Сценарий внеурочного мероприятия по английскому языку "Land Ho!"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)
Страноведческая информация по английскому языку позволяет закрепить, углубить и расширить знания учащихся о важнейших событиях общественно-политической и культурной жизни англоязычных стран.
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Предварительный просмотр:
внеклассного мероприятия
«Land Ho!»
Автор: Кондратьева Татьяна Михайловна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Кировская школа-гимназия №2»
Кировского района Республики Крым
2024 год
Пояснительная записка.
Обучение иностранному языку как средству общения содержит большие возможности для комплексной реализации Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования.
Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку является неотъемлемой частью учебно-воспитательного процесса и входит в качестве основного компонента в учебно-воспитательную деятельность учителя.
Внеклассная работа по английскому языку благотворно влияет на развитие интереса к предмету, формирует положительные мотивы учебной деятельности, повышает уровень владения устной речью и чтением, организует свободное время учащихся с целью их общего развития, способствует освоению новых видов деятельности по получению новых знаний, нравственному и эстетическому воспитанию.
Общение вне урока, во время подготовки какого-либо мероприятия, предполагает более близкое общение с учениками, являясь тем самым важным воспитательным моментом. Внеурочное общение позволяет учителю лучше понять и раскрыть личность каждого ребенка, его таланты.
Во время проведения внеклассных мероприятий по английскому языку с использованием страноведческой информации происходит закрепление, углубление и расширение знаний учащихся о важнейших событиях общественно-политической и культурной жизни англоязычных стран. Страноведческие сведения в значительной мере определяют тематику иноязычного общения.
Предлагаемый сценарий поможет учителю и учащимся обобщить и систематизировать полученные знания в новой коммуникативной ситуации и совершенствовать навыки общения на английском языке.
Land Ho!
образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся;
развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся,
формирование готовности к коммуникации, мотивации к
изучению английского языка;
воспитательные: развитие интереса к англоязычной культуре, воспитание
уважения к культуре других народов.
Оборудование: макеты кораблей, карта, костюмы, презентация.
Narrator: | In 1492, Spain and most of Europe wanted gold, silk, and spices from the East- China , Japan, and India. |
Chorus: | Gold and silk and spices, Gold and silk and spices! We want them all! Gold and silk and spices! |
Narrator: | They had heard of Marco Polo. He had told of his travels, and had brought back such things. But he had traveled over land, a long and dangerous journey. There were bandits along the way. They needed a faster, safer route. But where? How? |
Columbus : | I know how to get to the Indies. We can go by sea. The earth is round and we can get there by sailing west. I can go across the great ocean. |
Narrator: | So he went to the Queen Isabella of Spain. |
Columbus: | Dear Queen, Your Majesty, I need three ships and a good crew. I shall sail to the Indies, and I’ll bring back the riches of the world. Dear Queen, can you help me? |
Queen Isabella: | No, Columbus. It’s too expensive, too dangerous. My advisors tell me it’s not possible to do what you want. They say you are a madman. |
Narrator: | But Columbus persisted. He was a man who never gave up. He asked again. The answer was no. But after he asked Queen Isabella a third time, she finally said yes. |
Queen Isabella: | Yes, Columbus, go! Bring back the riches for Spain. But remember, you must also bring Christianity to the people of the Indies. Where Spain goes, Christianity goes too. |
Columbus: | Yes, dear Queen, all we meet will become Christian. And we shall bring back gold and silver, spices and silk. Spain shall be the envy of Europe… |
Queen Isabella: | Go, Columbus, go! Your three ships await you! |
Chorus: | The Nina, The Pinta, The Santa Maria. The Nina, The Pinta, The Santa Maria. Three ships in all, Ready to sail The unknown sea! Ready to sail The unknown sea! |
Columbus: | Men, we are ready for the journey. Say your prayers and your good-byes. It will be a long, difficult journey. But, take heart, men. Great riches await us. |
Sailor 1: | What do you think? Will we ever see our families again? Perhaps we will never return home! |
Sailor 2: | I hear there are monsters in the sea! Let us pray for good weather and good fortune. May God protect us! |
Columbus: | Men, let us be on our way. The weather is good. Let us sail today! |
Chorus: | Ninety men got in their ships, Sailors and servants And a surgeon, too. Carpenters, painters Made up the crew That sailed from Spain, From Palos, Spain. On the third of August in the ninety-two! |
Columbus: | Men, the first man who sees land will be rewarded. He will receive my silk jacket and a prize from the Queen. Keep your eyes open, men. Keep them open! |
Narrator: | But after weeks and weeks, there was no land in sight. The men became discouraged. |
Sailor 1: | Columbus is a madman. Does he know where we are going? We’re in the middle of the sea- no land anywhere! |
Sailor 2: | Let’s speak to him. |
Sailor 1: | Turn back, Columbus, turn back. There is nothing but water, water, water. We are lost! |
Sailor 2: | Columbus, the men are sick and tired and hungry. We have little food left. What if we run out of food? What then? |
Columbus: | Take heart, men! We are almost there. A few more days and we will reach the Indies. Do not give up, men! We are almost there. |
Narrator: | And three days later, on October 12, 1492, they saw land. |
Chorus: | There is land! Look ahead, Beautiful, wonderful land! |
Sailor1: | Thank God, thank God, we made it! Our journey is over! |
Narrator: | They sailed to a beautiful, small island. Columbus was sure he had reached the Indies. He had, instead, reached an island in the Bahamas. He named it San Salvador. |
Columbus: | Men, let’s get off these ships. Let’s put on our best clothes and greet the people of this land. Let’s kneel and thank God we are alive. |
Narrator: | In the meantime, the native people looked in wonder at what they saw. |
Indian 1: | (hiding behind some trees) Look three boats! And white men! What do they want? Why are they here? |
Indian 2: | They’re getting off. Look! They are kissing the ground! Their leader is planting a flag. Let’s go down and welcome them. |
Indian 1: | Welcome, friends! Welcome to our island. We come in peace. What is it that you are looking for? |
Columbus: | We, too, come in peace. We give these beads as a gift for your chief. Please take us to him. We come looking for gold for the Queen of Spain! |
Narrator: | Columbus called these people Indians because he thought he was in the Indies. They were friendly people who helped Columbus and his crew. They took him to other islands looking for gold, but there was little to be found. |
Chorus: | He forced the Indians To work very hard In a difficult search For precious gold. |
Narrator: | After seven months on the island, Columbus decided to return to Spain. Forty men stayed behind to build a fort and Christianize the Natives. |
Columbus: | It’s time to go back. We’ll take back what we found here – gold, some birds, and some native people. These people will make good servants for the court. |
Chorus: | Columbus, Columbus, Took what he wanted For the Queen of Spain. Was he a hero? Maybe a tyrant? What do you think Columbus was? What do you think Columbus was? |
Narrator: | Columbus returned to Spain as a hero. Queen Isabella welcomed him and made him Governor of all the lands in the new world. He made three more trips, but it was his first that was most important because it opened up the New World. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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