Задания для развития умений по английскому языку
методическая разработка по теме
Каждый учитель иностранных языков испытывает насущную потребность иметь под рукой набор заданий и упражнений (activities), необходимых для развития различных навыков (skills) . Несмотря на большое количество учебников, они часто не содержат достаточного количества заданий, интересных учащимся и основанных на игровых принципах. Из-за этого они становятся недостаточно мотивированными и испытывают трудности в достижении прогресса. Чтобы обучение было успешным и вело к необходимым результатам, языковые и речевые умения необходимо развивать с помощью заданий, позволяющим ученикам погрузиться в атмосферу игры, которая может служить моделью многих реальных ситуаций.
Задания в данной методической разработке разделены по разделам языковых и речевых умений. Грамматические умения необходимы для правильного использования языка, а речевые умения позволяют развивать различные компетенции, что, как известно, является главной целью обучения в современных условиях.
Игровые задания носят комплексный характер и включают в себя набор речевых умений (например аудирование+говорение, чтение+аудирование, аудирование+письмо). Некоторые содержат элементы актерской игры (acting), которые способны дополнительно мотивировать учащихся.
Данные задания могут быть использованы как элемент урока для закрепления пройденного материала, а также могут занимать урок целиком, поскольку требуют подготовительной работы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Typical questions.
Ask students to write a half of dozen questions, that a girl of four could ask, i.e.:
Why does it rain fall? Why do cars move? Why is the sky blue? (Try to imagine other situations)
2. Reported advice.
Try to imagine some situations in which students could give each other some advice:
You could… You should… You might… You ought to…
You might try… -ing
3. Decoding telegram.
Ask students to write a full text of the telegram, i.e.:
Delayed .Arriving late. Meet Waterloo station. Exit platform.
We’ve been delayed. We’ll arrive a bit late. Meet us at the Waterloo station at the exit platform.
4. Unfinished sentences.
Student’s task is to finish the sentences:
On Saturdays I usually… This world would be a better place if…
I feel best when people… I wish politicians would….
I have never… Parents should always…
I like people who… I get angry if…
I’d like to be more… and less…
5. One becomes two.
It happened a week ago.
Tell the students that you want to expand a short sentence into two utterances by adding one or two words:
It happened. They knew a week ago.
6. Associations.
Invite students to write a noun phrase describing an association the topic has for them. Invite students to write a noun phrase describing an association the topic has for them.
‘Night’ , for example, might produce:
Darkness. An owl calling. The world at rest.
7. Future of a picture.
Ask what do you think will (going to happen) next? and students contribute suggestions using the specified future form. They may be asked to give evidence for their ideas or try to decide which of the suggestions is the most likely.
8. What are they saying?
Pictures of people talking. Tell the students that one of the characters is asking a question and the other is answering and ask them to imagine what’s being said.
9. Have I changed?
Ask students to consider how their personalities have changed over the years:
I used to do a lot of sport, but today I only play tennis.
I used to be much more irritable than I am now.
1. Interviewing.
In each group one student is interviewed. (He is not allowed to answer truth fully).
2. Mad discussion.
The students must decide which is the most important for mankind: flowers, New York, operas, ships, birthday cards, passport, watches, schools, detective novels, etc.
3. Secret topic.
The students agree on a topic they want to talk without telling the others what it is. Then they start their discussion. The others try to join them. When about a third or half of the class has joined in, the activity is stopped.
4. Lifestyle.
The students are asked to choose three things (objects, photos, drawings) and to say why these things are important for them.
5. Keep talking.
A student chooses a slip of paper and has to talk for one minute about the topic, beginning with the sentence on the piece of paper.
Smoking If a cigarette cost £1, a lot of people…
Homesickness When I was a little boy/girl…
Pets I used to have/ I would like to have…
Parents There are no certificates for good parents…
Clothes I like…
Health If you want to be healthy, you should…
6. Debates.
Divide the students into two groups and ask them to find arguments to explain the opposite points of view:
a) Love your country Patriotism is outdated
b) Everyone should be equal Equality is neither possible nor desirable
c) Nature gives us the best things in life Civilization saves us from the cruelty of nature
d) Riches make for happiness Money can’t make you happy
e) Marriage is perfect institution Marriage should be abolished
1. Once upon a title.
Write the titles of the chapters on the blackboard and not in correct order. Ask students to make order.
2. While reading.
Once you have reached the appropriate point of the Reader, divide the students into groups and ask to consider the several possibilities of what could happen to the key characters, giving reasons for their choice of what is most likely income.
3. Reading by proxy.
Explain the class that the members of each group are to take on the roles of the key characters. These characters are to hold a press-conference for the rest of the class and who will act as journalists trying to find out what happened.
4. Working with text.
You can announce the title of the passage and give a brief idea of the content. Ask some “pre-questions”. Tell the story, using the text as a guide.
a) Say true-false statements, choice-questions to feed details. b) Ask Wh-questions ( Tell me about… Describe…) c) Invite questions that puzzle or worry students. d) Dictation. s e) Spot the mistake. Books are closed and the following instruction is given: “While I am reading the text, you will help me if I make a mistake or if I stop”. f) Extension and discussion. Conversation, argument and debate allow students to go beyond the language of the text.
1. Noting specific information.
Students are asked to listen to a passage and note down specific information from it, they have therefore to ignore some parts of it and concentrate on others.
2. Identifying and ordering.
Students are asked to identify the pictures and components as they are referred to, either naming or numbering them in the order in which they are mentioned.
3. Ground plans.
Students mark some things on the plan which they have taken according to the text, dialogue, etc. ( A school, a museum, offices, stores)
4. Guessing definitions.
The teacher defines or describes something (having told students in advance what nature of a thing it is) and they simply have to guess what it is.
1. Collaborate composition.
A topic is given and each student writes a brief sentence or phrase at the top of their paper about it- the first ideas or associations that occur to them. Then they pass it .The next student reads what is written, responds or continues it on a new line and passes it on. Until 10 contributions. Everything which has been written may be displayed on the wall.
2. Dictation.
a) Dictate the verbs without the endings which the students must supply.
b) Tell the students that their task while you are reading is to pick out all the words here connected with something (music, law, etc.)
3. Associations.
Dictate some words to the students and after each word leave them time to write down the first three associated words that come to their minds.
4. Key words essay.
Key ideas are put on the blackboard and the students take these as the basis of their story. For example: yesterday, birthday, Susan, 12 years old, postman, cards, family greetings and gifts, celebration, dinner, restaurant.
5. Picture description.
A good way to begin is by having the students compose a few questions about the picture.
6. Writing an article.
From newspaper headlines students are asked to create the full article.
7. Magazine competition.
A monthly magazine called “Nowadays “ has a regular competition for the “Pet Hate” letter of the month. Readers write about things they dislike most and which keep annoying them.
8. Unforgettable event.
Write a letter to a friend describing something you have seen or heard that has made strong impression on you.
9. The letter I never wrote.
Ask the students to spend some time recalling a time when they felt like writing a letter to a newspaper but did not actually write.
1. Spotting the mistakes.
Tell the class you are going to ask one person to speak for sixty seconds without making any grammar mistakes. The other members of the group need to listen with their best attention. As soon as someone hears a grammar mistake they challenge the speaker. If the correction is right, they get a point. The challenger becomes a new speaker and carries on with the same topic for the rest of the minute.
2. What is my profession?
One student proposes a profession and the other students ask questions, such as:
Do you work inside or outside?
Do you need a special qualification?
Variants- My object is an animal (vegetable, abstract).
3. Rhyming words.
Give the students some set of words and their task is to find the ones which rhyme them:
tie- my, eye, why, cry
hat- chat, head, let, net, cat
snow- blow, show, no, so, hello
how- now, cow, sew
4. Guess who?
Tell about famous person and others must guess who it is.
5. Miming people and objects.
Several piles of small pieces of paper with description of people (e.g. an old man, a fat bus conductor), names of objects, photos or drawings of people and objects are laid on the table. The students choose from different piles.
6. Daily life.
Each group of students receives a dialogue and has some minutes to organize the miming.
1. Loss of memory.
One of the students writes the name of well-known personality on the blackboard, but the teacher doesn’t see this name. Then the teacher who is supposed to be that person but suffering from amnesia asks yes-no questions to discover his or her character and identity:
Am I still alive today?
Do you see me on TV?
2. TV-interview.
One of the groups has to prepare the role of the interviewer and write down the questions for the members of “ideal family”. And the other group has to prepare the model of it. Variant : ideal sport-team, ideal group.
3. Press-conference.
Learners choose a famous foreigner they would like to interview. The role-play should be as topical as possible (actors, singers, athletes).
4. Picture role-play.
a) Group the class according to the number of people in the photograph.
b) Ask them to write down an imaginary biography of the person he or she has chosen.
c) Ask the students to interview each other in their roles.
5. Group improvisation.
Invite two students to come into the middle and begin to improvise a scene. Others join them.
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