Презентация "to be going to"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Никитина Оксана Викторовна

Презентация "to be going to"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

« to be going to do something »

Слайд 2

to be + going to … собираться что-то делать expresses future plans

Слайд 3

Who remembers the forms of the verb “to be”? I You He She We They is am is are are are

Слайд 4

Statements I You He She It We They am going to walk are going to walk is going to walk is going to walk is going to walk are going to walk are going to walk

Слайд 5

Negatives I am You are He is She is It is We are They are not going to walk

Слайд 6

Questions Am I Are you Is he Is she Is it Are we Are they going to walk

Слайд 7

Make up sentences,use to be going and translate them into Russian I / arrange a party. You / stay at home. He / visit London. She / see the dentist. We / speak to the teacher. They / write a test.

Слайд 8

Stephen Wooding’s Plans Say what Stephen Wooding is going to do 1.to invite Russian students to Great Britain 2.to arrange a date and time 3.to meet a group of Russian students in London

Слайд 9

Are you going to do any of these things after the lesson.Ask and answer the questions with a partner . Arrange chairs in the classroom Meet some friends Miss the next lesson Do your homework Discuss a problem with your friend Speak to the teacher

Слайд 10

Put the words into correct order to make the sentences 1.To, going, am, a, organize, party, I. I am going to organize a party 2. An,write,letter,going,he,invitation,is,to. He is going to write an invitation letter.

Слайд 11

3. Great Britain,they,visit,to,going,are? Are they going to visit Great Britain? 4.Going,the,responsible,to,social,for, programme,are,we,be. We are going to be responsible for the social programme

Слайд 12

5.You,to,what,going,do,are ? What are you going to do? 6.Students,miss,are,the,not,lessons,the,to, going. The students are not going to miss the lessons

Слайд 13

Say about your plans for the next week

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