Задание для формирования читательской грамотности
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Коломина Эльвира Анатольевна

"English Breakfast"


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Look at the picture and name everything you can see. (I can see…)

2. What do you think this text is about? (I think this text is about…)

3. Let’ check. While reading the text pay attention to various meals – breakfast, lunch and supper.  Read very carefully.

The traditional British breakfast is eggs, bacon, sausages, toast with jam or honey, water and coffee. A lot of British people eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

British people often have their lunch in lunch boxes. For lunch they have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink.

For supper British people eat meat or fish with vegetables, rice or pasta. They eat a lot of potatoes too.

4. Now, I have pictures with different food products. I need three pupils who tell and show the class what British people eat for breakfast, for lunch and for supper.

(British people eat …….for breakfast. British people eat …….for lunch. British people eat …….for supper.)

Good job!

5. Now, let's check who is who is attentive and who is not. Finish the sentences by choosing the correct answer according to the text. Write your answers in your copybooks.

1. For breakfast British people eat a bowl of 1) rice 2) salad 3) cereal

2. British people often have their lunch 1) at home 2) in lunch boxes 3) at 2 p.m.

3. They have meat and fish for 1) breakfast 2) lunch 3) supper

6. Choose the title that best fits the text. Why do you think that?

1. British People Like Vegatables

2. Traditional British Food

3. Lunch Boxes

(I think the best title is….because…)

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