Урок "Красота спасет мир"
материал по испанскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Ход урока.
I.Организационный момент ( сообщение цели, задач урока и его темы).
Good morning, dear boys and girls. Good morning, dear guests.
Приветствие на испанском.
¡Buenos días!
Today we have an unusual lesson. As I know you learn two languages, English and Spanish. That’s why we will discuss the topic of our lesson in English and Spanish.
Now let’s start. Look at the board and try to guess what the topic of our lesson is.
What are we going to speak about?
- we’ll speak about popular arts;
- we’ll deal with the material about famous people in arts;
- we’ll get more information about different music styles.
- We’ll discuss the quotation [ “the beauty will save the world.”
Maybe we’ll learn something interesting about Spanish artist, musicians, and composers?
You are right boys and girls.
Красота спасёт мир
En español nuestro tema se llama: encuentro con arte.
El epígrafo de nuestra lección son las palabras de Dostoebskiy : la belleza salvará el mundo.
Let’s start our work!
II.Речевая зарядка.
So, arts consist of different areas. Try to guess, what art is it?
- The art of arranging sounds in patterns, especially to produce a pleasing [] effect. (Music)
- The art and science of building. (Architecture)
- The art of performing movements to music. (Dancing)
- The art of making written works, which are of artistic value. (Literature)
- The art of performing on the stage. (Theatre)
What does the word …. mean?
- The art of writing plays for the theatre. (Drama) []
- The art of making pictures by using paints. (Painting)
- The art of making pictures or representing objects, plans, etc. with a pen or a pencil (Drawing)
- The art of making films. (Cinema)
- The art of shaping solid representations of people, animals or objects out of stone, wood, clay, metal, etc. (Sculpture)
1. What arts are the most popular nowadays?
P-1: In my opinion music and cinema, literature and theatre are the most popular arts now.
2. What arts are you fond of?
На испанском делим по колонкам театр, музыка, живопись
Rellena la tabla con las palabras dadas
T. Where do you usually go if you want to enjoy arts?
P-2: We usually go to theatres, cinemas, opera houses, concert halls, art galleries and exhibitions.
IV. Развитие диалогических навыков.
Let’s imagine that you are going to some place.
And now, pupils, let’s work in pairs and make up your dialogues. Invite your friend to the gallery, to the theatre or to the concert hall.
You should use the card. Please, start working.
Your time is over, pupils. Let’s listen to your dialogues.
- Do you feel like going to the Tretyakov Gallery?
- That’s quite a good idea but I don’t think I can make it.
- Why?
- I’m really very busy after classes. Thank you all the same.
- What about tomorrow?
- That would be very nice. I’d love to. Thanks.
Thank you. Well done!
Now I suggest you to visit the State Tretyakov Gallery
Let’s imagine that you are in the State Tretyakov Gallery
First of all look at the smart board and try to guess. How is this picture called?
Teacher: Russian painters are well-known all over the world. Let’s remember their names and works they painted.
1. V.M. Vasnetsov 5. P.A.Fedotov | a. “Alyonushka” The picture… belongs to the brush of….. The picture is executed by …. Well done. Now Edic and Dasha read the dialogue. |
Диалог на испанском
Bueno,……. ya sabes que el viernes vamos a ir de excursión al museo y no tendremos clases.
-----Vale, vale. A propósito, conoces la pintura española?
------Muy poco. Y tú, conoces algunos museos de España?
-----El museo Nacional Reina Sofía, el museo marítimo, pero claro que el más famoso es el museo del Prado. Tengo un amigo que puede contarnos de los museos y de los mejores pintores españoles.
------¡Vaya sorpresa!
---Edu, me parece, que este amigo eres tú,¿ verdad?
---Sí, tienes razón, soy yo.
На исп. Описание картин музей Прадо
Aprendiendo español conocemos los nombres de los clásicos de la pintura mundial, los españoles Velázquez, Goya, El Greco, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Joán Miró y sus obras más conocidas.
Velázquez creó las famosas“Las Meninas”. El pintor precenta a princesa Margarita, hija de Felipe IV, asistida por las meninas. Los reyes, Felipe IV y Mariana de Asturia, se reflejan en el espejo.
Picasso es el autor de las conocidas “Paloma de la paz”, “Guernica” y muchas otras obras maestras.
Francisco Goya es uno de los pintores más grandes de Europa. Creó entre otros cuadros:”Caballero de la mano en el pecho”,”Adornación de los reyes magos’’
What about going to the Drama Theatre tomorrow night?
- That sounds like a good idea. Can we get the tickets?
- I hope so. When is the play?
- The play begins at 7. If we meet an hour earlier we’ll be able to buy two tickets.
- See you tomorrow.
Well done!
T. What are the most popular theatres in the world? Look at the screen. Have you recognized these theaters. (La Scala in Milan. Royal Opera house, Shakespeare’s Globe theatre, Bolshoi theatre, Mariinskiy theatre. Metropolitan in New York. Королевский театр Мадрида
главный оперный театр в Мадриде, столице Испании. Находится напротив королевского дворца.
Выплывают названия
«Have you ever been to the theatre? Let’s see if you know the interior [] side of the theatre»
What can you see in the hall of the theatre?
Where are the stalls?
When you go to the hall of the theatre you can see rows of seats there. You can see the stalls near the stage. There are boxes on both sides of the stalls. A dress-circle is higher than the stalls. The balconies are higher than the dress-circle. There is a beautiful chandelier [] in the hall. I can see wonderful curtains on the stage.
Когда вы посещаете театр нужно обязательно соблюдать правила поведения.
When you visit the theatre everyone should keep the rules
Правила поведения
1. During the performance you should keep silence .
2. Also remember about your phone: you always have to switch it off.
3. Arrive at the theatre in time and don't be late, after the first bell you should take your seat.
4.Your outdoor clothing and any bulky parcels must be left in the cloakrooms.
As you know there are different kinds of theatres in the world.
P. Puppet, Drama, musical, pantomime[],opera
Spain takes the first place in the world of music
Испания занимает одно из первых мест в мире музыке.
Sabéis que España ocupa hoy uno de los primeros lugares en el mundo musical.
1.¿Cómo es el flamenco?
El flamenco es una mezcla de folklore árabe, judío y gitano que se expresa en canto y baile.
2. ¿Qué utilizan los bailarines ?
Los bailarines utilizan las castañuelas . No es sólo el ritmo de las castañuelas y la guitarra lo que acompaña al baile flamenco, sino también el cante y el sonido de las palmas de las manos y del zapatero.
3.¿Qué traje llevan los hombres?
Los hombres llevan un traje negro con chaquitilla corta y botas de tacón y las mujeres faldas largas de vivos colores.
No sólo el flamenco se identifica con España. También con España se identifica la guitarra, cuyo origen es árabe.
4. Y, chicos ¿ quién es Paco de Lucía ?
Un guitarrista virtuoso flamenco.
Es imposible imaginar el arte musical internacional sin los nombres de los grandes músicos españoles.
Vamos a hacer un ejercicio.
Relaciona cada palabra con los nombres de 4 cantantes.
Слушаем муз. Опред. Название
Teacher: Our excursion is over. To sum up the material of our discussion I’d like to draw a conclusion. Look at the board again and read the quotation “Beauty will save the world”
- What role do arts play in people’s lives?
p-2: - Arts brighten people’s lives.
- They teach us to understand life and people better and to admire beauty.
- Arts develop the mankind.
- Arts give us impressions
- Arts forms our moral values
Pupil 2: All painters are great. Everybody has something unique to offer to people.
Pupil 3: We can’t do without art, because it makes our life more expressive, beautiful and enriches our own culture.
Pupil 1: As for me I am greatly impressed and I am lucky to visit the gallery.
Teacher – each student has two masks on the desk: a sad and a happy one. Which mask reflects your mood in the end of the lesson.
Show us your mood...I’m really pleased all the students were great.
De todos los artes me gusta más la pintura.
El mundo de pintura es maravilloso, está lleno de sorpresas. Muchas gracias.
Estoy contento de hacer una excursión. Muchas gracias.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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