Презентация на тему "Healthy lifestyle"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
Материал презентации может быть использован при введении лексики, также для актуализации знаний при обучении диалогической и монологической речи в ситуациях ЗОЖ
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Do you know these proverbs? A sound mind in a sound body . An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Good health is above wealth . Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise . After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
Match English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. to lead a healthy lifestyle to get/fall into the habit to reap the benefit of smth to gain/put on weight to lose/take off weight to get rid of a habit to achieve a healthy weight to maintain the health to be in good form/to be fit to enjoy good health to care of one’s health to ruin one’s health to be in bad (poor) health to be active to keep up one’s weight to have (not) will-power поддерживать свое здоровье поправляться / набирать вес отличаться плохим здоровьем иметь / не иметь силы воли вести здоровый образ жизни приобрести привычку быть в хорошей физической форме заботиться о своем здоровье разрушать здоровье быть активным следить за весом терять вес пожинать плоды избавиться от привычки добиться здорового веса отличаться хорошим здоровьем
Answer the following questions. What do you prefer to eat – lean meat or pork? What would you prefer – fish or meat for dinner? How often do you drink strong coffee during a day? How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? What are they? Do you prefer fried or boiled potatoes? Do you prefer juice or fizzy drinks? Is the food you eat every day healthy? Do you know about the danger of being stout? Do you know about the danger of being emaciated (bony)? Do you go in for sport? It’s time to care about your health. What are you planning to do? What type of food do you eat? What can improve your health?
Can you imagine your life without tasty food?
A nswer the questions: Have you ever been on a diet? Why did you start a diet? Did you try to lose or to gain weight? What did you eat ? Was it a positive or negative experience? Did it work ? Did the weight come back after you finished your diet? Give examples of a balanced diet. What should a person eat? How can you burn calories? What physical activity do you do every day?
Prepare a report, follow the plan below. What do you think about healthy lifestyle? Why is it so important to keep fit? Give your reasons. Do you and your family lead a healthy lifestyle? Describe your diet and your everyday activities. Prove that you stand up for health. Give your recommendations how to be health, strong and active. What must people do to achieve success in their life?
Be healthy! Thank you for the lesson!
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