презентация по теме " Досуг"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
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Introduction To draw conclusions on this topic, it is necessary to understand the pros and cons of the Internet and cinema.
theater Theater We go to the theater because we crave cultural development and spiritual perfection. We are looking for new sensations. Even if we know the play and we know how the performance will end, it is still interesting for us to see it with our own eyes. We are attracted by acting and the unique energy of the theater. We put on beautiful, elegant clothes.
In Russia, in 2022, with the advent of the Pushkin Map, visits to cultural places have increased.
Cinema People go to the cinema to take a break from everyday life. Watch a comedy or melodrama over a bag of popcorn. In cinema halls, the screen is much larger than at home and this makes viewing more exciting. You can go to the cinema with the company and relax together.
Internet or DVD There are people who prefer to watch movies or performances via the Internet or DVD. This has its advantages: you can safely eat any food you want, create your own cozy atmosphere, you can discuss what is happening in the film without thinking about disturbing someone, you can gather a large company.
If you need to go somewhere, you can pause and not miss anything. And you can choose the time when you watch the movie. No need to go anywhere and pay money. But this will not allow you to feel those thrills that you get with a live presence in the hall of a theater or cinema.
С onclusion In my opinion, going to the theater and cinema will not disappear. So far, the Internet and DVD are not able to replace a person's leisure, during which he can experience emotions together with the artists. Here and now.
Thanks you for your attention!
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