Сценарий сказки "Красная Шапочка"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Little Red Riding Hood
A nice little room. Little Red Riding Hood’s mother is sitting on a chair and Little Red Riding Hood is plating with her toys.
M Come, Little Red Riding Hood, you know, our grandmother is ill.
LRRH And what is the matter with her?
M She is seriously ill. I have made a cake for her. Go and take it to her and take a jug of milk too.
LRRH Where is it?
M It is on the window -sill. Take the basket from the chair and put everything into it.
LRRH All right, Mum.
M You must not speak to anybody on the way. You must go straight to your Granny.
LRRH Mummy, may I pick some flowers on the way?
M No, don’t do that! Don’t stop anywhere! You are a little girl and you must obey your mother.
LRRH All right, dear Mother. I shall do everything you say. Good -bye, dear Mother
M Good-bye, my dear child.
The wood there are a lot of flowers. Little Red Riding Hood is on the way to her grand mother.
LRRH How nice it is here. The air is so fresh and there are so many beautiful flowers. I shall pick some for my grandmother, she will be very glad to have them.
Grey Wolf comes
GW Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
LRRH Good morning!
W Where are you going?
LRRH To my grandmother’s My grandmother is ill and I am carrying her a jug of milk and a cake.
W And I see some flowers. Are they for her too?
LRRH Yes, they are
W And where does your grandmother live?
LRRH She lives very far from here: in the middle of the wood! (She points to the road)
W You must go along that road and there you will see more flowers: buttercups and bluebells/ Go along? Little girl. Good-bye
The grandmother’s room. There is a bed in the room. The wolf is lying on the bed in the grandmother’s dress and cap He hears a knock.
W (in a soft voice) Who’s there?
LRRH It’s me. May I come in?
W Open the door and come in.
(LRRH enters the room and comes up to the table)
LRRH (putting the jug of milk on the table) Granny, Mother has sent you a cake and a jug of milk. Will you drink it now?
W No, my dear, I do not want any milk just now
LRRH I shall give you a cake. (Taking the cake , she comes up to the bed. Looking at the wolf, frightened). Why, Granny, what big eyes you have!
W The better to see you , child!
LRRH Oh, Granny, what big ears you have!
W The better to hear you, my dear
LRRH Oh, Granny, what sharp teeth you have!
W The better to eat you!
LRRH Help! Help!
Granny Oh, thank you very much. Oh, my dear child!
LRRH Oh, hunters! You have saved us!
G and LRRH (together) Thank you very, very much!
LRRH Now, I shall always obey my dear mother.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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