Профессия - Мастер столярного и мебельного производства Сборник текстов и упражнений
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
В сборнике собраны тематические тексты и разработаны лексические упражнения к ним. Они предназначены для использования в качестве заданий для практических работ к разделу «Профессиональный английский язык» рабочей программы общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» по профессии СПО 35.01.28 «Мастер столярного и мебельного производства» к теме 6 Профессия – мастер столярного и мебельного производства.
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государственное бюджетное профессиональное
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«Магнитогорский строительно-монтажный техникум»
Профессия - Мастер столярного и мебельного производства
Сборник текстов и упражнений
Одобрено и рекомендовано: Предметной (цикловой) комиссией социально-гуманитарного профиля Протокол № 8 от 20.04.2021г. предметной (цикловой) комиссии: _____________ Г.В.Карташова |
Разработчик: Карташова Г.В. – преподаватель ГБПОУ МСМТ
В сборнике собраны тематические тексты и разработаны лексические упражнения к ним. Они предназначены для использования в качестве заданий для практических работ к разделу «Профессиональный английский язык» рабочей программы общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» по профессии СПО 35.01.28 «Мастер столярного и мебельного производства» к теме 6 Профессия – мастер столярного и мебельного производства.
Рецензент: Е.И. Кенарь, зам. директора по научно-методической работе
Пояснительная записка 4
Text 1 English style in interior design 6 Text 2 Nature of the Work of Woodworker 8
Text 3 History of Woodworking. Egyptians and Chinese civilization 10
Text 4 History of Woodworking. Japan and East. 12
Text 5 Types of Wood for Woodworking 14
Text 6 Types of Wood for Woodworking (continuation) 16
Text 7 Essential Woodworking Tools 19
Text 8 Essential Woodworking Tools (continuation) 21
Пояснительная записка
Современный мир настолько быстро меняется, что те, кто не поспевает за требованиями, которые он предъявляет, оказываются на обочине жизни.
Владение иностранным языком является одним из важнейших инструментов выживания. Знание иностранного языка сегодня уже не является преимуществом или просто ценным качеством - оно стало необходимостью.
При равных возможностях у человека, владеющего иностранным языком, повышается шанс получить хорошую работу. И, уж, тем более, этот шанс повышается, если человек владеет профессиональным иностранным языком.
Данный сборник разработан с целью развития у обучающихся основных навыков и приемов чтения и перевода оригинальных профессионально-направленных аутентичных текстов, а также оказания помощи обучающимся при освоении профессиональной лексики в сфере столярного и мебельного производства.
В соответствии с требованиями рабочей программы общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» в результате изучения данной дисциплины обучающийся:
должен знать/понимать:
- значения новых лексических единиц, профессиональных терминов, связанных с тематикой данного этапа и с соответствующими ситуациями общения.
- новые значения изученных глагольных форм (видо-временных, неличных), средства и способы выражения модальности; условия, предположения, причины, следствия, побуждения к действию;
- лингвострановедческую, страноведческую и социокультурную информацию, расширенную за счет новой тематики и проблематики речевого общения;
- тексты, построенные на языковом материале профессионального общения, в том числе инструкции и нормативные документы по специальности;
должен уметь:
- читать аутентичные технические тексты по профессиональной тематике, используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи;
- определять структуру простого и сложного предложения, устанавливать логические, временные, причинно-следственные, сочинительные, подчинительные и другие связи и отношения между элементами предложения и текста.
- пользоваться контекстом, прогнозированием и речевой догадкой при восприятии письменных и устных текстов.
- определять значение слов с помощью словаря.
- пользоваться толковыми, двуязычными словарями и другими справочными материалами, в том числе мультимедийными, а также поисковыми системами и ресурсами в сети Интернет.
- фиксировать основные сведения в процессе чтения текста, в том числе в виде таблицы, схемы, графика.
- составлять развернутый план, аннотацию печатного текста, в том числе для дальнейшего использования в устной и письменной речи (например, в докладах, интервью, собеседованиях, совещаниях, переговорах).
При выполнении заданий данного пособия формируются следующие ОК:
ОК 1 Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес
ОК 2 Организовывать собственную деятельность, исходя из цели и способов ее достижения, определенных руководителем.
ОК 3 Анализировать рабочую ситуацию, осуществлять текущий и итоговый контроль, оценку и коррекцию собственной деятельности, нести ответственность за результаты своей работы.
ОК 4 Осуществлять поиск информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач.
ОК 5 Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.
Сборник состоит из 8 текстов. Перед каждым текстом дается словарь, включающий максимальное количество новых слов. Все слова расположены в том порядке, в котором они попадаются в тексте. Каждый текст сопровождается комплексом упражнений. Перед выполнением этих упражнений вам рекомендуется прочитать текст, понять его основное содержание, опираясь на данный к каждому тексту словарь, так как содержание последующих заданий непосредственно связано с текстом.
При выполнении данных заданий вы освоите понятийный словарь, научитесь различным приемам работы с текстом. Часть упражнений следует выполнять в письменной форме, что позволит вам улучшить лексические навыки, составлять таблицы на основе содержания прочитанного текста.
Для совершенствования навыков чтения и перевода вам предлагаются дополнительные тексты для самостоятельного перевода со словарем. Выполняя данные задания, вы научитесь делать технический перевод.
English style in interior design
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
strict – строгий movement – направление fullness – полнота textile – ткань cozy carpets – уютные ковры luxurious curtains – роскошные занавески staircases – лестницы fireplaces – камины faced – облицован carved wood panels – резные деревянные панели arrange – устраивать, организовывать verify - представлять molding – лепнина throw pillows - набросанные подушки shades - оттенки blankets – одеяла oak – дуб walnut - ореховое дерево mahogany – красное дерево ash – ясень | yew – тисовое дерево graceful legs – изящные ножки elaborate – сложный upholstery – обивка wares – изделия crystal chandeliers – хрустальные люстры candlesticks – подсвечники featherbeds – перины four-poster bed – кровать с четырьмя столбиками subtle – утонченный respectable – достойный roomy – просторный dignity – достоинство tight wallpapers – тисненые обои surface treatment – обработка поверхности |
English Style (Victorian) is the strict and in some measure conservative movement, that has traditionally been considered as the example of the elegance and good taste.
English interior has fullness of the wood and textile, massive doors and large windows, cozy carpets and luxurious curtains, wide wooden staircases and fireplaces. Fireplace is integral design element in British homes. High fireplace faced with the natural stone or carved wood panels is the central component, which arrange the room interior around.
Natural wood panels or tight wallpapers with the traditional strips or small flowers are commonly used for the wall design in English living rooms. The floor is covered with the parquet and the ceiling with the molding. The color gamma can widely verify – from warm shades of yellow, red, and gold to cool blue, green, and gray.
Textile plays an important role in English interior. Also, decorative elements such as curtains, throw pillows, and blankets are the integral features of the living room.
The living room furniture should be made of natural wood. For example, oak, walnut, mahogany, ash, yew. In addition, furniture are especially elegance – graceful legs, elaborate carving, and incrustation. Only natural fabric are used for upholstery.
The integral decor items are carpets, paintings, porcelain and silver wares, crystal chandeliers, candlesticks, fabric lampshades, a pair of table lamps, and miniature vases with dried flowers bouquets.
Large number of pillows and featherbeds are the typical features of the English Style bedrooms. Four-poster bed is another subtle feature.
Wooden panels, leather upholstery, green scheme, respectable dark wood furniture are the basis of the office. Apart the massive roomy table that increase dignity, there is a rich library that places on the bookcase.
Office furniture made of natural panels. Moreover, they are lacquered or waxed instead of surface treatment.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
английский стиль; пример элегантности и хорошего вкуса; массивные двери; широкие деревянные лестницы; составной элемент дизайна; облицованный натуральным камнем; интерьер комнаты; английские гостиные; пол покрыт паркетом; цветовая гамма может быть широко представлена; декоративные элементы.
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
the living room furniture; graceful legs, elaborate carving, and incrustation; the integral decor items; porcelain and silver wares; fabric lampshades; miniature vases with dried flowers bouquets; the typical features of the English Style bedrooms; leather upholstery; respectable dark wood furniture; they are lacquered or waxed.
Задание 4. Определите, верны следующие предложения, или неверны (True or False).
- Fireplace is integral design element in British homes.
- The floor is covered with the paint and the ceiling with the molding.
- Textile doesn’t play an important role in English interior.
- The living room furniture should be made of natural wood.
- Only natural wood is used for curtains.
- Large number of pillows and featherbeds are not the typical features of the English Style bedrooms.
- Plastic panels, leather upholstery, green scheme, respectable dark wood furniture are the basis of the office.
- Office furniture made of natural panels.
Задание 5. Выберите правильное по смыслу слово из предложенных вариантов.
- High ( wall/fireplace/pillow) faced with the natural stone or carved wood panels is the central component, which arrange the room interior around.
- Natural wood panels or tight wallpapers with the traditional strips or small flowers are commonly used for the wall design in English ( offices/kitchens/living) rooms.
- (Textile/Plastics/Glass) plays an important role in English interior.
- The integral decor items are (flowers/carpets/toys), paintings, porcelain and silver wares, crystal chandeliers, candlesticks.
- Apart the massive roomy table that increase dignity, there is a rich (library/vase/chandelier) that places on the bookcase.
- Moreover, they are (painted/polished/lacquered) or waxed instead of surface treatment.
Задание 6. Заполните таблицу в соответствии с содержанием текста.
Name of the room | The wall design | Decorative elements | Furniture |
living room | |||
bedroom | |||
office |
Nature of the Work of Woodworker
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
sophisticated – сложный demand – спрос unabated – неоспоримый sawmill – лесопильный цех plywood– фанера fabricated – сборный logs – бревна hardwood – твердая древесина softwood lumber – пиломатериалы из мягкой древесины raw – сырьё trusses – стропильные фермы trim –отделка, подрезка oars – вёсла caskets – контейнеры tool handles – ручки для инструментов tend – присматривать | power saws – электропилы planer – продольно-строгальный станок sander– шлифовальный станок lath – дранка jointer – рубанок router –маршрутизатор plank – планка boards –доски determine – определять blueprints – план, проект shop drawings – рабочие чертежи press a switch – нажать кнопку verify dimensions – устанавливать измерения template – шаблон caliper- штангенциркуль |
1. Despite the development of sophisticated plastics and other materials, the demand for wood products continues unabated. Helping to meet this demand are woodworkers. Woodworkers are found in industries that produce wood, such as sawmills and plywood mills. In industries that use wood to produce furniture, kitchen cabinets, musical instruments, and other fabricated wood products. In small shops that make architectural woodwork, furniture, and many other special items.
2. All woodworkers are employed at some stage of the process through which logs of wood are transformed into finished products. Some of these workers produce the structural elements of buildings, others mill hardwood and softwood lumber, still others assemble finished wood products.
3.They operate machines that cut, shape, assemble, and finish raw wood to make the doors, windows, cabinets, trusses, plywood, flooring, paneling, molding, and trim that are components of most homes. Others may fashion home accessories, such as beds, sofas, tables, dressers, and chairs. In addition to these household goods, woodworkers also make sporting goods, including baseball bats and oars, as well as musical instruments, toys, caskets, tool handles, and thousands of other wooden items.
4. Production woodworkers set up, operate, and tend woodworking machines such as power saws, planers, sanders, lathes, jointers, and routers that cut and shape components from lumber, plywood, and other wood products. In sawmills, sawing machine operators and tenders set up, operate, or tend wood-sawing machines that cut logs into planks, timbers, or boards.
5. In plants manufacturing wood products, woodworkers first determine the best method of shaping and assembling parts, working from blueprints, supervisors’ instructions, or shop drawings that woodworkers themselves produce.
6. Lower skilled operators may merely press a switch on a woodworking machine and monitor the automatic operation, whereas more highly skilled operators set up equipment, cut and shape wooden parts, and verify dimensions using a template, caliper, or rule.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
спрос на изделия из древесины; удовлетворить спрос; используют древесину для производства мебели; сборные деревянные изделия; архитектурные деревянные изделия; стадия процесса; древесные бревна превращаются в конечные продукты; структурные элементы зданий; делают пиломатериалы из твердой и мягкой древесины; они работают на станках; другие могут изготавливать домашние аксессуары; предметы домашнего обихода; деревянные предметы.
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
tend woodworking machines; cut logs into planks, timbers, or boards; in plants manufacturing wood products; best method of shaping and assembling parts; lower skilled operators; monitor the automatic operation; more highly skilled operators; verify dimensions using a template, caliper, or rule.
Задание 4. Найдите в каждой строчке лишнее слово.
- sawmills, plywood mills, musical instruments.
- hardwood, softwood, logs of wood, woodworker.
- cut, shape, sofa, assemble.
- set up, operate, sanders, tend.
- blueprints, wood products, supervisors’ instructions, shop drawings.
- wooden parts, a template, caliper, rule.
Задание 5. Найдите к каждому предложению подходящий по смыслу конец.
Задание 6. Заполните таблицу в соответствии с содержанием текста.
Number of the paragraph | Wooden products | Woodworking machines and tools |
History of Woodworking. Egyptians and Chinese civilization.
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
items – предметы to feature – показывать, проявляться survival – выживание shelters – укрытия boats – лодки bowls – миски, тарелки spoons – ложки advancement – прогресс society – общество drawings – рисунки stools - табуретки chests – сундуки coffins – гробы veneering – облицовка фанерой tomb – надгробие ebony veneer – облицовка черным деревом ivory inlays – инкрустации из слоновой кости to varnish –лакировать mortise – сверлильный станок | tenon joint –шпунтовое соединение pegs – колышки dowels – дюбели leather – кожа animal glue –животный клей axes – топоры adze – тесло chisel – стамеска pull saw – двуручная пила bow saw– лучковая пила mushroomed –быстро распространяться application – применение precise measurements – точные измерения pots – горшки ancient oriental – древневосточный take pride – гордиться чем-либо fitted joint – соединение на шарнире nails – гвозди primarily originated – первоначально происшедший |
Timber has been used for centuries by civilizations to create useful, beautiful and decorative items. Throughout history woodworking has featured prominently in architecture, religion, agriculture, recreational activities and survival.
By developing woodworking skills humans were able to hunt more effectively, create shelters, build boats and make life easier. Furniture, bowls and spoons were created by wood and were also produced as art. Woodworking led to the advancement of society.
Ancient Woodworkers
Over 2000 years ago woodworkers were a very important part of society for the ancient Egyptians, Jewish, Roman, Greek and all other early civilizations. Many drawings depict wooden furniture such as beds, chairs, stools, tables and chests.
Below are some interesting facts regarding these ancient Woodworkers.
- The early Egyptians also crafted coffins from wood.
- Early Egyptians invented the art of veneering with the earliest examples being displayed in the tomb of Semekhet who died over 5000 years ago. Many of the pharaohs were buried with objects that had African ebony veneer and ivory inlays.
- According to some scholars, Egyptians were the first to varnish, or “finish” their woodwork, though no one knows the composition of these “finishes”.
- Ancient Egyptians used mortise and tenon joints to join timber. Pegs, dowels and leather strengthened these joints.
- Egyptians started to use animal glue between 1570-1069 B.C.
- Axes, Adzes, chisel, pull saws and bow saws were the common tools of the early Egyptian woodworker.
- Early Chinese civilizations also promoted the art of woodworking. It’s believed that woodworking mushroomed in that country starting around 720 B.C. When that happened, the Chinese developed many sophisticated applications of woodworking, including precise measurements used for making pots, tables, and other pieces of furniture.
- Woodworkers today who practice the ancient oriental woodworking techniques take pride in their mastery of the fitted joint and their skill of not using electric equipment, nails or glue to hold their pieces together. Japan is where this style of woodworking primarily originated.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
чтобы создать полезные, красивые и декоративные элементы; отдых и развлечения; охотиться более эффективно; делать жизнь легче; прогресс общества; ранние цивилизации; многие рисунки изображают деревянную мебель; изобрели искусство облицовки фанерой; самые ранние образцы.
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
according to some scholars; no one knows the composition of these “finishes; ancient Egyptians;
Egyptians started to use; the common tools; Chinese developed many sophisticated applications of woodworking; pieces of furniture; the ancient oriental woodworking techniques; their skill of not using electric equipment; to hold their pieces together; primarily originated.
Задание 4. Определите, верны следующие предложения, или неверны (True or False).
- Throughout history woodworking has featured prominently in architecture, religion, agriculture, recreational activities and survival.
- Furniture, bowls and spoons were created by wood and were also produced as goods for sale.
- Over 2000 years ago woodworkers were a very important part of society for the ancient Russia.
- The early Egyptians also crafted coffins from wood.
- Many of people were buried with objects that had African ebony veneer and ivory inlays.
- According to some scholars, Jews were the first to varnish.
- Ancient Egyptians used nails to join timber.
- The Chinese developed many sophisticated applications of woodworking, including precise measurements used for making pots, tables, and other pieces of furniture.
- The ancient oriental woodworking techniques didn’t use electric equipment.
Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
- Where has woodworking featured prominently throughout history?
- Where did woodworking lead to?
- In which ancient civilizations were woodworkers a very important part of society?
- What pieces of wooden furniture do drawings depict?
- What art did the ancient Egyptians invent?
- What did the ancient Egyptians use to join timber?
- What were the common tools of an ancient Egyptian woodworker?
- Where did the Chinese apply woodworking?
- What do modern woodworkers take pride in?
Задание 6. Заполните таблицу, опираясь на содержание текста.
The name of civilization | Woodworking techniques | Tools |
Egyptians | ||
History of Woodworking. Japan and East.
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
high-carbon – высокоуглеродистый exquisitely-sculpted scenery – исключительно вылепленный пейзаж trunks – стволы (деревьев) straight – прямой mallet – деревянный молоток plummet – отвес line – линия rule stick – линейка plane – уровень squares – квадраты bow drill – лучковая дрель | rapidly – быстро drawing – вытягивание bow-lathe – токарный станок crude - грубый spindle – веретено wood turner – токарь по дереву a leather strap – кожаный ремень a bow – лук coveted – жаждать invading armies – вторгающиеся армии tribute – дань bone – кость the alleged home – предполагаемый дом | wedges – клинья hammers – молотки plumb bob – груз отвеса compasses – циркули mosques – мечети woodcarving – резьба по дереву exquisite – исключительный wall lining – облицовка стен pulpits – кафедры проповедника elaborate – сложный minutely - скрупулезно to evolve – развивать crafts people – ремесленники |
- One reason for Japan’s success in such excellent woodworking was that they developed high-carbon steel tools early in their history.
- Japanese woodworkers also made exquisitely-sculpted scenery. Their popularity and the techniques used in the process spread across Southeast Asia.
- When a carpenter needed wood, he sawed trees into boards using a large bronze saw with the aid of other workers. He cut thin boards from tree trunks. Trees in that region, however, were not large or straight.
- Among the carpenter’s tools mentioned in ancient sources were the saw, mallet, adze, plummet and line, chisel, rule stick, plane and squares. They also used the bow drill, held in one hand by the handle, which they rapidly set in motion by drawing the attached bow back and forth.
- The bow-lathe was a crude primitive tool, yet a skilled woodworker could produce decorative spindles and bowls with it much like today’s wood turners. He turned the wood by pulling a leather strap back and forth like a bow. This motion moved the lathe and enabled the cut to be made in the turning wood.
- The ancient woodworkers of the Near East built great wooden boats out of timber that grew in the Anatolian plateau (the Asian part of Turkey) along the Levantine coast (the Mediterranean coastal lands of modern-day Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon). This wood was so coveted that invading armies often demanded it as tribute.
- Archaeologists found furniture crafted from wood inlaid with bone, ivory or metal that dated as far back as 800 B.C. at Gordion, the alleged home of the mythical King Midas. Near East woodworkers used lathes as well as wedges, mallets, chisels, hammers, drills, plumb bobs, compasses, and other basic tools.
- The wooden windows of the early mosques and private houses still seen today in the Arabic culture were crafted at the height of ancient Near East woodcarving. The Muslim woodcarvers of Persia, Syria, Egypt and Spain designed and created exquisite paneling and other decorations for wall linings, ceilings, pulpits, and all kinds of fittings and furniture. Their woodwork was elaborate and minutely delicate.
Woodworkers were prized in the ancient world for their craft with their skills and inventiveness laying the foundations for woodworking today. All of the tools we use today have been evolved from ancient tools such as the chisels, lathes, saws.
Woodworking process have also come from these ancient crafts people, it is amazing what they achieved with primitive tools.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
инструменты из высокоуглеродистой стали; юго-восточная Азия; он распиливал деревья на доски; стволы деревьев; античные источники; приводить в движение, вытягивая прикрепленный лук назад и вперед; грубый примитивный инструмент; точно так же, как современные токари по дереву;
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
the ancient woodworkers of the Near East; invading armies often demanded it as tribute; furniture crafted from wood inlaid with bone, ivory or metal; basic tools; at the height of ancient Near East woodcarving; laying the foundations for woodworking today; it is amazing what they achieved with primitive tools.
Задание 4. Найдите в каждой строчке лишнее слово.
- Southeast Asia, Near East, Japan, history.
- steel, boards, tree trunks, wood.
- saw, mallet, adze, paint.
- woodworkers, bricklayers, carpenters, hammers.
Задание 5. Из абзацев с первого по пятый выпишите сложные слова (состоящие из двух простых).
Задание 6. Найдите подходящий по смыслу конец предложений.
Задание 7. Вставьте пропущенные словосочетания, подходящие по смыслу.
in the process ancient tools thin boards like a bow |
- Their popularity and the techniques used__________ spread across Southeast Asia.
- He cut_________ from tree trunks.
- He turned the wood by pulling a leather strap back and forth_____________.
- All of the tools we use today have been evolved from________ such as the chisels, lathes, saws.
Types of Wood for Woodworking
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
solid wood – цельная древесина, массивdetermines – определяет strength – прочность available – доступный properties – свойства sampling – пример weaker – слабее coniferous – хвойный fir – ель pine – сосна straight – прямой expensive – дорогой common – обычный, распространенный a straight grain – прямое волокно smell – запах | outdoor – наружный handle moist environments – выдерживать влажную внешнюю среду rotting – гниение to endure – выдерживать, терпеть pronounced grain – отчетливые волокна grain pattern – структура волокна stain – краска to be tempted – соблазняться, поддаться to seal – загерметизировать to ooze sap – сочиться смолой a lesser grade – более низкого сорта a decent lumberyard – приличный лесной склад |
Solid wood — that is, wood cut into boards from the trunk of the tree — makes up most of the wood in a piece of furniture. The type of wood you choose determines the beauty and strength of the finished piece. Many varieties of wood are available, and each has its own properties. The following sections introduce you to the most common types of soft- and hardwoods.
Sampling some softwoods
Softwoods aren’t weaker than hardwoods. Softwoods come from coniferous trees such as cedar, fir, and pine and tend to be somewhat yellow or reddish. Because most coniferous trees grow fast and straight, softwoods are generally less expensive than hardwoods.
Following is a list of common softwood varieties and their characteristics.
The most common type of cedar is the western red variety. Western red cedar, as its name implies, has a reddish color to it. This type of wood is relatively soft (1 on a scale of 1 to 4), has a straight grain, and has a slightly aromatic smell. Western Red cedar is mostly used for outdoor projects such as furniture, decks, and building exteriors because it can handle moist environments without rotting. Western red cedar is moderately priced and can be found at most home centers.
Cedar is one of the most aromatic woods (hence, the cedar chest) and is strong enough to endure the elements, so it’s great for decks and patio furniture.
Often referred to as Douglas Fir, this wood has a straight, pronounced grain, and has a reddish brown tint to it. Fir is most often used for building; however, it’s inexpensive and can be used for some furniture-making as well. It doesn’t have the most interesting grain pattern and doesn’t take stain very well, so it’s best to use it only when you intend to paint the finished product. Douglas fir is moderately strong and hard for a softwood, rating 4 on a scale of 1 to 4.
This wood is worth mentioning because it is very common at your local home center and it’s so inexpensive you’ll probably be tempted to make something with it.
Pine comes in several varieties, including Ponderosa, Sugar, White, and Yellow, and all of them make great furniture. In some areas of the country (especially southwest United States), pine is the wood to use. Pine is very easy to work with and, because most varieties are relatively soft, it lends itself to carving. Pine is commonly used in furniture because it’s easy to shape and stain.
Pine generally takes stain very well (as long as you seal the wood first), although Ponderosa pine tends to ooze sap, so be careful when using this stuff. Pine is available from most home centers, but it’s often of a lesser grade than what you can find at a decent lumberyard.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
составляет большую часть древесины; законченная деталь; разнообразие сортов древесины; мягкая и твердая древесина; хвойные деревья; менее дорогая; список распространенных сортов мягкой древесины; самый распространенный сорт кедра; красноватый цвет; легкий ароматный запах; проекты для улицы (на открытом воздухе); может выдерживать влажную окружающую среду без гниения; западный красный кедр умеренный по цене; кедровый сундук; он замечателен для настилов и садовой мебели.
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
reddish brown tint; moderately strong and hard for a softwood; this wood is worth mentioning;
to make something with it; in some areas of the country; the wood to use; most varieties are relatively soft; it lends itself to carving; be careful when using this stuff ; Ponderosa pine tends to ooze sap; home centers.
Задание 4. Вставьте вместо пропусков слова из текста. Первая буква каждого слова дана.
- The type of wood you choose determines the b________ and strength of the finished piece.
- Because most coniferous trees grow fast and s_________, softwoods are generally less expensive than hardwoods.
- This type of wood is relatively soft (1 on a scale of 1 to 4), has a straight grain, and has a slightly a_______ smell.
- Fir is most often used for b_____________; however, it’s inexpensive and can be used for some furniture-making as well.
- Douglas fir is moderately s________ and hard for a softwood, rating 4 on a scale of 1 to 4.
- Pine comes in several v_______, including Ponderosa, Sugar, White, and Yellow, and all of them make great furniture.
- Pine is available from most home centers, but it’s often of a lesser grade than what you can find at a decent l_________.
Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы по содержание текста.
- What sorts of softwood do you know?
- What colour has cedar?
- Why is cedar used for outdoor projects?
- What kind of grain has fir?
- Fir is not expensive, is it?
- Why is it easy to work with pine?
- Does pine take stain very well?
Задание 6. Заполните таблицу в соответствии с содержанием текста.
Types of softwood | Names of softwood | Colour of wood | How does it take stain? | Type of grain | What is it used for? |
Types of Wood for Woodworking (continuation)
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
hardwood- твердая древесина downside – недостаток, обратная сторона an accent – отделка ash – ясень substitute – заменитель birch – береза heartwood – ядровая древесина (сердцевина) resembles – напоминает stable – прочный | blotchy – покрытый пятнами cherry – вишня all-around- всесторонний sapwood – заболонь sustainably – стабильно, устойчиво domestic - бытовой maple- клен mahogany – красное дерево a coat – слой drawback – недостаток difficult – трудный |
Homing in on hardwoods
Most woodworkers love to work with hardwoods. The variety of colors, textures, and grain patterns makes for some beautiful and interesting-looking furniture. The downside to hardwoods is their price. Some of the more exotic species can be too expensive to use for anything more than an accent.
Following is a list of common hardwoods and their characteristics.
Ash is a white to pale brown wood with a straight grain. It’s pretty easy to work with (hardness of 4 on a scale of 1 to 5) and takes stain quite nicely, but ash is getting harder and harder to find. You won’t find ash at your local home center — it’s only available from larger lumberyards. Ash is a good substitute for white oak.
Birch comes in two varieties: yellow and white. Yellow birch is a pale yellow-to-white wood with reddish-brown heartwood, whereas white birch has a whiter color that resembles maple. Both types of birch have a hardness of 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. Birch is readily available and less expensive than many other hardwoods. You can find birch at many home centers, although the selection is better at a lumberyard.
Birch is inexpensive, but it’s so lovely that it’s often used for making fine furniture. Birch is stable and easy to work with. However, it’s hard to stain because it can get blotchy, so you might prefer to paint anything that you make with birch.
Cherry is a very popular and all-around great wood; easy to work with, stains and finishes well with just oil, and ages beautifully. Cherry’s heartwood has a reddish-brown color to it and the sapwood is almost white. Cherry has a hardness of 2 on a scale of 1 to 5. This is a very common wood for furniture-making and is available from sustainably grown forests.
You won’t find cherry at your local home center, so a trip to the lumberyard is necessary if you want to use it. Because it’s in demand, cherry is getting somewhat expensive compared to other domestic hardwoods, such as oak and maple.
One of the great furniture woods, (also called Honduran mahogany) has a reddish-brown to deep-red tint, a straight grain, medium texture, and a hardness of around 2 on a scale of 1 to 5. It takes stain very well and looks great with just a coat (or 10) of oil.
The only drawback is that mahogany isn’t being grown in sustainable forests. Forget going to your home center to get some — the only place to find mahogany is a decent lumberyard (and it’ll cost you).
Maple comes in two varieties: hard and soft. Both varieties are harder than many other woods; hard maple is so hard (a 5 on a scale of 1 to 5) that it’s difficult to work with. Soft maple, on the other hand, is relatively easy to work with. Because of their fine, straight grain, both varieties are more stable than many other woods.
They also tend to be less expensive than other hardwoods. You won’t find maple at your local home center, but most lumberyards have a good selection of it.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
структура волокна; использовать для чего-то большего, чем отделка; с ним довольно легко работать; ясень становится всё труднее и труднее найти; красновато-коричневая сердцевина; берёза легко доступна; выбор лучше на лесном складе; её трудно красить.
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
all-around great wood; the sapwood is almost white; sustainably grown forests; it’s in demand;
domestic hardwoods; a reddish-brown to deep-red tint; looks great with just a coat (or 10) of oil;
home center; it’s difficult to work with; a good selection.
Задание 4. Напишите названия пород деревьев в порядке возрастания плотности древесины.
Задание 5. Определите, верны следующие предложения, или неверны (True or False).
- The variety of colors, textures, and grain patterns makes for some beautiful and interesting-looking furniture.
- Some of the more exotic species can be too expensive to use for anything more than an accent.
- Ash is a red to pale brown wood with a straight grain.
- Ash is a good substitute for cedar.
- You can find birch at many home centers, although the selection is bad at a lumberyard.
- Birch is inexpensive, but it’s so lovely that it’s often used for making fine furniture.
- Cherry is a very popular and all-around great wood; easy to work with, stains and finishes well with just oil, and ages beautifully.
- You will find cherry at your local home center, so a trip to the lumberyard is not necessary if you want to use it.
- The only drawback is that mahogany doesn’t take stain very well.
- Soft maple, on the other hand, is relatively easy to work with.
Задание 6. Вставьте вместо пропусков слова, подходящие по смыслу.
lumberyard varieties soft maple mahogany heartwood stain downside stable |
- The___________ to hardwoods is their price.
- It’s pretty easy to work with (hardness of 4 on a scale of 1 to 5) and takes _______quite nicely, but ash is getting harder and harder to find.
- Birch comes in two___________: yellow and white.
- Birch is__________ and easy to work with.
- Cherry’s ________________has a reddish-brown color to it and the sapwood is almost white.
- You won’t find cherry at your local home center, so a trip to the ___________ is necessary if you want to use it.
- Forget going to your home center to get some — the only place to find__________ is a decent lumberyard (and it’ll cost you).
- __________, on the other hand, is relatively easy to work with.
Задание 7. Переведите следующие тексты, пользуясь словарем.
Oak is one of the most used woods for furniture. Available in two varieties — red and white — oak is strong (hardness of about 4 on a scale of 1 to 5) and easy to work with. White oak is preferred for furniture-making because it has a more attractive figure than red oak. White oak is also resistant to moisture and can be used on outdoor furniture.
Oak is commonly used for flooring and furniture because many people love its grain.
This is one wood that can be found quarter-sawn (the most stable cutting option available). In fact, quarter-sawn white oak is less expensive than some other hardwoods, like cherry.
The grain has a beautiful “ray flake” pattern to it. Red oak can be found at most home centers, but if you want white oak, make a trip to the lumberyard.
Poplar is one of the less expensive hardwoods. It’s also fairly soft (1 in hardness on a scale of 1 to 5), which makes it easy to work with. Poplar is white with some green or brown streaks in the heartwood. Because poplar is not the most beautiful wood, it’s rarely used in fine furniture, and if it is, it’s almost always painted.
Poplar can be a good choice for drawers (where it won’t be seen) because it is stable and inexpensive. You can find poplar at larger home centers, but a lumberyard will have a better selection.
Poplar is good for making toys, bowls, and small woodworking crafts. It takes paint better than stain.
Teak is becoming rarer as the days go on, but it is the staple for fine outdoor furniture. Teak is highly weather-resistant and beautiful (not to mention expensive — can you believe almost $24 a board foot?).
Teak has an oily feel and a golden-brown color. It rates a 3 on a scale of 1 to 5 for hardness and is only available from larger lumberyards and specialty suppliers.
With a hardness of about 4 on a 1 to 5 scale, walnut is a rich brown wood that’s easy to work with. Unfortunately, walnut is somewhat expensive (usually around $8 a board foot), and finding large boards for big projects is getting difficult. In spite of this, walnut is still a great wood to work with and lends itself nicely for use as accents and inlays to dress up a project.
You won’t find walnut at your local home center; you may need to special order it from a lumberyard if you want a large quantity.
Like cedar, redwood is used mostly for outdoor projects because of its resistance to moisture. Redwood (California redwood) is fairly soft and has a straight grain. As its name suggests, it has a reddish tint to it.
Redwood is easy to work with, is relatively soft (2 on a scale of 1 to 4), and is moderately priced. You can find redwood at your local home centre.
Essential Woodworking Tools
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
essential - важный tools – инструменты kit – комплект, набор remain the same – остаться прежним intermediate – средний advanced – продвинутый hand plane – ручной струг to thin out – уменьшить stock – деревяшка, ствол (дерева) to feed – подавать adjust – настраивать a crank – ручка blades – лезвия an electric sander – электрический шлифовальный станок | to smooth out – устранять шероховатости show up – обнаруживаться a level – уровень isn’t crooked – не искривлено comes in handy – пользоваться screwdriver – отвертка hand saw – ручная пила DIY – do it yourself – сделай сам cuts – разрезы slight adjustment – незначительная регулировка a huge chunk of wood - огромный чурбан дерева |
Top Must Have Woodworking Tools: Without a doubt, there are tools that are necessary for every woodworker to have in their kit and in saying that there is thousands of woodworking tools for sale from hand tools such as hand planes, to power tools such as a table saw; there are many tools you need and many different varieties.
There are some woodworking tools that will vary from woodworker to woodworker, but the most popular and needed woodworking tools listed below will remain the same for any serious woodworker.
From beginner, intermediate to advanced woodworker or whether it’s a woodworking hobby, woodworking business or woodworking career – it’s guaranteed you will need these essential woodworking tools one day.
Hand Plane
A surface planer saves time by thinning out your stock all at once. You can feed bigger pieces in and adjust the thickness with a crank and feed it through. This top quality wood planer such as the best Stanley Smoothing Bench Plane, cuts with blades as the stock goes through, saving you plenty of time since you won’t have to do it by hand.
Electric Sander
An electric sander is going to make smoothing out the piece you’re working with much easier, try not to make any patterns with the motion that you use with it because sometimes when you go to stain your wood it might show up.
A level is a woodworkers or carpenters best friend when you need to make sure that something isn’t crooked. Everyone will find that it comes in handy more often than not. There is many varieties of levels.
Screwdrivers are also an essential tool to have when doing any woodworking project no matter how big or small, simple or complex, whether you’re a woodworker or not. Having a variety of screwdriver sizes and types is going to be your best bet so invest in a good screwdriver set to get the job done!
Hand Saw
Hand saws are another essential tool for woodworking DIY projects. It’s much easier to make smaller cuts with a hand saw than it is with an electric, and if you need to stop mid cut to make a slight adjustment, you’ll be able to do so without having lost a huge chunk of wood.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
без сомнения; циркулярная пила; много разных вариантов; инструменты, перечисленные ниже; начинающий; вам понадобятся эти важные деревообрабатывающие инструменты; экономит время; настраивать толщину ручкой; лучшее качество; производить шлифование детали; попытайтесь не создавать какие-либо структуры; они могут проявиться.
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
best friend; it comes in handy; simple or complex; a variety of screwdriver sizes and types; your best bet; DIY projects; without having lost a huge chunk of wood.
Задание 4. Определите название инструмента по его описанию.
Задание 5. Найдите пары слов, подходящие по смыслу и составьте словосочетания.
Задание 6. Определите, верны следующие предложения, или неверны (True or False).
- Without a doubt, there are tools that are necessary for every woodworker to have in their kit.
- There are many tools you need and many different varieties.
- It’s guaranteed you will need these essential woodworking tools one day.
- You cannot feed bigger pieces in and adjust the thickness with a crank and feed it through.
- An electric sander is going to saw trees into boards.
- A level is a woodworkers or carpenters best friend when you need to make sure that something isn’t crooked.
- Screwdrivers are also an essential tool to have when you need to drive and remove screws.
- It’s much easier to make bigger cuts with a hand saw than it is with an electric one.
Essential Woodworking Tools (continuation).
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.
utility knife – универсальный (многоцелевой) нож
to make little niches – делать маленькие ниши
to rest in – вставить
to hold steady – прочно удерживать
major cutting – главное разрезание
square – квадрат
layout square – измерительный квадрат
retractable measuring tape – выдвижная измерительная лента
accuracy – точность
power drill – электродрель
shortcuts – сомнения
jigsaw – ножовка (ажурная пила)
curved and circular cuts – гнутые и кольцевые разрезы
faster – быстрее
time is of import - не хватает времени
A utility knife is great to have in the kit for marking where you need to cut or making little niches in the wood for things to rest in or to hold steady. Cutting a little line in the wood where you need to do the major cutting is going to be much better than using a pencil or marker as you can make sure the line is clear and easy to see and very thin.
A six inch layout square is going to be perfect for measuring out that square piece that you need to cut or for any angle up to 45 degrees or any line up to 6 inches.
A retractable measuring tape is next on this list for obvious reasons. A good measuring tape will have both standard and metric measurements on it and is great for taking both internal and external measurements.
Laser measuring tapes are actually quite popular now and are a preferred measure tape for woodworking by many due to higher accuracy.
A power drill
A power drill, is a power tool that every woodworker needs, wants and can’t make do without, if you don’t have a good power drill, and you are starting out or wanting to join the world of woodworking, it should be one of those power tools you don’t take any shortcuts with. While you can probably do most of your connections with a hammer and a nail, having a power drill handy can speed up the process on things. They are less expensive than cordless drills and often offer more power, no shortcuts should be taken when buying a power tool such as a drill for woodworking.
The jigsaw is on the list because it is the best jigsaw and best selling of the power jigsaw range. A good jigsaw allows the worker to make curved and circular cuts in the wood with ease. This of course could be done with a handsaw and then follow up by smoothing out the edges, but using a jigsaw makes things easier and faster for the worker and when time is of import, you’ll be glad you have one.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.
набор для маркировки; прорезать маленькую линию древесине; линия отчетливая и её легко видно; шестисантиметровый измерительный квадрат; угол до 45 градусов; очевидные доводы; внутренние и наружные измерения; благодаря более высокой точности.
Задание 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык.
a power tool; to join the world of woodworking; can speed up the process; cordless drills; a drill for woodworking; best selling of the power jigsaw range; to make curved and circular cuts; using a jigsaw makes things easier and faster.
Задание 4. Найдите подходящий по смыслу конец предложений.
Задание 5. Переведите следующие тексты с английского языка на русский язык, пользуясь словарем.
The shop vac isn’t something many people think of as being a woodworking tool, but it is definitely something every woodworker needs for their work area. All that saw dust and mess needs to be cleaned up somehow, and the shop vac is the best way to do it as it won’t become easily clogged and most can be used on wet and dry surfaces so if you spill your drink on that pile of sawdust, you can still suck it up just as easy.
Table Saw
A decent table saw is going to work wonders for you. If you’re cutting off a big chunk, do it quickly. Save the hand saw for the precision cuts. The table saw can do the rest of the work for you.
And here are a few essential items that should be included in Woodworking Tools for Beginners.
Hammer is a tool that will always come in handy for a woodworker. If you need to drive a nail or a chisel, the hammer is going to be your best friend.
Chisels are an absolutely necessary tool. You can’t get by without one. You can shape and shave off pieces of wood for your project and often you will find that you need more than one and in multiple sizes. Don’t forget to keep it sharp or your results will be less than desirable.
Safety Equipment
Something many people don’t think of when they think of materials they need for woodworking is safety equipment. If you plan on using any power tool especially, you’ll want to make sure you have the proper gear. Goggles for woodworking are extremely important. Protecting your eyes from sawdust should be thought of more often.
Your hands need protecting as well. Gloves for woodworking should be used at all times, even if you are using a hand saw. One small slip of the hand could be dangerous so make sure you’re protected. Of course don’t wear loose clothing and keep your hair pulled back. Remove all jewelry. Ear plugs also wouldn’t hurt if you’re using power tools like a saw as the noise can be damaging.
- (http://www.dummies.com/crafts/types-of-wood-for-woodworking/)
- (http://bestdesignideas.com/english-style-interior-design)
- (http://www.timberbits.com/blog/history-of-woodworking/
- (http://woodwork.guide/essential-woodworking-tools.html)
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