Сценарий внеклассной работы «Красная шапочка и ее друзья»
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Внеклассная работа способствует творческому развитию школьников. Она помогает, развивает интерес к учёбе, формирует речевые навыки и умения. Особый интерес проявляют школьники к спектаклям. Необычная атмосфера, возможность проявить свои таланты помогают детям преодолеть стеснительность, снять языковой барьер.
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Сценарий внеклассной работы «Красная шапочка и ее друзья»
Внеклассная работа способствует творческому развитию школьников. Она помогает, развивает интерес к учёбе, формирует речевые навыки и умения. Особый интерес проявляют школьники к спектаклям. Необычная атмосфера, возможность проявить свои таланты помогают детям преодолеть стеснительность, снять языковой барьер.
Little Red Riding Hood and her friends.
Цели: 1. Развить навыки диалогической речи, учить учащихся произносить фразы с правильным ритмом и интонацией, проводить работу над запоминанием текстового материала; 2. Вовлечь учащихся в творческую деятельность через участие в инсценировке сказки; 3. Развить у учащихся артистические способности: умение перевоплощаться в изображаемого героя сказки, используя правильную мимику и жесты; 4.Воспитание у учащихся доброты, отзывчивости и дружелюбия.
Декорации: три дерева, искусственные цветы, насекомые, бабочки.
Действующие лица:
Ведущий- Фея- Fairy Доктор Айболит
Красная шапочка- Little Red Riding Hood Варвара- Varvara
Волк- Grey Wolf Кот в сапогах- Puss in Boots
Баба Яга- Baba Yaga Бабушка-Grandmother
Звери- Animals Цветочки- Flowers
Людоед- Ogre Мальчик- с- пальчик- Boy
Вед.: All of us love fairy tales. Love children and adults. They teach us to be kind and help each other in a difficult situations. Now we’ll show you a fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood and Grey Wolf”. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
К.Ш.: It is very beautiful in the forest. Flowers are so lively.
Flowers here,
Flowers there,
Flowers growing everywhere!
танец Цветов.
Волк: Ku-ku!
К.Ш.: Oh, it is a cuckoo! Mr. cuckoo, guess how many pies are there in my basket?
Волк: Ku-ku!
К.Ш.: No, you didn’t guess it, that's not right! There are not only two pies in my basket.
Волк: (грубым голосом) Ku-ku!
К.Ш.: Who is there? Oh, who is playing the fool? What does it all mean? Now you, cuckoo, go out on the edge!
Волк выходит: Ku-ku, Little Red Riding Hood. Ku-ku, baby! Where are you going?
К.Ш.: I’m going to visit my Granny. I must hurry. Let me go please, Mr. Wolf! Красная Шапочка убегает, Волк смотрит ей вслед. Поворачивается к зрителям.
Волк: She is very greedy and awfully stupid. I’ll eat her Granny, her cakes and butter. (убегает)
Вед.: Oh what’s happening. Little Red Riding Hood is in a danger. We should ask for help. Where is my magic book of fairy tales? (листает) That is what we need. Children, do you like cats? I like them. Let’s invite here Puss in Boots.
Выходит Кот в сапогах. Замечает Красную Шапочку.
Кот: How do you do, young lady! Where are you going?
К.Ш.: I hurry to my Granny. I must give to her these tasty pies, that cooked my mother.
Кот: Oh please, let me to lead you out. It is very dangerous in the wood.
К.Ш.: O’k. Then let’s go.
Медленный танец Кота и Красной Шапочки.
Выбегает Волк.
Волк: Where is that girl? I don’t understand where is She … (обращается к зрителям) Did you see her?
Зрители: No.
Волк (прислушиваясь): It seams to me, that somebody is coming here. I’ll hide behind the tree. (прячется за дерево).Появляются Кот в сапогах и Красная Шапочка.
К.Ш.: Well, we are close here to my grandmother's house. Thank you so much Mr. Cat for your help!
Волк (выходит): It is early to thank. The most interesting is still ahead.
Кот: Sir, I am at your service! I through my gloves, I call you to fight in a duel.
Сцена дуэли (танец).
Кот ранен, Красная шапочка подбегает к нему, утешает.
Волк: Now, that's better. You wanted to be a hero, now we see, what kind of hero are you. (обращается к Красной Шапочке) With you, my dear, we’ll meet again! (убегает)
Вед. Children, we need a doctor. Tell me please, who treats the birds and animals, looking through his big glasses. The good doctor…
Дети: Aybolit!
Вед. Yes, you are right. It is our dear doctor Aybolit.
Айболит выходит, поет песню.
Вед. Hello, our dear, kind doctor. Look, what the wolf did with our cat.
Айболит (осматривает Кота): the Patient needs to be cured! I’ll take him with me.
Выбегает сестра Айболита Варвара.
Варвара: You will not take him with you. Your house is full of with animals. Look, what are they doing.
Шуточный танец зверей. Айболит танцует вместе с ними.
Варвара: I am sick and tired. I am washing, cleaning, tidying after them. But, as you can see, there is a mud around!
Айболит : Varvara, don’t worry, don’t make a noise. We should help the Cat. Don't you see, he is wounded.
Варвара: (бросает веник): I am tired with you and with your animals. I leave the service. I don’t want to work here anymore (уходит).
Красная Шапочка и Айболит уводят Кота.
Вед.: Well, now our cat is in а good hands. Doctor will cure him.
Выходит Красная Шапочка.
К.Ш.: While I was running away from the Wolf, I lost the road. Now I do not know where to go!
Песня Красной шапочки
Вед.:It seems to me that, we have to use the magic book of fairy tales again. Who are we going to call for help? Listen to the following riddle: The cleverness of this boy helped him to rescue his six brothers. So, did any of you read about him?
Дети: Это Мальчик - с – пальчик (a little Boy).
Выбегает Мальчик- с - пальчик.
Boy: You can not catch me, you can not catch me. (прячется) Выходит Людоед.
Людоед: Where is that boy? Oh, I'm so hungry! I’ll eat him.
Вед.: Are you offending small children?! Shame of you.
Людоед: But I want to eat! I am very hungry.
Вед.:The Poor Thing! Take this apple and eat! (подает ему яблоко) Don’t chase after this little boy. It would be better to help Little Red Riding Hood. She's lost and can't find the way to the house of her grandmother. Poor grandma, probably she is upset.
Людоед: (хнычет) Oh! I also have a grandmother! She loves me so much! I didn’t see her so long!
Вед.: Do you want me to give an advice how to make pleasant to your grandmother?
Людоед: Yes, I want!
Вед.: Then leave the Boy in a peace.
Людоед: Hey, boy, come out. I won't touch you!
Вед: Good for you. Your grandmother will be very glad, if you paint her portrait, and give it to her.
Людоед: Thank you very much for your advice. I will do so!
Вед:: And now we should help Little Red Riding Hood.
Boy: I know how to get out of the forest! Little Red Riding Hood, come here on this path and go strait, do not turn!
Красная Шапочка уходит. Появляется Баба Яга.
Баба Яга: Ah, when I was young, I was very pretty... But years had passed, and youth had gone!" But Pies that I baked - just are very tasty! And I dressed up so cool!
Лихо отплясывает с корзинкой в руках. Появляется Красная Шапочка.
Баба Яга: Hey, girl! You, in a red cap!
К.Ш.: Oh, excuse me, I didn’t notice you.
Баба Яга: What? You didn’t notice me? I’ve never seen such disrespect to myself. I’ll put you on the shovel, and.... Oh, I’m sorry. I promised to myself to be kind to others only one day.
К.Ш.: Baba Yaga, don't stop me! I must hurry. I must give these pies to my granny. Would you like to taste my pie. Help yourself.
Баба Яга: Yes, thank you. It’s delicious! How I can thank you?
К.Ш: Show me the way to grandmother's house, please.
Баба Яга: Go along this path.
К.Ш: Thank you (убегает).
Баба Яга: Oh, I'm so kind, even it is pleasant for myself! (уходит)
Вед.: Look, Little Red Riding Hood has already approached to the house of her
grandmother. It is interesting what will happen the next.
Красная Шапочка стучится в дверь.
Бабушка: Who's there?
K. Ш: Its me, my dear grandmother! Open the door. The Wolf is chasing after me!
Бабушка: Come in, my dear! Hide under the shop!
Появляется Волк. Он выносит красный берет и шарфик.
Wolf: Look what I have! Well, I am like Little Red Riding Hood?! (стучится в дверь домика)
Бабушка: Who's there?
Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!
Бабушка (выходит): Hello, my baby! Come in, dear. I know, you’ve brought me pies with potatoes!
Wolf: Hello, my grandmother! (гладит ей руки)
Бабушка: Dear granddaughter, is it you, my dear?! Why are your arms so fibrous?!
Wolf: My mittens are made of the dog’s yarn. So I love to wear them! I never put off them!
Бабушка: Why are your ears climbing out from your cap?
Wolf: Don't ask so many questions! I'll eat you grandmother!
Бабушка:: Look at him, he was going to eat me! Granddaughter, banish this Wolf from the house!
Выходит Красная Шапочка с веником в руках, прогоняет Волка.
Wolf: Grandma, I'm sorry for my actions, for my behavior! Please, forgive me and give me your pies to taste?
K. Ш: Grandma, do you hear him? He feels sorry. Maybe, we’ll give him a chance to correct his mistakes?
Бабушка: O’k. We’ll give you pies, sweets. Then you’ll become good. You’ll be kind and funny friend like our guys!
Красная Шапочка угощает Волка пирожком.
Ведущ.: And that's the end of our tale about Little Red riding Hood. All is well that end is well. Let’s help each other in every situation.
Все участники вместе поют песню “The more we are together”
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