Разработка заданий на развитие умений диалогической речи с использованием ролевых игр.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Использование ролевых игр повышает эффективность обучения устной речи, вызывает интерес учащихся, превращая процесс обучения в совместную коммуникативно-познавательную деятельность, способствует созданию типичных ситуаций общения с учетом специфики межкультурной коммуникации, изложенной в международных и отечественных стандартах. Использование ролевой игры обеспечивает активность каждого ученика, стимулирует самостоятельность высказывания учащихся, повышает мотивацию к обучению.
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Разработка заданий на развитие умений диалогической речи с использованием ролевых игр.
Задание 1
Тема: "Around the World"
Цель: формирование умений диалогической речи
Задачи: учить описывать картинки, используя речевые формулы; учить
составлять диалог - сравнение
Время: 7-10 мин.
Языковой материал: skyscraper, building, gondola, in the middle, in the
background, in the foreground, clubber, palace, night life, cosmopolitan, boat,
historical places, really, and what about you, I see..., but I....
Read the role card. Describe the photos and compare the cities (New York and Venice) working in pairs. Use the words and expressions written on the board. Start your dialogue as in the example.
Role card A
You have been to Venice. Tell your partner
about the city. Describe the photo.
Listen to your partner and compare
the cities.
Role card В
You have been to New York. Tell your partner
about the city. Describe the photo.
Listen to your partner and compare the cities.
Start your dialogue like this:
- Hello
- Hello. I have not seen you for ages.
- You know, I have been to Venice (New York)
- Really! Is it a nice city?
Sample dialogue.
- Hello!
- Hello! I have not seen you for ages!
- You know, I have been to New York.
- Really! Is it a nice city?
- Yes. It's a lovely place. But it s always very crowded with tourists in the summer.
- And I have been to Venice. It's an old city. Look at the photo. In the background you can see a lot of beautiful old buildings. Venice is different from New York!
- Yes, New York is a modern city. In the background of the photo you can see a lot of skyscrapers. The night life is fantastic there. There are a lot of night clubs in New York. And what is in Venice to do?
- Oh, there are lots of things to do! You may visit different historical places, museums. Moreover, I took a ride in a gondola. In the foreground of my photo you can see these brilliant boats.
- Great! I sailed the boat too. Did you enjoy your trip?
- Sure! And what about you?
- I'm glad that I visited such modern and developed city as New York.
Тема: "Around the World"
Цель: формирование умений диалогической речи с использованием ролевой
Задачи: ввести и отработать лексику по теме "Around the World";
учить составлению диалога с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
Время: 7-10 мин.
Языковой материал: a wonderful holiday centre, sunny weather, fantastic long beaches, exotic places, a ship, а church, а castle, a sightseeing tour, There are a lot of things to do!
Read the card and study the situation. Imagine that students A are tourist agents. You should offer to your clients an interesting trip and make people get interested in it. Students В are people who are interested in trips. Ask the tourists agents about the offers.
Role card A
You are a tourist agent.
What can you offer to your clients?
Describe the photo of the city.
Try to make people get interested in the trip
the place,
the weather, the things to do,
the places to visit, the historical places.
Role card В
You are thinking about a holiday. But you can not decide where to go. Ask the tourist agent about the city:
- were this city is
- what the weather is like in
- what there is to do
- what about places to visit
- if there are any clubs or anything like that
- if there any historical places to visit
Use these words and expressions:
• Good morning. Can I help you?
• I am glad you came to me. If I were you I’d go to_______
• There are lots of things to do!
• OK, I'll book the ticket, please.
• a wonderful holiday centre
• sunny weather
• a fantastic long beach
• an exotic place
• a ship, a church, a castle, a sightseeing tour
Sample dialogue
- Good morning.
- Good morning. Can I help you?
- I am thinking about the holiday. But I can not decide where to go.
- I'm glad you came to me. The place to go is______. You will love it
- there. ______is the place everyone s talking about.
- Yes, but I have no idea where it is.
- Have a look at the map... Now look at the photograph. Isn't it the most wonderful holiday centre you have ever seen?
- Mmm... Well, and what’s the weather in______
- It’s very sunny for most of the year and it s always very hot.
- Good! And what is there to do?
- Oh, there are lots of things to do. You can go swimming or surfing...
- That's really nice! I'm fond of surfing and I like swimming too. But I want to know is there any historical places? I'd like to visit old castles, palaces and so on.
- There are lots of museums and excursions....
- OK, I'll book the ticket, please.
Задание 3 Тема: "Travelling"
Цель: формирование умений диалогической речи с использованием ролевых игр
Задачи: учить использовать речевые формулы, выражающие собственное мнение в диалогической речи;
Отработать и закрепить лексический материал по теме "Travelling" Время: 7-10 мин
Языковой материал: to travel by car (air, sea), to travel on foot, air crash; I agree with you; we'd better...; to my mind, in my opinion, let's...
You are going to visit New York. Discuss with you friend which way of travelling will you chose using the words and expression on the cards.
Role card A Role card В
You prefer to travel by air. Tell You prefer to travel by car. Tell
your friend about the advantages your friend about the advantages
of this way of travelling. Try to of this way of travelling. Try to
persuade your friend to travel by air. persuade your friend to travel by
Sample dialogue
- OK. We had better take a car because we just can't afford flying all the way!
- In my opinion, we should fly to New York. Travelling by air is the fastest way of travelling.
- Yes, I agree with you. But it is also the most dangerous way of traveling. There are a lot of air crashes. Moreover, it's very expensive.
- May be, though it's very comfortable. And travelling by car is the slowest and least comfortable.
- To my mind there are a lot of advantages in travelling by car. You may stop wherever you like and visit some places...
- Mmm. You are right. OK. Let's travel by car.
Задание 4
Тема: "Around the world"
Цель: формирование умений устной диалогической речи
Задачи: учить диалогической речи с использованием речевых формул
Время: 6-8 мин.
Языковой материал: Excuse me, please. Do you know where...
I am looking for...
Well, look according to this map
It's far from...
To pass through...
The traffic light
To turn left (right)
It is on your right
Go straight
You are two passers-by. Choose any place on the map (museum, theatre) and make up a dialogue in which one of you will ask the way and the other one will answer.
Sample dialogue
- Excuse me, please. Do you know where the St. Paul’s Cathedral is?
- Well, isn't far from here. Do you know were the Govent Garden is?
- No, not really. I'm just passing through.
- Well, first go down this street to the traffic light. -OK.
- Then turn left and go west on Fleet Street for about two block. The St. Paul’s Cathedral is on your right.
- All right. Thanks.
- You are welcome.
Задание 5
Тема: "Travelling"
Цель: формирование умений устной диалогической речи
Задачи: учить составлению диалога, в котором необходимо жаловаться и
отстаивать свое мнение вежливо.
Время: 10-15 мин.
Языковой материал: to complain, to disturbed, to feel unwell, earplugs,
soundproofing, to change one's routine; I'm sorry to say; I'm really sorry; I see
but; I think; If I were you I would.
You are neighbours. Read the role card and make up the dialogue.
Role card A
Complain to your neighbour politely. Give reasons why it is very important that you should not be disturbed, for example, you need to sleep as you have to get up early in the morning; you are feeling unwell; you can not hear your own music, etc. Remain polite and friendly, even if your neighbour is not very helpful
Role card В
Apologize for disturbing your neighbour. Explain why it is impossible to stop whatever it is you are doing. Make suggestions to help your neighbour, for example, earplugs, soundproofing, ask him or her to come to the party, suggest he or she changes their routine. Remain polite and friendly, but do not agree to change your habits
Sample dialogue
- Good morning, Mr. Smith.
- Good morning, Jack. Wait a minute, please.
- Yes?
- I'm sorry to say that, but I should complain to you. I...
- Sorry, but I don't understand you.
- You see, I'm an old man and I am to go to bed at 10 PM. But I can't sleep because of your music!
- Or, I'm really sorry for the disturbing you, but you know that my friends and me have organized the band and we are going to record a disk.
- If I were you I would go to the park or somewhere else and play there.
- Yes, but all the necessary equipments are in my room.
- OK. But why do you do it at night?
- It's the only time when we can gather together.
- But what shall I do? I have a terrible headache after these sleepless nights!
- I think, you may use earplugs or...
- Sorry, but I don't want to use it!
- And what about coming to us and listen to our music. You'll like it!
- Oh, dear!
Задание 6
Тема: "Traveling"
Цель: развитие умений диалогической речи с использованием ролевой игры Задачи: отработать лексический материал по теме "At the Lost Property Office";
учить составлять диалоги на основе диалога-образца.
Время: 5-7 мин
Языковой материал: Excuse me, I have lost my. . .
What does it look like?
Thank you very much!
It's not like that.
Oh, dear what shall I do?
Imagine that you are in the lost property office. Students A attempt to claim back on object at the lost property office. Students В work at the lost property office.
Sample dialogue
A: Excuse me, I have lost my briefcase.
B: Yes madam, what does it look like?
A: It is square and has my name on the front.
B: Is this it?
and then either:
A: Yes thank you very much.
B: Would you mind signing for it here, please?
A: Yes of course.
A: No, it’s not like that. It’s made of leather.
B: Sorry, madam, this is the only one we’ve got.
A: Oh, dear! What shall I do?
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