Презентация на тему "hip hop as a lifestyle"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)

Дундева Виктория Александровна

Презентация для проекта  "hip hop as a lifestyle"


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hip hop as a lifestyle by ainazik chynberdieva 11A

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introduction Currently, hip-hop is one of the most commercially successful types of modern entertainment music and is stylistically represented by many trends within the genre

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relevance I chose this topic because I consider it relevant in our time. It will be interesting for me, my peers and even adults to find out how and because of what kind of culture youth slang appeared.

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The history of the birth of Hip-hop in music in Russia The initial experiments with rap in Russia date back to 1984, when in the city of Kuibyshev, the disc jockey of the "Canon" disco, Alexander Astrov , together with the local group "Rush Hour" recorded a 25-minute program, which soon spread throughout the country in the form of a magnet album "Rap".

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this is the main leader of the band rush hour

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Types and directions of Hip-hop in music RnB Break dancing Graffiti Rap

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Types and directions of Hip-hop in dance Freestyle LA Style Kramp C-Walk

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"Hip-hop is freedom and the possibility of self-expression!" Hip-hop culture has formed a certain style of clothing, which has become popular not only among musical performers, but also fell in love with many famous designers who gave this semi-sporty style a special elegance. Currently, hip-hop culture has become a symbol and style of the new generation of "street fashion

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hip hop in modern fashion

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The world's best streetwear brands

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the practical part

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the practical part

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the practical part

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the practical part

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in conclusion You can't talk about hip-hop as a style of music or a style of clothing, Hip-Hop is a lifestyle! This is the lifestyle of thousands of young people of a new generation, people listening to electro, rap and other progressive music trends, wearing wide trousers and a hat at any time of the year, dancing breakdancing on the street, drawing graffiti.

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