Сценарий к конкурсу "Hobby and Family"
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме
Сценарий конкурса предназначен для проведения внеклассного мероприятия среди учащихся класса и базируется на лексическом минимуме по учебнику Биболетовой "Enjoy English". Разработка включает в себя весь необходимый для проведения мероприятия материал, а именно раздаточный материал и ссылки на аутентичный учебник, вернее на аудиозапись из него. Надеюсь моя разработка будет вам полезна.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конкурс среди учащихся 6 классов
Учебник «Enjoy English 5-6»
Цель: развитие навыков устной речи по темам «Семья», «Хобби»у учащихся 6 классов (развитие речевой компетенции), тренировка навыков аудирования и орфографии, развитие навыков письма.
Оборудование: магнитофон и аудиокассета Headway Elementary T19a, листы бумаги, визитки, таблицы, картинки на тему «Хобби моей семьи», оформление доски.
I.Организационный момент
- Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to see you here, on our contest which is devoted to “Family and Hobbies”.
- Please greet our jury. The jury consists of …
- I think you are ready to work hard. We need 2 teams. One is from the USA and the second one is from Great Britain.
- You have cards and now your task is to put there your name, age and country.
- Greetings
Примерная карточка-визитка
Age: ______________years old
Country: the USA
Каждый участник команды заполняет визитку и представляется:
My name is… I`m … years old. I`m from… I`ve got a … family: ….
- Questions
Now we have some information about the partners and now let`s ask some information. Who will ask and answer more questions is the winner :
- What do you like to do at home?
- What games do you like to play?
- What sport do you like?
- Do you help your parents round the house?
- How often do you take out rubbish?
- When do you clean your room?
- What music do you like?
- What musical instrument can you play?
- Are you a cinema-goer / theatre-goer?
Участники команд задают друг другу разные вопросы. Учитель оценивает количество и вопросов и правильных ответов на них.
- Listening
Now you will listening to the Ann McGregor`s story and your task will be to put the words into the gaps. (Headway Elementary T19a)
Ann McGregor lives in London. She is thirty-four and works for the BBC. She interviews people on an early morning news programme called The World Today. Every weekday she gets up at 3.00 in the morning because the programme starts at 6.30. She loves her work because it is exciting and she meets a lot of very interesting people, but she loves her weekends, too.
a) Check the meaning of the following words:
love chat visit | relax eat bring | stay go listen | cook live go out | have arrive get up | like come leave |
b) Listen to what Ann says about her weekends:
On Fridays I (1)_____ home from the BBC at about 2.00 in the afternoon and I just (2)____.
On Friday evenings I don`t (3)______, but sometimes a friend (4)______ for dinner. He or she (5)______ the wine and I (6)______ the meal. I (7)______cooking! We (8)_____ to music or we just (9)_______.
On Saturday mornings I (10)______at 9.00 and I (11)_______shopping. Then in the evenings I sometimes (12)__________to the theatre or the opera with a friend. I (13)______opera! Then we (14)______ in my favourite Chinese restaurant.
On Sunday … Oh, on Sunday mornings I (15)____ in bed late, I don`t (16)_____ until 11.00! Sometimes in the afternoon I (17)_______my sister. She (18)____ in the country and (19)_______two children. I (20)________playing with my niece and nephew, but I (21)_________early because I (22)_______to bed at 8.00 on Sunday evenings!
c) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
4. Captains contest
-Now the captains of the teams will have the special task: 1.Come to the blackboard and 2. Write down the numbers.3. Listen to them.
1) Ann is 34.
2) She gets up at 6.30.
3) She earns 2850 dollars a month.
4) Daily about 13500 Londoners listen to Ann`s programme.
The winner is the fastest captain.
5. Speaking contest
-Now you will have 3 minutes to prepare a story about our character and her/his family.
Команды получают картинки с изображением героя и его семьи. В течение 3 минут дети составляют рассказ по картинкам, а затем каждая команда представляет свою версию. Команды представляют рассказ по цепочке: каждый член команды должен выступить. Учитель оценивает логичность, последовательность, объем рассказа, правильность построения фраз, их фонетическое и лексико-грамматическое оформление.
6. Making words
- Now your task is to make as many words as you can from the word horseracing. You have 3 minutes.
Horse racing (on the board)
Учитель оценивает количество слов и правильность их написания.
III. Conclusion
-I think we`ll stop our competition now. You all have done it quite well. You were active and friendly today.
- The result of our competition is the following:
The team from the USA/the UK is the WINNER.
Holidays are over,
No more fun,
Holidays are over,
School has begun.(Читаем все вместе с доски)
On Monday I go to school
On Tuesday I walk to the pool
On Wednesday I feed my cat
On Thursday I clean my flat
On Friday I read a book
On Saturday I am a cook.
On Sunday I lie in the sun
And eat a bun – булочка
-Thanks for coming and participation in our contest. Have a nice day! Good-bye!
Hand outs
- Карточки-визитки
Captain Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Captain Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:__________________________ |
Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the USA Family:__________________________ | Name:___________________________ Age: ______________years old Country: the UK Family:_________________________ |
a) Check the meaning of the following words:
love chat visit | relax eat bring | stay go listen | cook live go out | have arrive get up | like come leave |
b) Listen to what Ann says about her weekends:
On Fridays I (1)_____ home from the BBC at about 2.00 in the afternoon and I just (2)____.
On Friday evenings I don`t (3)______, but sometimes a friend (4)______ for dinner. He or she (5)______ the wine and I (6)______ the meal. I (7)______cooking! We (8)_____ to music or we just (9)_______.
On Saturday mornings I (10)______at 9.00 and I (11)_______shopping. Then in the evenings I sometimes (12)__________to the theatre or the opera with a friend. I (13)______opera! Then we (14)______ in my favourite Chinese restaurant.
On Sunday … Oh, on Sunday mornings I (15)____ in bed late, I don`t (16)_____ until 11.00! Sometimes in the afternoon I (17)_______my sister. She (18)____ in the country and (19)_______two children. I (20)________playing with my niece and nephew, but I (21)_________early because I (22)_______to bed at 8.00 on Sunday evenings!
c) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 4.___________________________ 5.___________________________ 6.___________________________ 7.___________________________ 8.___________________________ 9.__________________________ 10.___________________________ 11.___________________________ | 12.___________________________ 13.___________________________ 14.___________________________ 15.___________________________ 16.___________________________ 17.___________________________ 18.___________________________ 19.___________________________ 20.__________________________ 21.___________________________ 22.___________________________ |
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