Урок по теме "Животный и растительный мир Австралии"
методическая разработка (7 класс) по теме
Данный урок составлен по теме "Австралия" по учебнику "English VI" О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой для школ с углубленныи изучением английского языка. В дополнение к тексту "The Unknown Southern Land" представлена презентация с иллюстрациями и интересными фактами о растительном и животном мире Австралии. Предлагаются упражнения для закрепления и усвоения этого материала.
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Тема урока: «Животный и растительный мир Австралии»
Цели урока: Обобщить знания учащихся о животных и растениях Австралии, активизировать интерес к изучению английского языка, повторить и закрепить лексику по теме «Австралия», продолжить формирование речевых навыков учащихся.
Тип урока: комбинированный
- Организационный этап. Приветствие.
T: Good morning. What day is it today? What’s the weather like today?
P: Good morning. Today is the 14th of April. It is warm and sunny outdoors.
T: Thank you. And what season is now?
P: It’s spring.
T: Right. And what season is it in Australia now?
P: It’s autumn.
T: Very good. Could you explain why?
P: Yes, of course. It is so because Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere.
T: Absolutely. So, you know a lot about Australia already.
- Определение темы урока.
T: So, you know a lot about Australia already. And today we’ll talk about animals and plants of this continent. We’ll study the text, answer the questions to it and do some other tasks.
- Этап актуализации знаний.
T: So, you’ve read the text “The Most Extraordinary Country To Explore” at home. Do you understand it? If everything is clear can you complete these sentences:
- Australia lies in the Southern Hemisphere where winter comes in …
- Most parts of Australia do not receive enough …
- Australia has an extraordinary collection of …
- Australia is the home of the two world’s most primitive …
- Another well-known Australia’s animal is …
- Two animals were brought to Australia by Europeans and have become wild. They are …
T: Now I want you to answer my questions:
- What do you know about Australian climate?
- What regions in Australia are dry? Humid?
- What animals are typically Australian? What about birds?
- What animals were brought to Australia by settlers?
- How did they break the ecological balance in this country?
T: I believe that the text we’ve discussed today is of interest for you. To give you more facts about the smallest continent in the world I have prepared a presentation.
T: Do you like the presentation? Do you learn anything new about Australia from it? What new facts do you know now?
- What is the only food koala eats?
- Do you remember the name of the smallest species of kangaroo?
- Why is wombat called the “bulldozer of the bush”?
- How much does platypus eat?
- Is Tasmanian devil fierce?
- What do you learn about bandicoots?
- Who takes care of the eggs and chicks in a cassowary family?
- Why do people call kookaburra a laughing jackass?
- What is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world?
- How did the aborigines use the leaves of eucalyptus?
- What other unusual trees of Australia do you know now?
4. Подведение итогов урока.
T: Thank you for your answers. I think that this lesson was very useful for you. You have learnt a lot about Australia, its animal world and vegetation. Now you know that this continent is in many ways unusual and amazing. Its unique flora and fauna had developed for thousands and thousands of years and gave us absolutely new life forms. But when people started to settle in Australia they brought a lot of animals, plants, insects with them. These species broke the ecological balance in the country and did a lot of harm to Australia.
- Объяснение домашнего задания.
So, your home task will be the following. You should find information about an animal, bird, reptile or insect brought to Australia and prepare a brief report on its influence on the environment. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
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Животный и растительный мир Австралии
Подписать под картинкой название животного или растения Австралии....