Презентация по английскому языку,5 класс English-speaking countries. Geography.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)
5 класс,Английский в фокусе. Модуль 2
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Pronunciation: [u:], [ʌ] Буква Uu в закрытом слоге даёт звук [ ʌ ] – c u p , b u s , u s, c u t, m u ch, s u ch, f u nny, s u n Буква Uu в открытом слоге даёт звук [ u :], [ ju :] – bl u e , r u ler , st u dent, p u pil, gl u e, T u esday Буква o + n,m,v даёт звук [ʌ] – M on day, l ov e, m on ey, s on
Прочитайте слова и распределите их по чтению буквы « u » Glue, cut, love, blue, much, Monday, ruler, up, London, June, uncle, museum, cup, music, number, pupil, uniform, subject, student, Sunday, Tuesday, excuse, umbrella, education, university. [ u: ] , [ ju :] _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ Проверь себя: Glue, blue, ruler, June, museum, music, pupil, uniform, student, Tuesday, excuse, education, university. [ Ʌ ] _______________________ ______ _______________________ ______ ______________________________ Проверь себя: Cut, love, much, Monday, up, London, Uncle, cup, number, subject, Sunday, umbrella.
Canada Canada is in North America. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Official languages are French and English.
The United State of America The USA is situated in North America. Washington DC is the capital of the USA. The language of this country is English.
The United Kingdom The United Kingdom is situated in Europe. London is the capital of the UK. The native language of this country is English.
Australia Australia is both a country and a continent. Canberra is the capital of Australia. Official language is English.
New Zealand New Zealand is near Australia. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. Official language is English.
Sightseeing of English-speaking countries
New Zealand
The United Kingdom
The United State of America
Quize 1. _____is in Europe. _____is the capital of France. 2. Moscow is in Europe. Moscow is the capital of _________. 3. ______is in Europe. _______is the capital of Germany. 4. Delhy is in Asia. Delhy is the capital of ________. 5. ______is in Europe. ______ is the capital of Italy. 6. Tokio is in Asia. Tokio is the capital of ________.
Check yourself: 1. Paris is in Europe. Paris is the capital of France. 2. Moscow is in Europe. Moscow is the capital of Russia . 3. Berlin is in Europe. Berlin is the capital of Germany. 4. Delhy is in Asia. Delhy is the capital of India . 5. Rome is in Europe. Rome is the capital of Italy. 6. Tokio is in Asia. Tokio is the capital of Japan .
Read the text and fill in the missing words : souvenirs, capital, Zealanders, city, camera. Welcome to Wellington, the 1) _____________ city of New Zealand. There is something for everyone here. New 2) ________________ are warm and friendly and Wellington is beautiful, so bring your 3) _____________! This 4) ____________ has got great places for shopping and buying 5) ____________. Come and visit us soon! Check yourself: 1) capital; 2) Zealanders; 3) camera; 4) city; 5) souvenirs.
Write a text welcoming people to your town. Use the text about Wellington as a model. Use a plan: Which country your town is in What your town is like What the people is like About shopping in your town. Образец рассказа: Welcome to Irkutsk in Russia! Our town is beautiful. The people are warm and friendly. Irkutsk has got great places for shopping and buying souvenirs, so bring your digital camera. Come and visit Irkutsk !
Thank you for your work! Sometimes you say “Hello!” Because the bell has gone, And every day you say ”Good day, good day, good day” It’s time to say “Goodbye!” Goodbye, my children, bye! See you next lesson!
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