Тест "Инфинитив или герундий"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Разработка подойдет для контроля усвоения грамматического материала учащимися 9-10 классов. Разработка представлена в 2 вариантах.
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Предварительный просмотр:
TEST -ing or to
- I’d rather……………………… (ride)a horse than a bicycle.
- She’s a very talkative woman. When she goes out shopping, she stops……………………….(talk) to everyone she meets.
- Don’t put off………………………………(write) a report till the end of the month.
- Mary decided ………………..… (fly) to Venice.
- The lawyer will ………………………….(call) you later.
- I’d like…………………………..(play) tennis tomorrow.
- Don’t keep on……………………..(SHOUT) like that!
- I shouted to him but he continued ..............................(walk) down the road without taking any notice.
- It’s difficult………………… (get) up early in the winter.
- I’m looking forward to………………………(see)you at Christmas
- Harry can’t stand …………………….(work) on Saturdays.
- I’m sorry ………………………..(interrupt), but can I ask you something?
- My brother intends …………………. (get) married soon.
- Did you remember .......................... (water) the plants today?
- He suggested ………………………..( buy) some food.
- She practiced ……………………….. (learn) French before her trip to Paris.
- She must ……………….(stay).
- I can remember…………………….(visit) them when I was a child.
TEST -ing or to
- My brother intends …………………. (get) married soon.
- Did you remember .......................... (water) the plants today?
- He suggested ………………………..( buy) some food.
- She practiced ……………………….. (learn) French before her trip to Paris.
- She must ……………….(stay).
- I can remember…………………….(visit) them when I was a child.
- I’d rather……………………… (ride)a horse than a bicycle.
- She’s a very talkative woman. When she goes out shopping, she stops……………………….(talk) to everyone she meets.
- Don’t put off………………………………(write) a report till the end of the month.
- Mary decided ………………..… (fly) to Venice.
- The lawyer will ………………………….(call) you later.
- I’d like…………………………..(play) tennis tomorrow.
- Don’t keep on……………………..(SHOUT) like that!
- I shouted to him but he continued .............................. (walk) down the road without taking any notice.
- It’s difficult………………… (get) up early in the winter.
- I’m looking forward to……………………… (see)you at Christmas
- Harry can’t stand …………………….(work) on Saturdays.
- I’m sorry ………………………..(interrupt), but can I ask you something?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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