Сборник текстов и упражнений для подготовки к устному зачету в 7 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Этот сборник тем может помочь вам в подготовке к экзамену по английскому языку.
В нем собраны устные темы, предусмотренные школьной программой для изучения английского языка учащимися 7-х классов.
Каждая тема представлена текстом, после которого приводится подробная выборка английских слов и выражений. Кроме того, прилагаются задания на усвоение и закрепление изученной темы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сборник текстов и упражнений для подготовки к устному зачету
(английский язык, 7 класс)
Авторы-составители: Д.О. Видинеева, Н.З. Кутепова, Ю.С. Кашинцева
Дизайн, верстка: Ю.А. Мамаджанова
Общая редакция: С.А. Петрова
Дорогие друзья!
Вы держите в руках сборник тем, который поможет вам в подготовке к экзамену по английскому языку.
В нем собраны устные темы, предусмотренные школьной программой для изучения английского языка учащимися 7-х классов.
Каждая тема представлена текстом, после которого приводится подробная выборка английских слов и выражений. Кроме того, прилагаются задания на усвоение и закрепление изученной темы.
©Гимназия №56, 2010
Home 4
TV and Cinema 6
London 8
My Future Career 10
Saint-Petersburg 13
Environmental Problems 15
Fashion and Clothes 17
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 20
Sport and the Olympics 22
Computers and the Internet........................................................................24
There are different types of homes in the world. Houses differ in many countries. For example, bungalows, terraced houses, semi-detached houses, cottages are very popular in Britain. A typical British house has a small back and a small front garden. Many people spend weekends doing the chores and the gardening at home. They also do repairs and make improvements to their houses.
In big cities in Russia more people live in blocks of flats than in detached houses. Many families have small houses in the countryside where they usually spend their weekends.
I live in a block of flats/ a detached house. My flat (my house) is well-planned and has all modern conveniences such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and the telephone. It is cosy and light.
1. Which floor is your flat on?
2. How many rooms are there in your flat?
3. What rooms has your family got in your flat?
4. Have you got your own room? Describe it. Use prepositions (between, opposite, behind, above, in front of, under, in the middle of, on the right, on the left, next to, near…).
5. What do you usually do in your room?
6. Where do you usually have meals?
7. What is your kitchen like?
8. Is there a balcony?
9. What can you see through the windows of your flat?
10. Why do you like your flat?
To differ- различаться
Bungalow- одноэтажная дача с верандой
Terraced house- дом, стоящий в ряду стандартных домиков вдоль улицы
Semi-detached house- отдельный дом на 2 семьи
To do the chores- выполнять работу по дому
To do repairs- делать ремонт
To make improvements- улучшать
Detached house- отдельно стоящий дом
Modern- современный
Convenience- удобство
Central heating- центральное отопление
Cosy- уютный
I. Guess the types of houses
1. It’s a house that has only one level and no stairs.
2. This house is joined on one side to another house.
3. This house is joined to other houses on both sides.
4. It’s a small house in the country.
5. This house isn’t joined to another house.
6. It’s a large building with flats.
II. Match the words
1. do
2. make
3. terraced
4. modern
5. central
6. do
7. detached
8. running
9. front
a) conveniences
b) repairs
c) water
d) the chores
e) house
f) garden
g) heating
h) improvements
i) house
III. Put the words into the right column
wardrobe dining table computer fridge bed sofa washing machine cooker desk television bookcase armchair dressing table bath toilet lamp cushions dishwasher cupboard coffee table sink freezer microwave oven
living room | kitchen | bedroom | bathroom |
IV. There are some proverbs about home. Find Russian equivalents
1. East or West home is the best.
2. Every bird likes its own nest.
3. He has no home whose home is everywhere.
4. It’s good to be visiting, but it’s better at home.
V. What house would you prefer to live in? Why?
TV and Cinema
Nowadays cinema and TV are very popular among the public. TV informs, educates and entertains people. Millions of people like watching TV in their free time.
There’re a lot of channels on TV. In Britain there are 5 main channels. People have to pay for a television licence every year. There are also a lot of channels in Russia, where we can watch different programmes. They are current affairs programmes, sitcoms, quiz shows, soap operas, wildlife documentaries and the news. My favourite channel is………………… . I like it because there are a lot of exciting programmes such as ……………………………………. My favourite programme is……………………..I enjoy watching it because……………………
A lot of people in Russia prefer going to the cinema. There are plenty of cinemas in Saint-Petersburg. They are well-equipped and modern. The most famous are Jam Hall, Kronverk Cinema, Mirage Cinema and some others. People have got an opportunity to watch different kinds of films there: comedies, science fiction, cartoons, westerns, musicals, thrillers, horror films, detectives, action films and romantic stories.
My favourite film is……………………………………………………….
It is ………………………………………………………………… (genre)
The director is ……………………………………………………………
The main characters are……………………………………………………
The film is about … (5 sentences)
To sum it up, cinema and TV help us to relax after a hard day’s work. Still, it’s not a good thing for children to watch TV all day long. It’s very harmful to their eyes and brains.
To inform- информировать
To educate- образовывать
To entertain- развлекать
Plenty of- множество
Well-equipped- хорошо оборудованный
Modern- современный
Director- режиссер
To sum it up- подводя итоги
Harmful- вредный
I. Guess the types of films
1. Some cowboys rob a train.
2. A flying saucer lands from Mars.
3. A dead person comes back to life.
4. James Bond saves the world.
5. Mickey Mouse goes on a picnic.
6. A man falls in love with his son’s teacher.
7. A dead body is found in the river.
8. There are lots of songs and dancing.
II. Match kinds of programmes with their definitions
current affairs programme sitcom quiz show soap opera wildlife documentary the news sport programme
1. A television or radio story about the daily lives of the same group of people.
2. A television programme that gives facts and information about nature.
3. A popular type of television entertainment consisting of amusing stories about the same group of people.
4. A progamme about important events that are happening now.
5. A programme about sport events.
6. Reports or recent events on the radio or television.
7. A competition TV in which you have to answer questions.
III. Think of the advantages and disadvantages of TV and Cinema. Complete the table
Advantages | Disadvantages |
- - - - - | - - - - - |
IV. Speak about your favourite film. Use these questions to help you
1. What is your favourite film?
2. What genre of film is it?
3. Who is the director?
4. Who are the main characters?
5. What is this film about?
London is the capital of Great Britain. It’s political, economic and cultural centre. London is an ancient city. It is more than twenty centuries old. The population of London is more than nine million people. London is one of the biggest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. It is situated on the banks of the River Thames.
London includes several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.
The City is a financial and business centre. There are a lot of banks and offices there. It is an ancient part of London. One of the greatest English churches – St. Paul’s Cathedral – is here. It was designed and built by the outstanding English architect Christopher Wren in 1710. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the second largest church in Europe. Admiral Nelson is buried here.
Westminster is an administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament are situated here. It is the seat of the British Government. The building is very beautiful with its two towers and a big clock called Big Ben. Westminster Abbey where kings and queens are crowned is near Big Ben. It was built in the 11th century. It was destroyed and rebuilt several times. Many famous people are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling.
The West End is a part of London where rich people live. Fine houses, wide streets, wonderful parks are situated here. There are the best cinemas, theatres, concert halls, famous shops, comfortable hotels, restaurants, museums in this part of the city. Also, there is the main square of London – Trafalgar Square. In the middle of the square you can see Admiral Nelson’s Column. Behind it there is the National Gallery where you can see a lot of unique paintings. The most beautiful park of London – Hyde Park – is in this district too.
The East End includes a port, some docks and great industrial areas.
London is a very exciting place to visit.
Ancient- древний
To be situated- располагаться
To include- включать
Outstanding- выдающийся
To bury- хоронить
To crown- короновать
To rebuilt- перестраивать
Wide- широкий
Unique- уникальный
District- район
Dock- верфь
I. Unjumble the letters
1. n n A t i e c
2. s g O n d i u t n a t
3. i e U u n q
4. f a o b m o C e l r t
5. u S q e r a
6. t l n a a i N o
7. r u u l C t a l
8. i a i a n F n c l
II. Match the words which mean nearly the same.
1. ancient
2. beautiful
3. large
4. famous
5. comfortable
6. unique
a) rare
b) big
c) cosy
d) old
e) attractive
f) well-known
III. Say “true” (v), “false” (x) or “I don’t know”(?)
1. London is less than twenty centuries old.
2. Christopher Wren was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
3. Westminster is a financial and business centre.
4. The official title of the Houses of Parliament is the New Palace of Westminster.
5. Big Ben is the name of the tower with a big clock.
6. Kings and queens are crowned in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
7. The National Gallery contains a lot of very special and rare collections of art.
8. Hyde Park is situated in the City.
IV. What place would you like to visit in London? Why? Make a project
Think about this place. Use the following plan
1. a place
2. location
3. what it is famous for
4. interesting facts
5. extra information
My Future Career
What do you want to be when you grow up? We hear this question during our school years. It’s not a simple matter to choose a career at my age. Jobs that are chosen by chance or in a hurry can spoil my life or have a strong influence on it.
When choosing a career we should consider different points. Money is one of the factors. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid jobs. Everybody wants to earn much, but money is not the only thing which is valuable. It’s also good when you get satisfaction from your job. It’s very important to choose a profession that suits your interests.
Parents, teachers and friends can help us to choose a good job. Their practical advice is often helpful, because they are more experienced and they know life better. School is also important in choosing my future career. It develops our special talents and abilities. It forms our character.
To make the right choice, you should take into account your traits of character. If you like to work with people and help them, you could become a teacher, a nurse, a secretary or a police officer. If you are practical and love making things you will do well as motor mechanic, builder, plumber or electrician. Moreover, you will definitely never be unemployed. If you are good at foreign languages and love books you may be a journalist, a librarian, an editor or a translator. In some of these jobs you can work at home. If you’re crazy about computers and the latest technology, you can be an engineer, a bank clerk or a computer programmer. You might even be an astronaut. If you’re a creative person and like drawing, painting and taking photos, you may become a photographer, an artist or a fashion designer. These are very glamorous jobs.
As for me, I haven’t decided yet what I want to be. But I still have time to think and to choose.
/// As for me, I’ve already made my choice. I want to be a .............., because this job .............................................................................................................. .
To spoil- испортить
To influence on- влиять на
To consider- рассматривать
Highly paid job- высокооплачиваемая работа
Low-paid job- низкооплачиваемая работа
Valuable- ценный
Satisfaction- удовлетворение
To be experienced- быть опытным
To develop- развивать
Ability- способность
To take into account- принимать во внимание
Traits of Character- черты характера
Moreover- более того
I. Read the definitions and guess the jobs
1. Someone whose job is to repair water pipes, baths, sinks and toilets.
2. Someone who writes reports for newspapers, magazines, television or radio.
3. Someone whose job is to type letters, arrange meetings or answer telephone calls in an office.
4. Someone who travels and works in space.
5. Someone whose job is to look after people who are ill or injured, usually in a hospital.
6. Someone who decides what should be included in a newspaper, magazine etc.
7. Someone whose job is painting pictures.
8. Someone who designs the way roads, bridges, machines are built.
II. Say “true” (v), “false” (x) or “I don’t know”(?)
1. It’s easy to choose a career when you are thirteen.
2. Money is the most important factor when you choose a job.
3. You shouldn’t listen to your parents, teachers or friends when you choose a job.
4. School can help in choosing your future career.
5. Hobby develops our talents and abilities.
6. You will definitely never be unemployed if you are a bank clerk.
7. Computer programmer usually earns a lot of money.
8. Fashion designer is a very glamorous job.
III. Think of the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher. Complete the table. Give your ideas
Advantages | Disadvantages |
- - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
IV. Write a personal letter
This is a part of a letter from Peter, your American pen friend.
… It will be interesting for me to know about your future career. What is it? Explain your choice, please. Your traits of character suit this profession, don’t they?
I’m going to spend my summer holidays in London…
Write back to Peter.
In your letter
- answer all his questions
- ask 3 questions about his summer holidays
Write 80-100 words.
Saint-Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. It is the second largest city after Moscow. It is situated on the banks of the River Neva.
St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and from 1712 up to 1918 it was the capital of Russia.
Its population is about 5 million people. It is an important industrial, cultural and scientific centre of our country. There are a lot of museums, theatres, exhibitions, universities and colleges. There are a lot of wonderful sights which surprise and amaze tourists and citizens. The Peter and Paul Fortress, for example. It is the birthplace of the city. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was a political prison. Now it’s a historical and architectural museum.
Palace Square is the central square of St. Petersburg. There we can see the Winter Palace, the former residence of the Russian tsars. Now it is the State Hermitage. This palace was built by Rastrelli. The Alexander Pillar is in the centre of the square.
Walking along the River Neva, we can see a monument to the city founder Peter I called “The Bronze Horseman”. This monument was created by Falconet.
The largest cathedral of St. Petersburg is St. Isaac’s Cathedral. This cathedral was under construction for 40 years.
The main street of the city is Nevsky Prospect. It begins at the Admiralty. You can find all kinds of shops, hotels, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and theatres in this prospect.
The Summer Garden is the oldest garden in St. Petersburg. There you can find beautiful marble statues, the bronze monument to the great Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov and a lot of beautiful plants. The Summer Garden is one of the favourite places of rest for citizens and tourists of our city.
We are proud of our wonderful city and we are happy to live here.
To be situated- располагаться
Banks- берега
To be founded- быть основанным
Scientific- научный
Exhibition- выставка
Sights- достопримечательности
Amaze- изумлять
Citizen- горожанин
Peter and Paul Fortress- Петропавловская крепость
Birthplace- место рождения
Prison- тюрьма
Architectural- архитектурный
Former residence- бывшая резиденция
Tsar- царь
Monument- памятник
Founder- основатель
To create- создавать
Cathedral- собор
Marble- мраморный
Fabulist- баснописец
To be proud of- гордиться
I. Match the words
1. former
2. marble
3. bronze
4. political
5. wonderful
6. cultural
a) statue
b) sights
c) residence
d) prison
e) centre
f) monument
II. Find mistakes and correct the sentences
1. Saint-Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1705.
2. Saint-Petersburg is the largest city in Russia.
3. The Peter and Paul Fortress is the former residence of Russian tsars.
4. “The Bronze Horseman” was created by a famous painter Falconet.
5. St. Isaac’s Cathedral was under construction for less than 40 years.
6. Ivan Krylov was a famous Russian sculptor.
7. You can find beautiful wooden statues in the Summer Garden.
8. The Peter and Paul Fortress was a political prison in the 17th century.
III. Complete the sentences with the sights of St. Petersburg
1. __________ is the birthplace of the city.
2. __________ is the central square of Saint-Petersburg.
3. __________ is the former residence of the Russian tsars.
4. __________ is the largest Cathedral in our city.
5. __________ is the main street.
6. __________ is the oldest garden.
IV. Think about one of the most attractive sights in Saint-Petersburg which you would recommend to visit. Explain your choice
V. Make a project
Imagine you are a guide and work in a tour company. Make out a plan of an excursion tour around the city. Include 5-6 places. Use photos and extra information.
Environmental Problems
With the development of our civilization we have become dangerous to our planet. We can name four main environmental problems. They are air pollution, water pollution, the protection of animals, waste materials.
Polluted air is a common problem. Air becomes polluted in many ways. Cars, buses, airplanes are the worst polluters.
We cannot live without water. But nowadays water is very polluted because people dump waste into lakes, rivers and other water bodies. Harmful waste gets into water. Polluted water can spread many diseases.
Human beings wouldn’t survive if there were no other species on Earth, but some of these species are endangered. Humans destroy their natural habitats to build homes, to make farmland, or to get natural resources like wood, oil and coal. Plants and animals provide us with oxygen, food and medicines, so all species are important for our survival.
We mustn’t be indifferent to this destruction. People wouldn’t harm the environment if they were well-informed. Of course we should keep our water clear and clean. Factories should use devices to reduce smoke, dust and harmful gases. We should invent more efficient engines to reduce air pollution. People must save wild animals. We must take care of nature. We must solve waste materials problem.
We all will survive only if we understand that the protection of the environment is our common problem and we should solve it together.
Development- развитие
Waste materials- отходы
Dump- сбрасывать
Harmful- вредный
To spread- распространять
Disease- болезнь
To survive- выживать
Endangered- подвергающийся опасности
To destroy- разрушать
Habitat- место обитания
Natural resources- природные ресурсы
Coal- уголь
To provide- обеспечивать
Oxygen- кислород
Survival- выживание
Destruction- разрушение
Device- приспособление
To reduce- уменьшать
Dust- пыль
To invent- изобретать
Efficient- действенный, продуктивный
Engine- двигатель, мотор
To solve- решать
I. Match the words
1. air
2. protection of
3. waste
4. spread
5. natural
6. efficient
7. solve
8. take
9. destroy
10. water
a) resources
b) problems
c) engines
d) animals
e) pollution
f) diseases
g) pollution
h) care
i) habitat
j) materials
II. Complete the dialogue with the following words
destruction dump provide habitats oxygen buses environmental problems
air pollution protect survival medicines
Frank: We had an ecology class yesterday. We discussed different __________.
Chris: No wonder. They are the most important problems these days.
Frank: I think many people understand they should __________ the environment.
Chris: Do they really understand that? I’m not sure because factories __________ waste materials into rivers. __________is a terrible problem too because cars, __________, air planes are the worst polluters.
Frank: That’s true. But nowadays more and more people fight against the __________ of natural __________ of plants and animals. They are very important for our __________ because they __________ us with __________, food and __________.
Chris: But will they win the battle?
Frank: I don’t lose hope. Let’s hope for the best.
III. Answer the questions
1. What are four main environmental problems?
2. Why does air become polluted?
3. How is water polluted?
4. Why do humans destroy natural habitats of animals and birds?
5. Why are plants and animals important for our survival?
6. How can people save our planet?
IV. What can you personally do to help our planet? Share your ideas with the classmates.
Fashion and Clothes
Fashion is a style of clothing, hair and other things at a particular period of time. It changes fast and to follow it you need much money and time. Magazines, with their fashion articles, glossy photos and adverts, pressurise us into buying fashionable clothes. As a result a lot of people try too hard to be “in”.
It’s important to keep a sense of balance. We are young – all clothes look good on us. It’s important to make our own fashion and it’s possible to be fashionable without spending too much money. Shop around for bargains. It’s not too hard to find pretty things in the sales. If you know any second-hand shops, you might find some great bargains there, too.
In Saint-Petersburg you can visit famous shopping centres like Gostiny Dvor which was opened in the 19th century, Mega and many other shopping malls.
London is also a paradise for shoppers. There is a large selection of goods in famous department stores like Harrods and Selfridges. But goods at Harrods are expensive.
Nowadays there are various styles of clothes: conservative, formal, trendy, smart, extravagant and casual. At some schools and offices people have to wear a uniform. At our school pupils wear white blouses or shirts, ties, checked skirts for the girls and black trousers for the boys and black jackets. They look formal and smart in them.
As for buying clothes, I usually wear …………………………………….
On special occasions I prefer dressing in…………………………………
Particular- определённый
Glossy- глянцевый
Advert- реклама
To pressurise- оказывать влияние
To be “in”- быть модным
Sense of balance- чувство меры
Possible- возможный
Shopping mall- торговый центр
Paradise- рай
Selection of goods- выбор товаров
Department store- универмаг
Trendy- очень модный
Checked- клетчатый
Smart- опрятный, нарядный изящный
Special occasions- особые случаи
I. Guess the styles of clothes
1. c _ s _ _ l
2. _ o r _ _ l
3. e _ t _ _ v _ g _ _ t
4. t _ _ n _ y
5. s _ _ _ t
6. c _ _ s _ _ v _ t _ _ e
II. Say “true” (v), “false” (x) or “I don’t know”(?)
1. Fashion is the style of clothing that is changing fast.
2. You don’t need much money to follow fashion.
3. Sense of balance is necessary to be fashionable.
4. A lot of people go to second-hand shops.
5. Mega is the largest shopping mall in Saint-Petersburg.
6. Gostiny Dvor was built in the 20th century.
7. Harrods and Selfridges are famous department stores in the UK.
8. Boys have to wear checked skirts in our school.
III. Imagine you and your friend were in the clothes shop. Put the sentences in the logical order
1. He paid for the suit.
2. He put his shoes back on.
3. He tried on the suit.
4. He went into the changing room.
5. He took it off.
6. He took off his trousers.
7. He took off his shoes.
8. He went back to the sales assistant.
9. He put his trousers on again.
IV. Write down
1. five things worn by women only
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
2. five things worn by men only
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
3. five things worn by both men and women
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
4. five things you like wearing
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
5. five things you don’t like wearing
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
V. Write a personal letter
This is a part of a letter from Angela, your English pen friend.
... Guess what! We have just arrived in Milan, a city of fashion! There are a lot of great shops! Do you like shopping? Is it important for you to be in? What clothes are fashionable this year in your city?
Write soon.
Best wishes,
Write back to Angela.
In your letter
- answer all her questions
- ask 3 questions about Milan
Write 80-100 words.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I would like to tell you about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland, and about 5 thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244 thousand square km.
The population of the UK is over 58 million people. The British national flag is the Union Jack. The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen of the UK is Elizabeth II. The climate of Great Britain is mild and very changeable.
The UK is made up of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
England is bigger than the other parts of the UK. It is a country of forests and plains. England is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the North Sea in the east. England is separated from France by the English Channel. The main rivers in England are the Thames and the Severn. The population of England is 46 million people. London is the capital of England.
The population of Wales is only about 2 million people. There are many high mountains in Wales. There are also long sandy beaches and high cliffs. There you can see picturesque rivers, waterfalls and lakes. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. It is also an important port.
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Scotland is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The most picturesque part of Scotland is the Highlands. It is a region of mountains and rivers, small towns and villages. The population of Scotland is about 5 million people.
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It is an agricultural region with small farming units. Its population is about 1.5 million people.
To be situated- располагаться
To consist of- состоять из
Total area- общая площадь
Mild- мягкий
Changeable- переменчивый
Constitutional monarchy- конституционная монархия
Plain- равнина
To be washed- омываться
To be separated- разделяться
Sandy- песчаный
Cliff- утес
Picturesque- живописный
Farming unit- фермерское сообщество
I. Find 6 adjectives in this word square.
t | u | f | c | p | k | g | o | h | e | n |
y | f | h | o | a | l | c | c | a | o | a |
k | f | q | n | o | w | h | z | l | k | g |
w | p | c | s | f | s | a | n | d | y | e |
b | d | j | t | w | g | n | u | i | a | a |
l | m | s | i | c | k | g | r | c | f | l |
p | i | c | t | u | r | e | s | q | u | e |
d | l | g | u | z | q | a | u | d | p | i |
v | d | w | t | l | t | b | e | a | a | a |
n | t | h | i | g | h | l | l | q | m | t |
s | v | e | o | p | i | e | x | y | e | l |
j | k | d | n | g | w | g | f | p | u | f |
t | o | t | a | l | d | d | h | r | c | u |
w | n | a | l | s | n | a | m | c | k | p |
II. Choose the right item
1. The total area of the UK is ___________ thousand square kilometres.
a) 243 b) 244 c) 245
2. The population of the UK is over __________ million people.
a) 58 b) 48 c) 38
3. The British National flag is __________.
a) the Union Black b) the Union Greg c) the Union Jack
4. The UK is made up of __________ countries.
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6
5. England is washed by the __________ in the West.
a) Pacific Ocean b) North Sea c) Atlantic Ocean
6. The capital of Wales is __________.
a) Edinburgh b) Cardiff c) Belfast
7. The head of State in Great Britain is the __________.
a) Prime Minister b) Queen c) President
8. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the __________.
a) British Channel b) Pacific Ocean c) English Channel
III. Say what these places are famous for. Match two parts of the sentences
E.g. London is famous for...
1. London
2. The Lake District
3. Oxford
4. Stratford-upon-Avon
5. Highlands
6. Stonehenge
a) its places of interest
b) its lakes and beautiful scenery
c) its 12th century university
d) the birthplace of W.Shakespeare
e) mountains, rivers, small towns and villages
f) ancient stone circles
Sports and the Olympics
Millions of people all over the world go in for sports. It is interesting and good for health. Sports help people to keep fit, to be healthy, and to look attractive.
There are a lot of sports and games which are popular both among youngsters and grown-ups. Sports are included in all educational programmes at schools and universities. Sport is a part of everyday life.
People in Russia pay much attention to sport. Many sports are popular in Russia: hockey, football, lawn tennis, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure-skating, swimming, and shooting. Most Russian children grow with outdoor winter sports such as skiing and skating. All water sports are widespread too: swimming, diving, sailing, and water-skiing. In all schools there is a gym and a sports ground. At our school we have two sports lessons a week.
Great attention is paid in our country to organized sports. There are a lot of excellent sports facilities – palaces of sports, stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, tennis courts and so on. Our sportsmen often become champions and prizewinners at the World and European Championships and also at the Olympic Games.
The Olympic Games are the greatest international sports games in the world. They have a long and interesting history. The competitions of athletes took place in Greece. It was twenty eight centuries ago. The Olympic Games were a public festival. They were held every four years. The Olympic Games included events in racing, boxing, jumping, horse racing and wrestling. They have become a symbol of peace and friendship.
Everybody may choose a sport he (or she) is interested in. My favourite sport is………………..
To go in for- заниматься
Attractive- привлекательный
Among- среди
Grown-up- взрослый
To include- включать
Educational- образовательный
To pay attention- обращать внимание
Shooting- стрельба
Widespread- широко распространенный
Excellent- отличный
Facilities- возможности
Prizewinner- призёр
Championship- чемпионат
Competition- соревнование
To be held- проводиться
Event- (зд.) соревнование
I. Circle the odd one out
1. jumping diving sailing swimming
2. gym park stadium court
3. skiing skating snowboarding windsurfing
4. football shooting volleyball basketball
5. judo karate gymnastics boxing
6. competition winner prizewinner champion
II. Which sports are these people famous for? Match people with the sports
1. Nikolay Valuev
2. Gary Kasparov
3. Ekaterina Gamova
4. Andrey Arshavin
5. Alexander Ovechkin
6. Elena Isinbaeva
7. Dinara Safina
8. Maxim Tchudov
9. Evgeny Plyuchshenko
10. Viktor Hryapa
a) chess
b) football
c) figure-skating
d) basketball
e) volleyball
f) hockey
g) boxing
h) tennis
i) biathlon
j) athletics
III. Complete the sentences with the words
among held attention peace facilities competitions educational go in for
1. Sport lesson is a part of __________ programme at school.
2. People in Russia pay much __________ to sport.
3. There are a lot of excellent sport __________ in Russia.
4. Millions of people all over the world __________ sport.
5. The Olympic Games are __________ every four years.
6. __________ of athletes took place in Greece.
7. A lot of sports and games are popular __________ people.
8. The Olympic Games have become a symbol of __________ and friendship.
IV. Speak about your favourite sport. Use these questions
1. What is your favourite sport?
2. Do you go in for it or just like watching it on TV?
3. Where do people do this sport?
4. What equipment do they need?
5. What are the rules of this kind of sport?
Computers and the Internet
At present, computers are commonly used in our life. Most firms cannot exist without them. They make work easier for people because they have gigantic memories and everybody can work at them. If you want to have a good job now you should be able to work with computer programs and the Internet.
The Internet connects many computers together. In order to find information on the Internet, you use the World Wide Web (WWW). The web is made up of millions of websites. The pages of a website are called webpages, and the first page of a website is called the home page.
You need a computer and a telephone line in order to connect to the Internet. You also need an Internet Service Provider to connect your telephone system to the Internet.
You can use the Internet to do almost anything: to exchange messages, enter chat rooms to talk to people around the world about your interests and hobbies, shop online, and get information.
All websites have addresses to help you find them. If you don’t know the address of a website, you can use search engines such as Google, Yandex or Rambler. In order to find the address, type in some keywords. The search engine will look for all the websites with these keywords.
Unfortunately, computers have some disadvantages, too. The computer cannot replace men in many situations. They don’t know what emotions are. Besides there are a lot of viruses which can influence a computer and destroy the data bank in a machine, sometimes even damage a computer itself.
Computers sometimes have a bad influence on children, children get addicted to them. They are very bad for our eyes and sitting at the computer too long is very harmful to our spine.
Commonly- повсеместно
To exist- существовать
Gigantic- гигантский
Memory- память
In order to- для того, чтобы
Almost- почти
Search engine- поисковик
Unfortunately- к сожалению
Disadvantage- недостаток
To replace- заменить
To influence- влиять
To destroy- уничтожать
To damage- повреждать
To get addicted- пристраститься
Harmful- вредный
I. Answer the questions
1. Why do we need computers?
2. What does a computer consist of?
3. What is the Internet?
4. What is the web made up of?
5. What is the name of the first page of a website?
6. What do you need to connect to the Internet?
7. What do you use the Internet for?
8. How do search engines help us?
9. Do computers know what emotions are?
10. Are you computer addicted? How much time do you spend at the computer?
II. Match the words with their definitions
computer Internet message search engine virus data bank memory
1. The amount of space that can be used for storing information on a computer.
2. A computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information.
3. A computer program that helps you find information on the Internet.
4. A set of instructions secretly put onto a computer or computer program, which can destroy information.
5. Written piece of information that you send to another person.
6. Information in a form that can be stored and used on a computer.
7. An electronic machine that stores information and uses programs to help you find, organize, or change the information.
III. Think of the advantages and disadvantages of Computers and the Internet. Complete the table
Advantages | Disadvantages |
- - - - - | - - - - - |
IV. Write a personal letter
This is a part of a letter from Tom, your English pen friend.
...I’m fine, but I’m very busy these days. I’m preparing a project for my biology lesson. I have to work hard with my computer and the Internet. Do you like surfing the Net? Does it help you in studying? What do you usually use it for?
Write soon.
Best wishes,
Write back to Tom.
In your letter
- answer all his questions
- ask 3 questions about his project
Write 80-100 words.
Правила выполнения задания
«Напиши личное письмо».
1) Внимательно прочитай задание и определи:
а) тему письма
б) вопросы, на которые тебе нужно ответить
в) нужно ли задать 3 вопроса и на какую тему
- Пиши по образцу (образец смотри ниже): выучи выделенные части письма наизусть и сохрани их расположение в своем письме. (Другое расположение частей письма не допускается!!!)
- Помни, что после предложения, начинающегося с «красной строки» In your letter you ask(ed) me about…, ты четко отвечаешь на заданные в письме вопросы. Связывай предложения словами-связками, такими как Then, Besides, Well, By the way, Anyway. Не забывай ставить знак «запятая» после этих слов!
- Если в задании сказано, что надо задать 3 вопроса другу, тебе необходимо с красной строки писать It’s great that …. с информацией о том, что происходит в жизни твоего друга и задать 3 вопроса четко по заданию. Если в задание не сказано, что надо задать 3 вопроса другу, переходи к завершающей части письма.
- Завершающую часть письма Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my project work. Write back soon всегда пиши с красной строки!
- Не забудь попрощаться, указав своё имя! Образец:
Best wishes,
- Ты должен написать 80-100 слов.
Образец задания:
You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Kate who writes:
… I’ve got a large family. I love my parents and I often visit my relatives. What about you? Is your family large? Do you often spend time together? Please tell me about your mother and father.
... By the way, we are planning to buy a pet…
Write a personal letter to Kate.
In your letter:
- answer her questions and write about your mother and father
- ask 3 questions about her plans to buy a pet
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Определение темы письма и вопросы, на которые ты должен ответить и которые ты должен задать (согласно заданию):
… I’ve got a large family. I love my parents and I often visit my relatives. What about you? Is your family large? Do you often spend time together? Please tell me about your mother and father.
– тема письма и вопросы для тебя
... By the way, we are planning to buy a pet… - тебе нужно задать 3 вопроса на эту тему
Образец ответа:
(город) Saint-Petersburg
(страна) Russia
(дата) 12.09.2010
Dear Kate,
Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. I was busy with my studies.
In your letter you ask me about my family. Well, I have a mother, a father and a sister Olga. There are a lot of relatives, but they don’t live with us. We try to spend our free time together, but it doesn’t happen very often. My mother is a doctor, she is very kind and beautiful. My father is a manager. He is intelligent and generous.
It’s great that you are going to buy a pet! Was it your idea? Are you planning to have a dog or a cat? What about a name for your pet?
Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my project work. Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Sergey (твое имя)
(140 words)
Использованная литература
- In Touch 3. Michael Dean, Carol Skinner. Longman, 2008
- Сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку. А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева. М., 2004
- 20 тем свободного общения. В.М. Павлоцкий, Н.А. Храмова, СПб., БАЗИС, КАРО, 2006
- English Vocabulary in Use. Elementary. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. Cambridge University Press, 1999
- Тексты для чтения, обсуждения и развития письменной речи (английский язык) 8 класс, Н.А. Андрощук, П.В. Ананченко
- Dictionary of contemporary English. Longman, 2009
- Active Study Dictionary International Students Edition, 2006
- New Junior English Dictionary. Longman, 2008
- Интернет-ресурс http://www.wikipedia.ru
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