Методическая разработка театрализованного представления "По волнам зарубежной литературы"
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме
Вашему вниманию предлагаетсяметодическая разработка театрализованного представления, которая рассчитана на учащихся 6-7 классов, 8-9 классов и 9-10 классов. Разработка основана на материалах по мотивам писателей стран изучаемого языка: «Волшебник страны Оз» Ла́ймена Фрэнка Ба́ума, «Приключения Тома Сойера» Марка Твена и «Пигмалион» Бернарда Шоу.
Цели театрализованного представления:формироватьу учащихся основополагающих навыков и умений англоязычного общения, создать условия для осознания и осмысления информации, ее применения в данной учебной ситуации.
Задачи театрализованного представления:-образовательные:закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся: расширить кругозор по англоязычной культуре и литературе; повторить грамматическую тему –Tenses; активизировать употребление тематической лексики.
-развивающие:способствовать развитию коммуникативных умений (аудирования, говорения, чтения,); развить языковую память, логическое мышление, внимание, воображение, самостоятельность и т.д.
-воспитательные:способствовать воспитанию у учащихся духовно-нравственных ценностей, уважение и интерес к культуре и литературе других стран.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка театрализованного представления на английском языке
«По волнам зарубежной литературы»
Дмитриевой Ю.Ю.
учителя английского языка высшей категории
МБОУ «Лицей №2» Ассоциированная школа ЮНЕСКО
города Дзержинский Московской области
2011-2012 учебный год
Вашему вниманию предлагается методическая разработка театрализованного представления, которая рассчитана на учащихся 6-7 классов, 8-9 классов и 9-10 классов. Разработка основана на материалах по мотивам писателей стран изучаемого языка: «Волшебник страны Оз» Ла́ймена Фрэнка Ба́ума, «приключения тома Сойера» Марка Твена и «Пигмалион» Бернарда Шоу.
Цели театрализованного представления: формировать у учащихся основополагающих навыков и умений англоязычного общения, создать условия для осознания и осмысления информации, ее применения в данной учебной ситуации.
Задачи театрализованного представления: -образовательные: закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся: расширить кругозор по англоязычной культуре и литературе; повторить грамматическую тему –Tenses; активизировать употребление тематической лексики.
-развивающие: способствовать развитию коммуникативных умений (аудирования, говорения, чтения,); развить языковую память, логическое мышление, внимание, воображение, самостоятельность и т.д.
-воспитательные: способствовать воспитанию у учащихся духовно-нравственных ценностей, уважение и интерес к культуре и литературе других стран.
6-7 классы
“Great and Terrible”
Elli, Totoshka, the Lion, the Woodcutter, the Scarecrow came into the palace. Flita (the maid) brought them in and asked them to feel at home.
Flita: Feel yourself at home. Goodwin the Great will see you tomorrow.
In the morning Flita showed Elli in the royal hall of Goodwin. All the servants bowed and whispered: Look, she’s got silver shoes; she’s a fairy; this is our Fairy.
Flita: Goodwin asks you to come in.
Having come in, Elli saw a huge live head without a body. Elli was scared. She heard…
Goodwin: I’m Goodwin, great and terrible. Who are you and why are you disturbing me?
Elli: I’m Elli, little and weak. I’ve come from far away and ask you for help.
Goodwin: Where did you get these silver shoes?
Elli: They are from the cave of the evil magician Guinguema. My house killed her and now all Gummy-people are free.
Goodwin: Gummy-people are free? It’s very pleasant news. What do you want from me?
Elli: Send me back to Kansas, to my mum and dad.
Goodwin: you are from Kansas, aren’t you?
Elli: yes, I am, your country is beautiful and wonderful, but I don’t like it.
Goodwin: what’s happened to you?
Elli: I was attacked by a monster, but my friends (Totoshka, the Lion, the Woodcutter, the Scarecrow) helped me. I’m asking you to help me to come back home and my friends’ wishes to come true.
Goodwin: Why must I help you?
Elli: Because you are strong and must help the weak. You are a great magician and wise man- I’m a weak girl.
Goodwin: Ok, but I don’t do anything for free. If you want my magic, you must do what I tell you.
Elli: What shall I do?
Goodwin: Free the Violet country from the power of evil magician Bustinda.
Elli: But I can’t, what shall I do then?
Goodwin: I don’t care. You’ve freed the country of Gummy-people. So you must help the citizens of the Violet country.
Elli: you ask me to do impossible things.
Goodwin: This is my last word. You’ll return home to Kansas if you free the Winkle-people…
Elli came back to her friends.
Elli: No hope. He told me to kill Bustinda. But I can’t do that…
The next morning a soldier with a green beard came after Scarecrow.
Soldier: Follow me, Goodwin is waiting.
Scarecrow came in.
Goodwin: I’m Goodwin, great and terrible. Who are you and why are you disturbing me?
Scarecrow: I’m Scarecrow filled with stray. I beg you to give me brains for my stray head. And thus I’ll be as everyone in your country, this is my best dream.
Goodwin: Why are you asking me?
Scarecrow: Because you are wise and nobody can help me.
Goodwin: I won’t help you for free. My answer is killing Bustinda, and I’ll give brains and you’ll be the cleverest man in my country.
Scarecrow: But you asked Elli to do it.
Goodwin: I don’t care who’ll do it. Go and earn your brains.
The next morning a soldier with a green beard came after Woodcutter.
Goodwin: I’m Goodwin, great and terrible. Who are you and why are you disturbing me?
Woodcutter: I’m woodcutter made of iron. I have no heart and I can’t love. Give me heart and I’ll be as everyone in your country. This is my best dream.
Goodwin: wishes and wishes, just fancy, to satisfy your dreams I must sit all day long at my magic book. If you want to get a heart, you must earn it.
Woodman: How?
Goodwin: Catch Bustinda put her into prison and you’ll get the biggest, the kindest, and the loveliest heart.
Woodman wanted to kick Goodwin…
Goodwin: Don’t move, one more step and I’ll hurt your friends.
The next morning a soldier with a green beard came after the Lion.
Goodwin: I’m Goodwin, great and terrible. Who are you and why are you disturbing me?
Lion: I’m a coward lion; I’d like to get some courage to become the king of all animals.
Goodwin: help me to get rid of Bustinda in the Violet country and all courage will be yours. But if you don’t do that, you’ll be a coward forever…
The lion came back to his friends.
Elli: What shall we do?
Lion: There’s nothing to do but kill Bustinda.
Elli: but what if we won’t be able to?
Lion: Then I’ll never get my courage.
Scarecrow: I’ll never get my brains.
Woodman: I’ll never get my heart.
Elli: I’ll never get home.
Dog: I’ll never beat neighboring dog Hector.
Elli: I’ll try to kill Bustinda.
Lion: I’ll go with you. Although I’m coward, I can help you.
Scarecrow: I’ll go with you. Although I’m stupid I can help you.
Woodcutter: I’ll go with you. Although I’m without heart I can help you.
Dog: I’ll go with you. And Totoshka never leaves his friends in trouble.
Elli: Thank you.
8-9 классы
“My fair lady”
First meeting
In the street
Eliza: Look where you’re going, dear, look where you’re going.
Pickering: I’m sorry, miss.
Eliza: two bunches of flowers trod in a mud.
Pickering: well, I might help you, miss.
Eliza: Well, Capt’n, buy a flower off a poor girl.
Pickering: I’m sorry, I haven’t any change.
E: I can change ‘alf a crown. Here, take this for tuppence.
P: But, Waite a minute. Oh yes 3 hapence, if that’s any use for you.
E: Thank you, sir.
(Professor Higgins is standing at the column and making notes in his notebook.)
Man: you be careful. There’s a policeman here behind you writing every word of you’re saying.
Eliza: I ain’t do nothing wrong. Help me. A-O-O-W.
Professor: There, there; what are you shouting?
Eliza: What are you putting down…?
Professor: Shut up! I’m not a policeman.
Eliza: You just show me what you wrote about me. That ain’t proper writin’. I can’t read it.
Professor: I can. “I say, Capt’n, now buy a flower off a poor girl.”
Eliza: I’m a good girl, I am. He’s no gentleman; he ain’t to interfere with a poor girl.
Pickering: Why do you do it?
Professor: Simple phonetics. It’s my hobby and profession. Her native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and the Bible.
Eliza: A-O-O-W!
Professor: Look at her, a prisoner of the gutters.
Eliza: A-O-O-W! Garn!
I’m a good girl, I am. He’s no gentleman; he ain’t to interfere with a poor girl.
Professor: What a sound!
No [nei] every way
Why can’t the English learn proper language?
Why can’t the English teach their children how to speak?
The Scots and the Irish
Leave you close to tears
In America they haven’t used it for years.
Norwegian learn Norwegian,
The Greeks are taught their Greek,
In France every Frenchman
Knows their language from A to Z
Arabians learn Arabic.
Why can’t the English learn how to speak?
Professor: You see this creature of the gutter. Well, sir, in 6 months I could pass her off as a duchess at an Embassy Ball or I could get her a job as a lady’s maid or a shop assistant.
Eliza: Err, what’s that you say.
Professor: Yes, you cabbage leaf, you insult English
Eliza: You don’t believe him Capt’n?
Pickering: Anything’s possible… I myself studied Indian.
Professor: Did you? Do you know Colonel Pickering, the author of “Spoken Sanskrit”?
Pickering: I am Colonel Pickering, who are you?
Professor: I’m Henry Higgins, the author of Higgins universal alphabet.
Pickering: I came from India to meet you!
Professor: I was going to India to meet you! Where are you staying?
Pickering: at the “Carlton”.
Professor: no, you come with me. We’ll have a talk and supper…
Eliza: Hey, buy a flower off a poor girl.
Eliza’s song in the street.
All I want is a room somewhere
Far away from a cold night air
With one
Enormous chair
Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly.
Lot’s of chocolate for me to eat
Lot’s of coal making lots of heat
Warm face, warm hands, warm feet
Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly.
Oh, so loverly sitting
Absobloominlutly still
I would never budge till spring
Over the windowsill.
Someone’s head resting on my knee
Warm and tender as he can be
Who takes?
Good care of me?
Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly.
At his place
Servant: Your name, please. Your name, Miss.
Eliza: my name is of no concern to you whatsoever.
Servant: One moment, please.
Mrs. Pierce: I’m Mrs. Pierce. A housekeeper. Can I help you?
Eliza: oh, good morning, Missus. I’d like to see the professor.
Mrs. Pierce: What is it about?
Eliza: It’s business of a personal nature.
Mrs. Pierce: One moment, please. Mr. Higgins. There’s a young woman who wants to see you, sir.
Professor: a young woman? What does she want?
Mrs. Pierce: She’s a common girl, sir.
Professor: Show her in, Mrs. Pierce.
Eliza: Good morning, my good man. Might I ‘ave a pleasure of a word with you?
Professor: I don’t want you.
Eliza: But I’ve come to ‘ave lessons, I am.
Pickering: What do you want it for?
Eliza: I want to be a lady in a flower shop. He said he could teach me. Well, I’m ready to pay 18 pence an hour…
Professor: Well, what’s your name?
Eliza: Eliza Doolittle.
Professor: well, sit down.
Pickering: Higgins, I’m interested in your boast. I’ll bet you all expenses; I’ll pay for the lessons.
Eliza: Oh, thank you, Capt’n, you are real good.
Professor: So intriguing. I’ll take it. I’ll pass her off as a duchess. We’ll start today, no, now, at this moment. Mrs. Pierce, take her away and clean it… burn her clothes, feed her and show her the room.
Mrs. Pierce: But you can’t take the girl as a stone from the street. She might have parents, or she might be married…
Eliza: Garn! Who’d marry me? I ‘ave no family.
Professor: That’s good. Mrs. Pierce, take care of her…
9-10 классы
“The adventures of Tom Sawyer”
Tom misses school
Aunt – Tom! Tom! Where is that boy? You-u-u –Tom! Ah! I ought to have remembered that cupboard! What were you doing in there?
Tom – Nothing.
Aunt – Nothing? Look at your hands and look at your mouth. What is that red stuff?
Tom – I don’t know aunt.
Aunt – Well, I know. It’s jam. That’s what it is. I’ve told you 40 times, if you steel that jam I’ll take your skin off. Pass me that little stick.
Tom – Oh, look behind you, aunt!
Aunt – That boy! Can’t I ever learn? He’s played that sort of trick often enough, so I ought to be ready. He’ll miss school this afternoon I know, I’ll have to make him work tomorrow – Saturday – as a punishment.
Aunt – I expect it was hot in school, wasn’t it?
Tom – yes.
Aunt – Didn’t you want to have a swim, Tom?
Tom – She knows smth. No, aunt, well, not very much.
Aunt – but you aren’t too hot now.
Tom – Some of us put our heads under the water pipe on the home to get cool. My hair’s still wet, as you can feel.
Aunt – If you just your head under the water pipe, you didn’t need to undo your shirt where I sewed it up at the neck…..Oh, I was sure you missed school. I’m glad I was wrong
Sid – Well, I thought you sewed it up with white thread, not black.
Aunt – Oh, yes. With white thread, Tom!
Tom – Sid, I’ll kill you for that.
Ben – Hello. You’ve got to work, have you?
Tom – Oh, hello. It’s you, Ben. I didn’t notice you.
Ben – I’m going swimming. Don’t you want to swim? But perhaps you’d rather work!
Tom – Work? What do you call work?
Ben – Isn’t that work?
Tom – Well, perhaps it is and perhaps it isn’t. All I know is, it’s all right for Tom Sawyer.
Ben – You don’t really pretend you like it?
Tom – Like it? Well, of course I like it. A boy doesn’t get a chance to paint a fence every day.
Ben – Say, Tom, let me paint let a little.
Tom – No, I can’t let you. Aunt Polly is very proud of this fence. It’s got to be done very carefully.
Ben – Is that so? But let me just try. I’ll be very careful. I – I’ll give you my apple…… Billy….Jonny….
Tom – May I go and play now, aunt
Aunt – What? Already? How much have you done?
Tom – It’s all done, aunt.
Aunt – Tom, don’t tell me lies. I can’t bear it.
Tom – It’s not lies, aunt, it is all done.
Tom – Sid, Sid1!
Sid - Tom! What’s the matter, Tom?
Tom – I forgive you for everything, Sid… everything you’ve done to me. When I’m gone…
Sid - Oh, Tom, you aren’t dying, are you?
Tom – – I forgive everybody… tell them, Sid…
Sid - Oh, Aunt Polly, come down, Tom is dying!
Aunt – Dying? I don’t believe it... you, Tom, what’s the matter.
Tom – It’s my tooth, auntie, it’s dying.
Aunt – Open your mouth, well, your tooth is loose. Sid, give me a silk thread and a piece of burning wood.
Tom – Oh, please. Don’t do it….A-A-A-A-A
Tom – Please, take it, got more.
Becky – Let me see…It’s nice. Make a man… It’s a beautiful man. Now make me coming along. It’s lovely I wish I could draw.
Tom – It’s easy, I’ll teach you, what’s your name?
Becky – Becky Thatcher, what’s your name. Oh, I know its Tomas Sawyer.
Tom – you can call me Tom …
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