) | 3Who of these Englishmen completed the first voyage round the world? a) John Hawkins b) Francis Drake c) Walter Raleigh
(b- Francis Drake)
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 Who was the originator of the Gunpowder Plot?
(c- Robert Catesby) | 1 Where did the Vikings come from? ( Scandinavia) |
2 What is the other word to describe Middle ages? (Midievel) | 2 Who were the scholars in the Middle Ages? (Monks) |
3 The first king of England to be put on trial by his subjects : a) Henry VIII b) Charles I c) Edward VI ( b- Charles I) | 3 A year of three kings in England was: a) 1524 b) 1867 c) 1936 (c – 1936) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 Hadrian Wall is:
(c- a Roman wall of defence) | 1 A Doomsday Book is:
(b- a record of survey of the land of England made by the order of William the Conqueror) |
2 Who were the druids? (Celtic priests) | 2 What happened in 1066? (The Normans conquered England) |
3 Which country was conquered by the Normans in 1066? (England) | 3 Thursday is named after the Viking god Thor. True or False? (true) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 What title does a knight have before his name? (sir) | 1 What famous wall did Roman soldiers build?
(Hadrian Wall) |
2 According to the legends, where was King’s Arthur’s round table? (Camelot) | 2 What things did Romans bring to England? ( wigs, cucumbers, dogs, cats, false teeth) |
3 What was the Roman Legion? (a regiment of soldiers) | 3 What Roman gods give names for the months? (Mars, Janus, Juna) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 What was built on the site of the battle of Hastings? ( Battle Abbey) | 1Why were the campaigns to free”Holy Land” called Crusades?
( On the badge of the Christian Army there was a cross –“crux” in Latin) |
2 There is a statue of a woman outside the House of Parliament, which was made in the 19th century. Whose memory does it commemorate? (The statue of Queen Boudicca, who led the revolt against the Roman occupation) | 2 What was Hundred Years War caused by?
( Edward the III claimed to the French throne)
3 Where does the word “England” come from? ( from people called Angles) | 3 What was the Tower of London initially used for?
(To confine the privileged prisoners)
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1Who gave the Englishmen the names of four days of the week( Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? (Vikings)
| 1What is chivalry- a code of manners or a coat-of-arms?
(a code of manners for knights) |
2 What country did Black Death come from? ( China) | 2 What was the knight’s personal attendant called?
(a squire)
3 what were the officers in Roman legions called?
(centurions) | 3Knights fought mock battles, what were the battles called?
(tournaments) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 What names of four days of the week did the Vikings leave in the English language?
( Tuesday- after Tiw- god of battle, Wednesday –after Woden- chief god, Thursday- after Thor- thunder god, Friday – after Frey- goddess of crops) | 1Who led the Peasants’ Revolt in England?
(Watt Tyler) |
2 What land did King Richard the Lion Heart go to on a crusade?
| 2 When was the first English Parliament summoned?
(in 1265) |
3Why were the documents in ancient times sealed but not signed?
(Many king could not write)
| 3 Who was one of the most brilliant commanders in English history?
(Oliver Cromwell ) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1Who of the English kings had the nickname “Hammer of the Scots”?
(Edward I)
| 1How was the English church created?
(In 1534 Henry VIII broke relations with Rome and proclaimed himself Head of the English Church) |
2Why was Edward’s III son called “Black Prince”? ( Because of the black colour of his armour) | 2 Who of the English kings was crowned at the age of nine?
(Edward VI) |
3Two young princes disappeared in the Tower of London in 1483. What were their names?
(Edward and Richard)
| 3 How long did Elizabeth I rule?
(45 years) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 Why is the eldest son in the Royal family given the name Prince of Wales?
(Edward I created his son prince of Wales in 1301) | 1 Which of the six wives of Henry VIII gave birth to the future glorious Queen of England?)
(Ann Boleyn gave birth to Elizabeth I) |
2 How is the admission to the Order of Chivalry earned now?
(By outstanding public service or as a mark of royal favour) | 2 What for was Henry’s VIII daughter Mary called “Bloody Mary”?
(She allowed terrible cruelties restoring England to Catholicism) |
3 What did the Tudor Rose symbolize?
(The union of two royal houses of York and Lancaster in the new dynasty) | 3 Who became the king of independent Scotland in 1328?
(Bruce I) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 What disasters hit London in 1666?
( Plague and Fire) | 1 Who ordered to erect the Albert Memorial?
(Queen Victoria) |
2 When was the parliament of Scotland abolished? ( In 1707) | 2 The king crowned in 1714 did not know the English language and had limited knowledge of his kingdom. Why? |
3 When were the crowns of England and Scotland united? ( In 1603) | 3 Who was the first English king to rule the American colonies? (George III) |
Quiz Cards | Quiz Cards |
1 Under whose reign England was involved in almost continuous conflicts with Europe? ( George II) | 1 What kind of a new sport did Charles I bring to England from Holland? (Yachting) |
2 What were the main items of the Bill of Rights adopted in 1688?
(No Catholic kings; New taxes and laws must be approved by the Parliament) | 2 Why did the Civil War break out in Britain in 1642? ( Because of rivalry between the Parliament and Monarchy) |
3 Why did the arrival of Mary, Queen of Scots, present Elizabeth I with the problem?
(Mary as the heir of the British throne was a Catholic. Elizabeth was a Protestant) | 3 Where have all the British kings been crowned since 1066?
(Westminster Abbey) |
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