открытый урок по теме "In Treasureland"
план-конспект урока (6 класс) по теме
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока в 6 классе
Тема урока: In Treasureland
Речевой материал урока: Vocabulary on the Topic;
Текст для чтения
Грамматический материал урока: Indefinite pronouns
Главная цель урока: формирование интерактивных умений, формирование грамматических навыков, тренировка лексических навыков.
Развивающий компонент цели: развитие языковых и речевых способностей учащихся, развитие готовности к коммуникации.
Образовательный компонент цели: расширение лингвистического кругозора учеников (в рамках знаний по теме).
Воспитательный компонент цели: воспитания культуры общения и потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности и поддержания интереса к учению.
Задачи урока:
1. тренировать произносительные навыки учащихся
2. обучать новой лексике с опорой
3. познакомить с безличными местоимениями и обеспечить их ее отработку в серии языковых и речевых упражнений
4. использовать ситуацию текста ex.2 p.32 в качестве опоры для развития следующего умения:
- поиск нужной информации
5. обучать поиску необходимой информации в тексте
6. обучать аудированию с извлечением конкретной информации
7. обучать созданию мини-проекта
Lesson Plan
№ | Stage | Purpose | Activity | Cl. M. | Time | Other | ||||
Teacher’s activity | Student’s activity | |||||||||
1 | Greeting | To create warm and trustful atmosphere in the class | - Stand up, please! Good afternoon, boys and girls! - How are you today? - Sit down, please! - Do you like to play computer games? - What is your favourite computer game? -The topic of our lesson is In Treasureland, Indefinite pronouns. Can you translate? -Today we are going to read and try to help Max to solve the puzzle, to find a treasure, to learn new words “Indefinite pronouns”, to do some exercises, to make some project. | Children greet the teacher! Fine, thanks! Answer the teacher’s questions | T- Cl | 2 min | The teacher asks several pupils. Слайд №1, 2 - задачи для детей, проверить понимание | |||
2 | Warming up activity | To create English-speaking atmosphere To revise and enlarge students active vocabulary. To practice some grammar skills | - Lets start our lesson. - Are you ready to work? Good - Open your books at page 32. Unit 3, lesson 5. - Max is going to play his favourite computer game. Help him to find the treasure. | Answer the teacher’s questions Children read the "manuscript". | T-P1, P2 ... | 2 min | warm-up Слайд – Magic words | |||
3. | The presentation of new grammar material | To introduce new words and expressions | - Now look at the slide and try to read magic words. Repeat them after me. | Children try to read new words and learn them. | T -Cl | 1 min | Practice the pronunciation | |||
4 | Exercises, Reading activity | To revise and train previous grammar vocabulary | - Ex. 1 p. 32 You should read the text silently and try to guess the meaning of new words. Look at the table p. 32 - You have Indefinite Pronouns in the blackboard and translations; you should match the words and translations. - Ex. 2 p. 32 We are going to read the puzzle silently and translate some sentences to check your understanding. Before reading the text, look in the box with new words. | Pupils read and translate the words Children match the words Pupils read and translate the some sentences | T- P1-5, P6-12 | 5 min 3 min | Read New words in the box. Проработать правило, соотнести слова и перевод Check understanding by translating into Russian (somebody, something) | |||
5 | Oral practice Физ. минутка | To play a game This is a traditional rhyme at British and American weddings. The bride must wear something old, new, borrowed, blue. | - Now we are going to read a rhyme, you have cards with this rhyme on your desk. And you should answer my questions? If you have got something old, new, borrowed, blue. - For example, I’ve got something new-my sweater. Have you got anything old, new, borrowed, blue? | Pupils read the rhyme Children answer the questions | 4 min 2 min | Adjectives on the blackboard, to translate difficult words. Слайд со стихотворением | ||||
6 | Listening | To develop auditory (perceptive) skills, to practice listening for specific information | - Now listen to the dwarf and find the magic object that can make Max smaller. Look at the picture. | Children listen to the dialogue attentively and answer the question. | T-Cl.... | 2 min | Answer: an apple | |||
7 | Reading | To practice new words | - Ex. 5 p. 33. Now we are going to help Max to find the treasure. We must fill in the missing parts of the words. What is the first keyword, the second…. What was in the box? | Pupils work individual, fill in the missing parts of the words. | 2 min | Check the answers, ask what was in the box | ||||
8. | Grammar revision, Project | To revise the Indefinite pronouns | - Now we are going to do an interesting work, mini project. You should divide into three groups and create the rule …… | Pupils work in groups Поставить диск с музыкой | T – P1, P2… | 5 min | The task on the slide Снять все с доски 1 лучший проект пояснить | |||
9. | Summarizing | To repeat what had been studied at the lesson | Thank you for your work. -So let’s remember what have we done during the class? Was it difficult for you to understand the grammar? | Listen to the teachers suggestions | T- Cl | 1 min | Revision | |||
10. | Home task | To instruct the children in doing homework | Tell and explain the h/t Ex. 4 p.25 W.B Ex. 6 p.33 in your books, you may do it orally. Good-bye for now! | Write down the task given. | T- Cl |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Задачи урока to help Max to solve the puzzle; to find a treasure; to learn new words “Indefinite pronouns”; to do some exercises; to make some project.
Magic words Some body Some thing Any body Any thing No body No thing
Indefinite pronouns Some body - Кто-то Some thing - Что-то Any body - Кто-то Any thing - Что-то No body - Никто, никого No thing - Ничто, ничего
A traditional rhyme at British and American weddings Something old, Something new, Something borrowed, Something blue.
Relaxation Hands up clap clap clap Hands down shake shake shake Hands on hip jump jump jump Hop hop hop stop stand still
Задачи урока to help Max to solve the puzzle; to find a treasure; to learn new words “Indefinite pronouns”; to do some exercises; to make mini - project.
Good bye!!!
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