Урок 5. Economic systems.
методическая разработка (11 класс) на тему
Дидактический материал для гуманитарного профиля по курсу "Деловой английский язык"
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Economic Systems
- Remember the words.
- Match 1-7 with a-g to make meaningful phrases.
1. to provide | a) the type of economic system |
2. to satisfy | b) the central authority |
3. to determine | c) goods and services |
4. to rely | d) the income |
5. to obey | e) people’s wants |
6. to evaluate | f) to work hard |
7. to encourage | g) on the same tools and methods |
The wants people have are almost unlimited. However, each society has
a limited amount of resources from which to provide the goods and services
to satisfy these wants. This scarcity of resources forces every society to make decisions about the following questions:
– Which goods and services will be produced?
– How will these goods and services be produced?
– How will the goods and services be distributed?
The answers for every particular country will depend on its priorities.
Some countries consider it very important to be powerful and to feel safe.
Other countries are concerned with providing food and clothing to all inhabitants.
The decision that a country make will determine the type of economic
system it has.
The basic types of economic systems are traditional, command and market.
Traditional system is the system in which people do things the way they
have always done them. They rely on the same tools and methods used by
their parents. There is little or no change in such systems because most people methods are based on habit, custom and religious belief. Individuals are not free to make decisions according to what they want to have. Traditional system is not as widely spread as it was before. Though it is still a major force in some areas on the west coast of Canada, in Latin America, Africa and Middle East.
In a command system, the basic economic decision of what and how to
produce and distribute is made by a central authority. The members of the society in the system obey. The central authority consists of one person or a small group who control factories, equipment and land. This system is still powerful in China and Cuba and recently our country and the countries of Eastern Europe operated under strong command system.
In a market system, the basic economic decision is based on the actions
of people and business firms participating in many different markets. A market system produce goods and services that people are willing to buy and that can bring a profit to the sellers. The interaction of consumers and producers makes the system work. US, Canada and Japan are the best examples of this type of economic system.
The fact is that none of today's economic system is based totally on one
of three principles just described. Modern economics have some element of
all three influences in them. However one of the principles is usually stronger than the others and defines the whole system.
A society's standard of living is one way to evaluate an economic system.
The standard of living is a measure of how well the people live. It depends on the amount and kind of goods and services the people of a country enjoy, or their income.
- Answer some more questions about economic systems.
1. Why is there no change in traditional system?
2. Who makes the basic decision in command system?
3. How do you understand that interaction of consumers and producers makes market system work?
4. How do economists evaluate people’s standard of living?
- Study the model and translate the underlined sentences.
The wants people have are almost unlimited.
Желания, которые имеют люди, почти безграничны.
- Translate into English using the words from the text.
1. Обычаи привычки и религиозные верования заставляют людей полагаться на те же орудия и методы труда, которыми они пользовались всегда.
2. Дефицит ресурсов заставляет людей ограничивать свои желания и потребности.
3. Правительство заставляет членов общества подчиняться. Оно навязывает свои решения.
4. Производство товаров и услуг зависит от взаимодействия потребителя и производителя.
5. В командной системе все изменения в экономике зависят от правительства.
6. Правительство занимается повышением уровня жизни населения.
7. Эта компания занимается проблемой распределения.
8. Традиционная система основана на обычаях, традициях и верованиях.
9. Количество ресурсов влияет на объём производства.
10. Экономическая система не может основываться только на одном принципе.
11. Развитие экономики в командной системе находится под влиянием центральной власти
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