Методическая разработка Text UK Wildlife + glossary
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
— a situation that causes a problem
to turn upto turn up
— to arrive or appear (often used in the negative)
— acceptable and able to be used
pick uppick up
— to go to a place and collect somebody or something (usually in a car)
to get into get in
— (usually of a train or coach) to arrive
to get held upto get held up
— to be late because something has caused it
to delayto delay
— to make something happen at a later time
— expected to arrive or happen
a day returna day return
— a train or bus ticket that lets you go somewhere at acheaper price than usual, if you go there and back on the same day
a warninga warning
— information that something bad may happen
a connecting flighta connecting flight
— a flight that leaves soon after the other one arrives
to cancelto cancel
— to decide that something that has been planned will nothappen
a tripa trip
— a journey to a place and back again, for business orpleasure, often for a short period of time (e.g. a day trip, a business trip)
— for one night
to hire a carto hire a car
— to pay to use a car for a short time. syn rent a car.
to stop offto stop off
— to stop during a journey to do something
— going through a place (to get to another place)
a nightmare a nightmare
— an experience that is very unpleasant
to get stuck to get stuck
— unable to move easily
a traffic jam a traffic jam
— a long line of cars moving very slowly
to end up to end up
— to find yourself in a place or situation you didn't plan
the outskirts the outskirts
— the outer outer part of a town or city
heavy traffic heavy traffic
— a lot of cars on the road at a particular time
rush hour rush hour
— the time when a lot of people are travelling to and from work
frequent flights
- heckpoint — a place where traffic can be stopped by officials
- to drop
— to go down
- in advance
— before you travel
- main
— the most important
- an option
— a thing you can choose
- cargo
— things carried by plane, ship, or train
- scheduled
— arranged to happen at a particular time
- available
— there for you to use
- frequent
— happening or doing something often
- lorry
— a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods
- departure
— an act of leaving a place, especially at the start of ajourney
- You get this when you park illegally. — a parking fine
- What a car needs if it's not diesel. — petrol
- It is often 30 mph in the UK in cities. — the speed limit
- The thing to protect a head when a person rides a bike. — a helmet
- It's where you wait for a train in the station. — a platform
- It's bigger than a car, but smaller than a lorry. — a van
- It's like a motorbike, but less powerful. — a scooter
- It's used for transporting large quantities of things by road. — a lorry
- It's a type of bus that moves by electricity along special rails in the road. —a tram
- It's one section of a train. — a carriage
- It's a type of railway system called the Tube in London or Metro in othercities. — underground
- It's a fast road where traffic can travel long distances between large towns. —a motorway
- It's a comfortable bus that's used for long journeys. — a coach
Greenhouse gasesGreenhouse gases
trap the heat from the Sun, make the world warmerand cause global warming.
- When factories and
power stationspower stations
fossil fuelsfossil fuels
, moregreenhouse gases are produced.
- Scientists are worried that the
ice capsice caps
will melt.
- There are many
environmental problemsenvironmental problems
today; climate change, pollution and deforestation are some of them.
- Climate change will make
sea levelsea level
rise, and some islands mightdisappear under water.
carbon dioxideCarbon dioxide
is a greenhouse gas.
- The
tropical rainforeststropical rainforests
of South America, Africa and South-East Asia arevery important for the world's climate.
- Hot, dry weather can cause
forest firesforest fires
UK Wildlife — SOS!
What is wildlife?
"Wildlife" means all the plants, animals and other living things found in the wild.These can be mammals such as squirrels, reptiles like the sand lizard, fish, insects, and tiny little animals that you can't see easily.
What are habitats?
Habitats are the places where plants and animals live. They are all around us onthe land, in the water, in the city and in the countryside. Habitats can be large, like woodlands and farmlands, or small, like ponds and hedgerows. Someanimals live in really tiny places, like the space between sand grains!
What is happening?
In the UK alone, there are about 37,000 different species of animals and 65,000different species of plants. Sadly, though, over the last 100 years more than 170plant and animal species have completely disappeared. Today, about 15% of allBritish wildlife is still at risk, especially animals such as the otter and the brownhare. Unless we do something to help, things will only get worse.
The main reason why some types of plants and animals are becomingendangered species is that their habitats are lost or have changed. Animals likemoths, birds and bats have lost their homes as people have cut down thehedgerows they live in. Also, a lot of ponds are no longer suitable for the animalsand plants to live in because they are polluted, or people have filled them in.
What can we do?
We need to save many species of endangered British wildlife from extinctionbefore it is too late. You can help by supporting environmental groups like theEnvironment Agency that are working to protect our rare wildlife and habitatsfrom the danger of disappearing forever. You can even create a small wildlifehabitat yourself, by making a pond at school or in your garden.
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