КИМ 8 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Контрольно-измерительные материалы для входного тестирования 8 класс.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольно – измерительные материалы для проведения
Входной контрольной работы в 8 классе
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 8 а,б,в,г
Сроки проведения: сентябрь
Время проведения: 40 минут
Форма проведения: тест и письмо
Критерии оценивания:
Тематический блок | Объект проверки в задании | № задания | Оценивание |
Чтение | Сформированность навыка чтения с пониманием общего содержания | № 1 | 7 баллов |
Лексико-грамматические навыки | Сформированность лексическо-грамматического навыка: особенности перевода предложений из прямой речи в косвенную. | №2, 3 | 14 баллов |
Навыки письма | Написание электронного письма личного характера | № 4 | 6 баллов |
Перевод в пятибалльную систему оценивания:
27-24 баллов (90% - 100%) | 23 – 20 баллов (66% - 89%) | 20 -16 баллов (50% - 65%) | 15 баллов и менее (менее 50%) |
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
I вариант | II вариант | |||||||||||||||||||||||
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
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Таблица 2. Критерии оценки письма личного характера (максимум 6 баллов)
Вариант 1
- Reading
Read the text and fill the gaps.
The Dangers of Radiation
Most people hear terms like radiation and ______(1) as a bad or dangerous thing. It turns out that _____(2) are ordinarily harmful to humans. For example, ultraviolet radiation can give people sunburns. X-rays and gamma rays can _____(3), or even die if they are exposed to them for a very long time. Some types of particle radiation can also make people sick and lead to burns. Any type of radiation that causes changes in the world like these are referred to _____(4). If radiation does not carry high enough levels of energy, though, then these changes _____(5) something is hit by the radiation. This is referred to as non-ionizing radiation, which is not as dangerous.
One can distinguish between various types of radiation by _____(6) of the radiation, its wavelength (if the radiation is electromagnetic), the amount of energy being carried, any particles involved, etc. Radioactive material is a physical material that emits radiation. Uranium and _____(7) radioactive materials. The atoms they are made of tend to fall apart and give off different kinds of radiation, like gamma rays and lots of types of particle radiation.
A) an ionizing radiation
B) only certain types of radiation
C) looking at the source
D) will not happen when
E) which most people
F) immediately think of
G) plutonium are examples of
H) make a person sick
- Use of English
Choose the right word
- I'm worried I didn't bring (enough clothes/clothes enough) for cold weather.
- If you do this again, I (must/will have to) report it, I’m afraid.
- Many people try (make up/ give up) smoking at some point in their lives.
- Please never play with these kids, (give\ stay) away from them.
- The doctor (prescribed/described) a medicine for a headache.
- Oil spots can pollute not only water, but also (land/soil).
- Amur tigers and cheetahs are (dangerous/endangered) species.
- Grammar
Put the right form of the verbs to complete the sentences.
1. "It's really hot in this room." B: "Wait. I _____ the window." (OPEN)
- Don’t worry! I _____ already the tickets. (BUY)
3. I _____ in this village all my life. (LIVE)
- A: "Why are you so dirty?" B: "Because I _____ the basement." (CLEAN)
- When I entered the room, I couldn’t found my wallet. I think someone ______ it. (STEAL)
- A: “Where ___ Ann?” B: “I don’t know. She was here couple minutes ago”. (GO)
- Mr Reed ____ his new painting just now. (SELL)
- Writing
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben. Write him a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 90-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
…Yesterday I did a test to see which job is the most appropriate for me. According to the results I should become a doctor. But it would be absolutely impossible because I am afraid of blood…
…What future career would you like to have, why? Do your parents agree with your choice? In what way will English be useful for your career?
Вариант 2
- Reading
Read the text and fill the gaps.
Finally, on August 5th, 1884, workers began building the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal, or foundation, on a small island in New York Harbor.
The statue is made of a covering of pure copper, put on a _____(1) (originally puddled iron) with the exception of the flame of the torch, which is coated in gold leaf (originally made of copper and later altered to hold glass panes). It _____(2) stonework pedestal with a foundation in the shape of an irregular eleven-pointed star. The statue is 151 ft (46 m) tall, _____(3) and foundation, it is 305 ft (93 m) tall.
She was a gift from the people of France to the _____(4) 100th anniversary of America’s independence from Great Britain. She was sculpted by Frederic Bartholdi. Barry Moreno wrote The Statue of Liberty Encyclopedia. He says Frederic Bartholdi chose the place where the statue was placed. “And while entering the harbor by ship he saw a small island called Bedloe’s Island. And he saw Manhattan, and he was _____(5) vista, and he was aware that New York was the pre-eminent harbor. So he selected _____(6) Statue of Liberty for that reason. He realized his statue would have a greater impact in the busiest harbor.”
It took more than two years to complete the pedestal and statue on the island. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland on October 28th, 1886. Millions of _____(7) immigration station on Ellis Island -- near Bedloe’s Island -- came to see the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of their new lives in America.
- United States to mark the
- is on a rectangular
- passengers heading for the
- New York as the site of the
- framework of steel
- the best location
- but with the pedestal
- struck by the magnificent
- Use of English
Choose the right word
1) In school children should behave (themselves/them) well.
2) Some endangered animals can become (instinct/extinct) in our planet if we don't protect them.
3) (Recycling/wasting) rubbish decrease the number of dumps.
4) Are you proud (about/of) your work?
5) Linguistics (is/are) rather difficult.
6) Never talk (back/over) to me again!
7) After finishing test hand your papers (back/out).
III. Grammar
Put the right form of the verbs to complete the sentences.
- You _____ the university last year. (GRADUATE)
- A: “How long ______ French?” B: “For 10 years”. (LEARN)
- John and Lisa ______ married since 2005. (BE)
- A: “Where ___?” B: “In the gym”. (BE)
- I ______ my project while Helen had a lunch break. (DO)
- She just____ reading this article. (FINISH)
- Jerry ____ his girlfriend at the station just now. (MEET)
V. Writing
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Alice. Write him a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 90-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
… I am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes. You’ve probably seen it too. …
What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films — in the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance?
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