Проект- экскурсия
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Петрова Юлия Александровна

учебный проект-путешествие


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Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка

 «Проект-экскурсия по городу


Во время изучения темы «Моя страна. Мой город» на уроках в 7-8 классах я даю учащимся задание – найти и описать интересный для них культурно-исторический объект нашего микрорайона. Выбор объекта ребята делают сами. Оказалось, их может заинтересовать старинный особняк и современное здание (ФТШ), известный ученый, работающий в соседнем исследовательском институте и человек, чьим именем названа близлежащая улица, история пруда или парка с блокадным аэродромом. Учащиеся сами подбирают материал в интернете, по книгам, по рассказам старожилов и переводят его на английский язык. Я проверяю и корректирую текст, на правильность не только использования английского языка, но и фактических деталей. Когда у всех учащихся текст готов, мы выходим на пешеходную экскурсию по заинтересовавшим ребят местам. Каждый автор представляет свой объект остальным учащимся. Производим фотосъемку. Так появилась серия экскурсий "Прогулки в Лесном".

Начали мы с нашего школьного музея "Быт горожан в 19-20 веках". Его создала учитель истории Ольга Юрьевна Лукьянова. Учащиеся и их родители постоянно пополняют коллекцию. Потом нас заинтересовал наш микрорайон, известный ранее как Лесное, затем объекты в Выборгском и Калининском районах и постепенно мы добрались и до центра нашего прекрасного города Санкт-Петербург.

При подготовке экскурсий на английском языке решаются учебные задачи, такие как развитие навыков монологической речи, перевода, создание презентаций и воспитательные задачи: умение выступать публично, работать в коллективе, развитие интереса и любви к своему краю.


 It’s interesting to live on the Earth. There are a lot of  unknown things – the sky and unexplored stars, nature with its magnificent oceans and volcanoes, the world of living beings, different cities so wonderful in their variety. We have found it exciting to get acquainted with what is around us. Our first research work was carried out in our school museums. As the result of it we have prepared the material for the excursions to our school museums. We are surprised to find out that there are so many interesting things just close to our school in our Vyborgskiy district - that is why we have decided to continue and extend our investigation. We do it in English language not only because we study in a specialized English school and want to improve our English but also because we eager to share our love to Saint Petersburg and Viborgskiy district with all the guests from other countries.

The aim of this research work is:

-To learn more about the history and modern life of our Vyborgskiy district.

-To learn more about famous people who live and work or lived and worked nearby.

-To improve our knowledge of English to be able to share this information with everyone in the world.


One of the most important buildings in our Vyborgskiy district is our school. It is called ‘The Apple Garden School’. It means that the school is the apple tree and we are all its apples. The Pupil is the most important person in our school. The teachers are friendly and polite.

Our school is named in the honor of  the Hero of Russia Timur Sirazetdinov because he studied here. He became the military officer and served in a commando ‘Taifun’.  Timur  was entitled the Hero of Russia in 2000 for the heroic deed in Northen Caucasia.


An outstanding scientist – physicist Jorez Alfyorov lives in our city, in our Viborgskiy district. He is the Nobel Prize Laureate, the academician of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) and the director of the Scientific Research Physical Technical Institute.

Alfyorov was born in Belorussian city of Vitebsk. He graduated from school with a gold medal and according to his teacher’s advice he went to Leningrad Electrical Technical Institute “LETI”. As a third-year student he started the experimental work with semiconductors and it has become his life-work.

Since he finished LETI Alfyorov has worked in Physical Technical Institute. There he got his first government reward and defended a doctoral thesis. He worked out his own theme – ideal heterojunction. This theme was considered unpromising but Alfyorov succeeded and became the Nobel Laureate.

Jorez Alfyorov thinks about the future of Russian science so he founded the Physical Mathematical School for talented children where they get very deep knowledge not only in physics, mathematics and computers but in humanitarian subjects, too. The school is perfectly equipped and the students have very interesting life.

So, in my opinion, Jorez Alfyorov is a real patriot of our country.


Dmitriy Sergeevich Likhachyov was a famous Russian scientist as well as a famous public figure.

He was born on November 15th 1906 in Saint Petersburg and died on October 30th 1999.

Dmitriy Likhachyov studied literature, Russian ancient culture and problems of textual criticism. A lot of his works were published and now are well-known all over the world. Nowadays people are familiar with Russian customs and traditions thanks to his great work.

Dmitriy Likhachyov got a lot of national rewards. He was an academician of Russian Academy of Science and a chairman of direction Russian international corpus of culture.

We are proud that such a famous scientist was born in Saint-Petersburg, lived here and lived in Vtoroy Murinskiy prospect in Vyborgskiy district.



The building number 26 in Politechnicheskaya street was constructed in 1912-16th years by architect Grimm. There was a shelter for 40 poor aged noblemen. On the second floor there was a church. The Emperor initiated to call it after Romanov’s  house 300 anniversary.

In 1920th the building was given to the Physical Technical Institute organized by academician Ioffe. This Institute is one of the world leaders in modern Physics researching. Such Nobelists as Kapitsa, Semenova, Landau. Tamm worked there as well as world-famous scientists Zeldovich, Frenkel, Kurchatov. Since 1987 the Institute is headed by Alferov, the year 2 thousand Nobelist.


In our neighborhood there is Orbeli street. It is named in honor of the brothers Levon and Joseph Orbeli. Their father was an erudite man and had very rich library. Their  mother was from aristocratic family.

Levon Orbeli graduated from the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. Не worked as a doctor in the Baltic Fleet. His teacher was world-famous physiologist Pavlov.    Levon Orbeli was given the state prize for his scientific work on the physiology.    Levon  Orbeli was a chief of the Military Medical Academy and was a true member of the Academy of Sciences. Joseph Orbeli graduated from the historical philological faculty of St. Petersburg University. He was a well-known Orientalist. For a long time he was a director of the Hermitage.


Not far from our school there is a historical museum for children. In the past the building of the museum used to be Bertling`s country house. Bertling was the head of the “ Zinger”  company.                

After  Bertling’s death in 1915 his widow sold the country house to Widstedt, an engineer of Vyborg docks. The house belong to a new owner nealy one year.

In July 1917 the suburb of St. Petersburg called Lesnoje became the part of the city. The private residence started to belong to the city.

In October 29-th, 1917 the meeting on the preparation of the uprising took place there. The leader  of the October Revolution V. I. Lenin was  there too.

From 1921 till 1967 there was an orphanage in the building of the former  country house.

In 1972 the residence was given to The Museum of  the political history of Russia. It was decided to organize the museum of Vyborgskiy district.


House number  8 in Toreza prospect was built in 1914 for the merchant Dmitriy Kotlov. This cottage was later named ‘Shalyapin’s Cottage’ though the great Russian singer  never lived in it and wasn’t related to this house in any way.

Until 1930 the primary school had been located in this building. There were two first and two second forms in it.

In 1940 it became the house for the Central District Library. It was open during the blockade. People could not only borrow a book from the library, but they could simply get warm there. People called the library ‘the light in the forest’.


A lot of students of our school played and still play in a small cozy park round Silver pond not far from our school.

70 years ago Silver pond was in the suburb of Saint Petersburg. It was called ‘silver’ because its bottom was covered with silver tiles. There was a summer theatre in the place where we can see a children’s playground now. At the weekends the performances were held there. On the shore of the Silver pond there was a restaurant where people could have dinner, listen to pleasant music and dance.


Long time ago Sosnovka was a large forest near Saint-Petersburg. The trees were huge and thick. As time goes by the city surrounded the forest and it has

become smaller and turned into modern Sosnovka – a regular park. Nevertheless we can still find wild swampy places in the heart of the park.

At the beginning of the 20th century a famous scientist – botanist had an estate in Sosnovka. Amazing southern plants grew in his greenhouses. He gathered rich harvests of fruit and vegetables on his lands. Nowadays his house is cut off from Sosnovka and nobody remembers it.

A lot of famous people liked to walk in Sosnovka. They say, young Alexander Block came from Malaya Nevka and had long walks in Sosnovka.

During World War II a military airport was located here. Now there is a memorial to the pilots in Sosnovka.

Everyone in our district likes this park and comes here to walk, ski, play badminton walk the dog or ride a bike.


In conclusion we would like to say that we love Saint Petersburg, our Vyborgskiy district and our school. We have found out that there are so many extraordinary people, places and buildings in a small area just near our school that we will be happy to continue our research work and enlarge the territory of investigation.

Each of us is glad to have the opportunity to choose the way in the life he or she likes the best and to follow this way getting acquainted with new wonders of the world.

Список литературы

1. «Из истории отечественной физики» СПб Издательство Политехнического  

    университета под общей редакцией А.П.Шергина

2. Лихачев Д.С. Воспоминания. Раздумья. Сост. Панченко О.В.

    Изд.»АРС» 2006

3. Григорьян Н.А. Научная династия Орбели Москва Наука 2002

4. Материалы музея школы

5. Рассказы старожилов Выборгского района

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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