План урока по теме "Global Warming"
методическая разработка (10 класс) по теме
Урок посвящен одной из самых обсуждаемых и вызывающих живой отклик учащихся тем. В ходе урока учащиеся учатся находить и анализировать информацию, найденную в Интернет, вести дискуссию и делать выводы. Учащиеся представляют свой опыт участия во Всемирной Конвенции Молодежи в ОАЭ.
Вложение | Размер |
open_lesson_on_global_warming.doc | 37.5 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
10th GRADE
Lesson Outline
Goals of the lesson in the field of:
- Information technologies - to teach the students find, sort out and analyze Internet information;
- English language – extensive reading, listening, practicing in discussing things, making conclusion;
- Environmental studies – using using specific vocabulary and scientific terms ;
Social skills – be environmentally friendly and active: “Think about yourself - Think about others – Think about nature”.
Video film
The teacher gives the task to surf the Internet and find information, to answer the questions, to fill in the grid.
You will have to discuss the topic at the press conference before you go to the Global Environmental Youth Convention.
Step 1
Work in pairs.
Pair #1
Go to: www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/global_ warming2.shtml
“Global warming - What Can We Do?”
Pair #2
Go to: www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science
Try to answer the questions:
1. What does the greenhouse effect have to do with global warming?
2. What is causing global warming?
3. What is the best source of scientific information on global warming?
4. Is global warming already happening?
5. How much warmer is the Earth likely to become?
6. Are humans contributing to global warming?
7. Is global warming connected to the ozone layer?
8. Is there anything we can do about global warming?
9. Would temperature rise of a couple degrees really change the global climate?
10. Will responding to global warming be harmful to our economy?
Pair #3
Go to: www.epa.gov/climatechange/effects
Fill in the grid
Pair #4
Go to: www.bbc.co.uk, press “ News”, then “Science” and after that search for 6099272.stm
“Climate Costs” and find out the effect of global warming on economy.
Pair #5
Go to: www.bbc.co.uk, press “News”, then “Business” and search for “The Stern Review” (the Economics of Climate Change)
Give a short summery of environmental and economic impact of climate change.
Pair #6
Powerpoint presentation on Dubai
Global Warming
Words to use:
1. greenhouse effect
2. carbon dioxide
3. carbon emissions
4. push up the global temperatures by…%
5. to curb the growth of greenhouse gases
6. humans are blamed for climate change
7. global warming is likely to influence the intensity of tropical storms
8. if no action is taken on emission…
9. environmental impact
10. melting glaciers
11. to increase flood risks
12. crop yields will decline
13. rising sea levels could displace millions of people
14. species could face extinction
15. extreme weather patterns
16. to reduce global economic output by….%
17. global consumption per head would fall
18. renewable energy sources
19. alternative to fossil fuel
20. solar, wind, hydroelectric, tidal and wave power
- Sea level rise
- More extreme weather (floods, droughts, heat waves)
- Increased diseases
Strategic Economic Resources
- Use alternative energy sources
- Plant trees
- Drive less
- Cut back on consumption
Summing up
- Hometask: go to http://www.earthday.net/Footprint/quiz.asp
- and do Ecological Footprint Quiz
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