творческая работа учащегося Рождество в странах мира
классный час по английскому языку (10 класс)

Спирина Ирина Владимировна

для открытого мероприятия Рождественской недели


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Слайд 1

Celebrating the New Year in Tokyo Tokyo is a vibrant, dynamic city that comes alive during the New Year's celebrations. As the clock strikes midnight, the streets are filled with revelers ushering in the new year with joy and anticipation.

Слайд 2

T r a d i t i o n s a n d C u s t o m s Hatsumode The first shrine visit of the new year, where people offer prayers for health and prosperity. Toshikoshi Soba Eating buckwheat noodles on New Year's Eve, symbolizing a fresh start and long life. Kadomatsu Decorative bamboo arrangements placed at the entrance of homes, representing luck and renewal. Nengajo Handwritten New Year's greeting cards sent to family and friends.

Слайд 3

V i s i t i n g S h r i n e s a n d T e m p l e s 1 Shrines Visiting Shinto shrines like Meiji Jingu to pray for good fortune and make New Year's wishes. 2 Temples Exploring Buddhist temples like Sensoji, with their iconic red lanterns and ornate architecture. 3 Rituals Partaking in traditional rituals like throwing coins into the offertory box and ringing the temple bell.

Слайд 4

E a t i n g T r a d i t i o n a l F oo d s Toshikoshi Soba Eating buckwheat noodles on New Year's Eve for longevity and a fresh start. Mochi Sticky rice cakes, often filled with sweet bean paste, are a beloved New Year's treat. Osechi Ryori A special New Year's assortment of elaborately prepared and highly symbolic dishes. Sake Sharing a toast with traditional Japanese rice wine is a quintessential part of the celebrations.

Слайд 5

Decorating with Symbols of Luck 1 Kadomatsu Bamboo and pine arrangements placed at the entrance of homes to welcome the new year. 2 Shimenawa Rope decorations symbolizing the separation of the sacred and the profane. 3 Kagami Mochi Stacked rice cakes representing renewal and the cyclical nature of the new year.

Слайд 6

Spending Time with Family and Friends 1 T r ad i t i o n Gathering with loved ones to uphold cherished customs and create lasting memories. 2 Reflection Reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the new year ahead. 3 Renewal Embracing the spirit of renewal and looking forward to new opportunities and growth.

Слайд 7

Embracing the Spirit of Renewal 1 Cleansing Cleaning the home and removing clutter to create a fresh start for the new year. 2 Optimism Welcoming the new year with a positive mindset and hope for the future. 3 Mindfulness Taking time to reflect, set intentions, and cultivate gratitude for the year ahead.

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