материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Таблица, в которой представлены глаголы, после которых в предложении требуется герундий.
Условные обозначения:
1 – после глагола может следовать герундий или существительное + инфинитив;
2 – после глагола может следовать герундий или инфинитив, однако смысл меняется;
3 – после глагола может следовать герундий или инфинитив, смысл меняется лишь незначительно
Глагол | Пример |
admit | He admitted cheating on the test. |
advise [1] | The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk. |
allow [1] | Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars. |
anticipate | I anticipated arriving late. |
appreciate | I appreciated her helping me. |
avoid | He avoided talking to her. |
begin [3] | I began learning Chinese. |
can't bear [3] | He can't bear having so much responsibility. |
can't help | He can't help talking so loudly. |
can't stand [3] | He can't stand her smoking in the office. |
cease [3] | The government ceased providing free healthcare. |
complete | He completed renovating the house. |
consider | She considered moving to New York. |
continue [3] | He continued talking. |
delay | He delayed doing his taxes. |
deny | He denied committing the crime. |
despise | She despises waking up early. |
discuss | We discussed working at the company. |
dislike | She dislikes working after 5 PM. |
don't mind | I don't mind helping you. |
encourage [1] | He encourages eating healthy foods. |
enjoy | We enjoy hiking. |
finish [2] | He finished doing his homework. |
forget [2] | I forgot giving you my book. |
hate [3] | I hate cleaning the bathroom. |
involve | The job involves traveling to Japan once a month. |
keep | She kept interrupting me. |
like [3] | She likes listening to music. |
love [3] | I love swimming. |
mention | He mentioned going to that college. |
mind | Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes? |
miss | She misses living near the beach. |
need [2] | The aquarium needs cleaning. |
neglect [3] | Sometimes she neglects doing her homework. |
permit [1] | California does not permit smoking in restaurants. |
postpone | He postponed returning to Paris. |
practice | She practiced singing the song. |
prefer [3] | He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater. |
propose [3] | I proposed having lunch at the beach. |
quit [2] | She quit worrying about the problem. |
recall | Tom recalled using his credit card at the store. |
recollect | She recollected living in Kenya. |
recommend | Tony recommended taking the train. |
regret [2] | She regretted saying that. |
remember [2] | I remember telling her the address yesterday. |
require [1] | The certificate requires completing two courses. |
resent | Nick resented Debbie's being there. |
resist | He resisted asking for help. |
risk | He risked being caught. |
start [3] | He started studying harder. |
stop [2] | She stopped working at 5 o'clock. |
suggest | They suggested staying at the hotel. |
try [2] | Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip. |
understand | I understand his quitting. |
Вложение | Размер |
![]() | 21.72 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Глагол | Пример |
admit | He admitted cheating on the test. |
advise [1] | The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk. |
allow [1] | Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars. |
anticipate | I anticipated arriving late. |
appreciate | I appreciated her helping me. |
avoid | He avoided talking to her. |
begin [3] | I began learning Chinese. |
can't bear [3] | He can't bear having so much responsibility. |
can't help | He can't help talking so loudly. |
can't stand [3] | He can't stand her smoking in the office. |
cease [3] | The government ceased providing free healthcare. |
complete | He completed renovating the house. |
consider | She considered moving to New York. |
continue [3] | He continued talking. |
delay | He delayed doing his taxes. |
deny | He denied committing the crime. |
despise | She despises waking up early. |
discuss | We discussed working at the company. |
dislike | She dislikes working after 5 PM. |
don't mind | I don't mind helping you. |
encourage [1] | He encourages eating healthy foods. |
enjoy | We enjoy hiking. |
finish [2] | He finished doing his homework. |
forget [2] | I forgot giving you my book. |
hate [3] | I hate cleaning the bathroom. |
involve | The job involves traveling to Japan once a month. |
keep | She kept interrupting me. |
like [3] | She likes listening to music. |
love [3] | I love swimming. |
mention | He mentioned going to that college. |
mind | Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes? |
miss | She misses living near the beach. |
need [2] | The aquarium needs cleaning. |
neglect [3] | Sometimes she neglects doing her homework. |
permit [1] | California does not permit smoking in restaurants. |
postpone | He postponed returning to Paris. |
practice | She practiced singing the song. |
prefer [3] | He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater. |
propose [3] | I proposed having lunch at the beach. |
quit [2] | She quit worrying about the problem. |
recall | Tom recalled using his credit card at the store. |
recollect | She recollected living in Kenya. |
recommend | Tony recommended taking the train. |
regret [2] | She regretted saying that. |
remember [2] | I remember telling her the address yesterday. |
require [1] | The certificate requires completing two courses. |
resent | Nick resented Debbie's being there. |
resist | He resisted asking for help. |
risk | He risked being caught. |
start [3] | He started studying harder. |
stop [2] | She stopped working at 5 o'clock. |
suggest | They suggested staying at the hotel. |
try [2] | Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip. |
understand | I understand his quitting. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Герундий( the Gerund).
В статье представлен материал о герундии,функциях герундия, употребление герундия в различных временах и различных функциях. Материал будет полезен учителю для систематизации знаний и навыков учащихся...

Методическая разработка по теме Герундий.
Упражнения для отработки грамматического материала по теме Герундий, для использования на уроках....
Грамматический материал по теме "Инфинитив и герундий"
INFINITIVEAdvise + object +toAffordAgreeAimAllow + object +toAppearApplyArrangeAskAttempt +Be accustomed to +Be about toBe able toBe afraid toBe certain +Be gladBe going toBe happyBe interested toBe ...

Безличная форма глагола - герундий. Особенности употребление герундия.
Презентация по теме "Безличные формы глаголов"...

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Герундий. Случаи употребления инфинитива и герундия с определенными глаголами."
В данной презентации представлено объяснение грамматического явления "Герундий", а так же рассматриваются варианты употребления инфинитива или герундия с определенными глаголами. В презентации есть уп...