Интегрированный урок (литература + английский язык) на тему: «Байронизм в русской литературе» Классы 8-9 Раздаточный материал
рабочие листы по английскому языку (8, 9 класс)

Питушкина Анна Сергеевна
Интегрированный урок (литература + английский язык) на тему: «Байронизм в русской литературе» Классы 8-9


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Интегрированный урок (литература + английский язык) на тему:


Классы 8-9

 Look at your sheets of paper. There are some fragments from the poems by Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. Your task is to give the Russian translation of these abstracts.


My friend, believe me that with thunder,
The star of joy will rise again!
And Russia will arise from slumber,
Our names will be incised with wonder
On remnants of oppressive reign! 



The lonely sail is showing white
Among the haze of the blue sea!..
What does it search in foreign part?
What left it in the native land?...


Deep in Siberia’s mines, let naught
Subdue your proud and patient spirit.
Your crushing toil and lofty thought
Shall not be wasted — do not fear it. 


Alas! - For a few minutes

Between the abrupt and dark rocks,

Where I'm kidding played

I would exchanged the paradise and eternity...

George Gordon Byron

(1788 – 1824)

               Byron was born in London on January 22, 1788, but his childhood was spent in Scotland. The boy was obedient (послушный) and very kind. Romantic nature and heroic history of Scotland conquered (покорили) boy’s imagination forever. The boy was born lame (хромой), but he liked sports and trained every day to change his fate (судьба). Sport helped him to become a good boxer and swimmer. There is a legend that once he crossed Dardanelles. At the age of 17 Byron entered Cambridge University. His literary career began there. It was the time after the first bourgeois revolution in France when the reactionary governments of Europe were trying to stifle freedom (задушить свободу). Byron hated exploitation and sympathized with the working class.  In 1812 there was a significant event (знаменательное событие) in Byron's life – a travel across Europe from which he brought the manuscript (рукопись) of an autobiographic poem «Childe Harold's Pilgrimage». The book was published on February 29, 1812 of the year. On this day, one of the Greatest Poets - George Gordon Byron – was introduced to the world.

Байронизм — романтическое течение в европейской литературе начала XIX века, которое возникло под влиянием английского поэта Джорджа Байрона. Для байронистов свойственно разочарование в обществе и мире, настроения «мировой скорби», резкий разлад между поэтом и окружающими, культ сверхчеловека.

George Gordon Byron

But I have lived, and have not lived in vain…

But I have lived, and have not lived in vain:

My mind may lose its force, my blood its fire,

And my frame perish even in conquering pain;

But there is that within me which shall tire

Torture and Time, and breathe when I expire;

Something unearthly, which they deem not of,

Like the remember'd tone of a mute lyre,

Shall on their soften'd spirits sink, and move

In hearts all rocky now the late remorse of love.


                                    The power and glory of the war,

                                   Faithless as their vain votaries, men,

                                  Had pass’d to the triumphant Czar.


Fare thee well, and if for ever

Still for ever fare thee well.


By the first day of our creation      
I swear, and by its final night,
I swear by evil’s condemnation
and by the triumph of the right.

George Gordon Byron

                                   «My soul is dark…»

My soul is dark - Oh! quickly string

The harp I yet can brook to hear;

And let thy gentle fingers fling

Its melting murmurs o'er mine ear.

If in this heart a hope be dear,

That sound shall charm it forth again:

If in these eyes there lurk a tear,

'Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain.

М. Ю. Лермонтов «Душа моя мрачна…»

Душа моя мрачна. Скорей, певец, скорей!

Вот арфа золотая:

Пускай персты твои, промчавшиеся по ней,  

Пробудят в струнах звуки рая.

И если не навек надежды рок унес,-

Они в груди моей проснутся,

И если есть в очах застывших капля слез,-

Они растают и прольются.

Пусть будет песнь твоя дика. Как мой венец,

Мне тягостны веселья звуки!

Я говорю тебе: я слез хочу, певец,

Иль разорвется грудь от муки.

Страданьями была упитана она,

Томилась долго и безмолвно;

И грозный час настал - теперь она полна,

Как кубок смерти, яда полный.  


Those evening bells! Those evening bells!

How many a tale their music tells,

Of youth, and home, and that sweet time,

When last I heard their soothing chime.

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