Influence of Roman loans on the English language
презентация к уроку (9, 10, 11 класс)
Тезисы по теме. Основные периоды заимствований, в частности, из итальянского и французского языков
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The primary borrowings’ reasons historical contacts of nations; n omination of new objects and notions; n ational innovation in some sphere of activity; l inguistic snobbery; l anguage authority; i ncrease of the certain social strata using new words.
The progress of English language is not the result of national prosperity, but of two national disasters – the Danish invasion and the Norman conquest. L. J. Smith
Borrowings mostly expressed the new concepts which have arisen in connection with familiarizing with higher culture of the Roman people of this period.
In the 6th century distribution of Christian religion among Britain population has begun as a result of aspiration of the papal power to subordinate this rich territories. And Latin was the standard language of Catholic Church.
1) household goods, tools: “ ancor ” from Lat. “ ancora ”; “box” – “ buxus ”; “post” – “ postis ”; 2) clothes: “cap” – “ cappa ”; “sock” – “ soccus ” etc; 3 ) weights and lengths: “circle” – “ circulus ”; “pound” – “ pondo ”; 4) names of animals, birds and fishes: “camel” – “ camelus ”; “turtle” f – “ turtur ”, “camel” – “ camelus ”; 5) names of plants: “palm” – “ palma ”; “rose” – “ rosa ”, “plant” – “ planta ”, “pear” – “ pirum ”; 6) the words connected with religious concepts: “angel” – “angelus”; “church” – “ cyriaca ”; “monk” – “ monachus ”. Latin loan-words in the period of Old English According to the English linguists’ estimates, by the end of the Old English period there were about 450 Latin loanwords.
Latin borrowings in medieval England the verbs having a suffix in an infinitive -ate- formed from a participle of a past tense of Latin verbs I of conjugation ( “ to separate”, “to translate”, “to meditate”, “to exaggerate”, “to congratulate” ) ; the verbs having a suffix in an infinitive - ute - which formed from a basis of a participle of a past tense of Latin verbs III of conjugation as “ to prosecute”, “to execute”; the adjectives formed from Latin participles of the present tense with an endings -ant- and - ent -, for example, “evident”, “transparent”, “patient”, “triumphant”, “apparent”, “obedient”.
Economic and political connections between Italy and England have found the reflection in dictionary structure of English which borrows in 14 th century the Italian words relating to trade, a manufactory and military science.
Century Spheres Examples 14 th -15 th trade, military science, navigation ducat, million, lombard, alarm, brigand, bark 16 th economics, art carat, traffic, contraband, bankrupt, citadel, pistol, sonnet, stanza, motto, model, miniature, fresco 17 th public life, trade, and also art and music manifesto, risk, umbrella, corridor, solo, opera, piano, largo, allegro, grotto, 18 th music soprano, falsetto, viola, cantata, trombone, trio, fantasia, aria, tempo, crescendo, andante 19 th -20th politics , music, art camorra, cavatina, legato, prima donna, diva, fiasco, studio, replica Periodisation of Italian borrowings
Since the Norman conquest and then the English has ceased to follow the natural law of development, which it would if it remained a Germanic language in its original form. F. G. Lounsbury
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