Статья "Проект-экскурсия в рамках конкурса "Малые Купчинские чтения"
статья по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 318 Фрунзенского района Санкт – Петербурга представляет новый сборник работ участников научно-практической конференции «Купчинские юношеские чтения: наука, творчество, поиск - 2013 », ставший традиционным изданием школы.
Организаторы конференции: отдел образования администрации и информационно-методический центр Фрунзенского района – привлекли к конференции множество талантливых школьников из разных образовательных учреждений.
Конференция проходила в феврале – апреле 2013 года, а школьный издательский центр в сентябре подготовил сборник к выпуску.
Работа научно-практической конференции осуществлялась по следующим секциям:
Филология и МХК | Иностранные языки | Биология |
Химия | География | Социальные проекты |
Математика | Информатика | Физика |
В «Купчинских чтениях» участвовали все желающие школьники 7 – 11 классов. Ребята представили на Чтения разнообразные формы самостоятельной учебно-исследовательской, творческой, поисковой, проектной деятельности (доклад, реферат, литературное творчество, эссе, перевод, рецензию, решение нестандартных задач, результаты наблюдений, экспериментов, изобретения, модели и т.д.). Выбор тем работ не был ограничен.
Ученики нашей школы приняли участие в работе почти всех секций.
Задачами конференции являются:
· выявление проблематики и тем, интересующих молодое поколение;
· стимулирование ранней профессиональной ориентации и социализация учащихся;
· объединение учащихся, увлеченных исследовательской и проектной деятельностью;
· развитие познавательных, научных, художественных, прикладных интересов учащихся образовательных учреждений района.
Работы учащихся должны были соответствовать следующим требованиям: логика системность построения работы; уровень обобщения источников; самостоятельность исследования; обоснованность сделанных выводов.
Представляем одну из работ- победителей этого конкурса в номинации «Проект-экскурсия»
«Новогодние традиции: Экскурсия в Великий Устюг»
Выполнила: ученица школы № 318
6 «в» класса Гулюки Алина
Руководитель: учитель английского
языка школы № 318
Баженова Вероника Анатольевна
I. Methodological characteristics of research 3
II. The plan of my work 4
III. Introduction 4
IV. New Year’s tradition: The excursion to Great Ustug 5 a. The Father Frost’s residence 5
b. The Throne Hall 6
c. The room of the New Year Trees 6
d. The room of the wishes 7
e. Father Frost’s library 7
f. The room of the presents 7
g. Father Frost’s office 7
h. The Bedchamber 8
i. The room of skilled workers 8
j. The Path of fairy-tales 9
k. Father Frost’s post office 9
V. Conclusion 9
VI. Inference 10
VII. Resources 11
VIII. Appendix 12
Methodological Characteristics of Research
• Topicality
Traditions and customs are an important part of the culture of the country. I think traditions are a way of defining who people are, that’s why it is very important that traditions do survive in the country.
• Problem
Nowadays people start to forget their culture they don’t know anything about traditions. So, the main problem is to find out the way of establishing a tradition, try to pass a tradition down to the next generation.
• Theme
New Year’s traditions: The excursion to Great Ustug.
• Object
Russian “Santa Claus” - Father Frost and his residence.
• Subject matter
To learn more about New Year’s traditions, to show how we can observe traditions and to revert to a custom of Russian holidays.
• Aim
To make an excursion project.
• Tasks
1. To learn about Great Ustug and the pagan customs.
2. To find out about the places of interest in Father Frost’s Votchina
3. To formulate some advice for the people who want to know more about Russian traditions.
The plan of my work was:
1. To find information about New Year’s traditions, the pagan customs and the historical facts about Father Frost and his residence.
2. To study the information I have found.
3. To attract interest to the forgotten folklore legacy of Great Russia.
4. To find a way of presentation of this information.
When we were children we read fairy-tales. Unfortunately in the modern dynamic world computer games replace the fairy tales. Modern people forgot the folklore. The aim of my work is to make an excursion project to show the forgotten folklore legacy of Russia the Great. I examined products of tourist market and I was happy when I understood that the interest in cultural traditions begins to grow again. There are tours that show and tell about the beauty of our vast country. This tour will be interesting for the people of any age.
The tasks of my work are:
1. To learn about Great Ustug and the pagan customs.
2. To find out about the places of interest in Father Frost’s Votchina
3. To formulate some advice for people who want to know more about
Russian traditions.
New Year’s traditions: the excursion to Great Ustug
The Journey through the snowy Russia can be very exciting if you make it in a Father Frost’s sleigh.
So, welcome to the magic town of fairy tale which is called Great Ustug. Great Ustug is a town in Russia, the regional center of the Vologda district, one of the most interesting towns in the Russian North. It is located 460 km north-east of Vologda, on the left bank of the river Sukhona. Great Ustug is an ecologically clean region with amazing nature. It has a long history. It is a beautiful and wonderful town. And it is Father Frost’s motherland since 1998.
The Father Frost’s residence
Few people know that Father Frost had a prototype. Father Frost is a character of many folk tales, songs, poems, because Father Frost is a part of the Slavic folklore. In Kievskaya Russia , like everywhere in the world , there were the pagan beliefs. Someone believes that Father Frost is one of the relatives of East Slavic Father Treskun. He could control the cold. From November to March, Father Treskun was an owner of the world. The sun was afraid of him! He was married to Winter. He is the king of the winter and the frost. The king of the cold Father Frost became the master of the holiday season and forever settled in fairy tales and legends. From the formidable Father Treskun he turned into a just and good magician. Father Frost hasn’t already come for presents, he brought them himself. Nikolay Chudotvorez created an image of Father Frost in IV century. Playwright Alexander Ostrovsky wrote the play "The Snow Maiden ", Nikolai Nekrasov - the poem "Frost, Red Nose " and the Karelian- Finnish - epic " Kalevala".
Nowadays the official residence of Father Frost is located in a pine forest on the bank of the river Sukhona. The magic journey into the fairy tale begins at the carved gate of the Residence. In the territory you can visit ZOO of Father Frost, Magic Glade, the Path of fairy tales. The house of Father Frost is huge. It has 12 rooms. I will try to do a trip in a wonderful castle and tell you about rooms in detail.
The Throne Hall
At first you get to the Throne Hall. There is a big snowflake with eight rays in the hall. It is a symbol of good luck and happiness. You won't believe, but this is the one snowflake in the world. Beautiful New Year's tree stands on the most honorable place. There are two carved and magic thrones near the New Year tree. One of the thrones is for Father Frost and the second one, which is smaller, is for Snow Maiden. She comes from Kostroma, sits near Father Frost and meets the guests with him. But if you see that the throne is empty - don't be upset, it means that Father Frost is busy now. And if Father Frost is busy, his assistants will show you his House and tell everything about all the rooms.
The Room of the New Year Trees
There is a room with many New Year trees – main heroines of the New Year’s Day. You can see here lots of different New Year trees. Some of them are from children's exhibition “Waiting for a wonder”. You can admire of their creative works. You will be surprised at various materials of New Year trees: paper, cones, plastic bags, cloth, bast, cookies and even lace. Some of them are the symbols of different fairy tales, which were told by Father Frost. There is a New Year tree for new-married couples. It is decorated with white hearts instead of toys. These hearts are unusual. You can read the names of a bride and a bridegroom on them. They say that a young family will be stronger, if a heart is hanged high on the tree. There are silver and gold fir trees for those people, who celebrate 25th and 50th anniversary of their wedding. Have you ever seen a fir tree on the ceiling? No? Come to us and you'll see it!
The Room of the Wishes
This room is unique, because everybody can make his own wish here. Two great winter wizards – Father Frost and Father Froste - met here in 2000. They spoke in their own language, shared their thoughts and desires and then they signed “The Appeal to the Children of the World”. That is why XXI century was declared the century of kind deeds and miracles. From that time Father Frost began to notice a wonderful thing: every wish, which people had made here, realized for sure! The main thing is that their wish should be kind. So the room got its name “The Room of the wishes”. You can make your wishes too! Sit down near the table with white cloth, close your eyes and listen to the sound of the magic bell. And also our President Vladimir Putin rang this bell himself and made his wish here in January, 2008. So, wonders are here... Don't you feel them?
Father Frost’s library
There are wonders at every turn in the magic house. Library is a room where knowledge and clever thoughts live. There are a lot of books here. Some of them are from guests. And some of them were written by Father Frost himself.
The room of the presents
Father Frost has got a huge collection of presents from all over the world, so he has got a special room for it. There are presents from Buryatiya, Salehard, Kukoboy, Ukraine, Riga, Sweden, Germany and so on. Winter Wizard likes every present, because each of them was given on his birthday November, 18th.
Father Frost’s Office
Welcome to Father Frost’s office! May be right here he reads children's letters at his comfortable carved table. If you don't see the Wizard, you can look around and see many interesting things. There is an Emblem of the Fairy tale on the main place. You can see a personal Father Frost’s flag and his main motto on it: “More Kind Deeds”. It is a real passport of Russian wizard!
The Bedchamber
Certainly you won't see Father Frost in his Bedroom in the daytime. Though he is a wizard, he tries to keep daily routine. His bed is decorated with unique carving. And every carved item here has its own meaning. At the head of the bed you can see the Sun, at its foot you can see the Moon. The owls give wisdom to Father Frost and small birds bring news in the mornings. There are seven pillows on the bed. It is a symbol of a week. There is one more pillow on it. It is called a Holiday pillow. Also you can see a mirror on the wall in the Bedroom. If you look in it you'll get younger at once. There are sacks with dreams on the next wall, because children always want to see only kind fairy tales and funny cartoons in their dreams.
The Room of Skilled workers
Father Frost's skilled workers have their own cosy room where they work. There are many old things here, which were used by Russian women in ancient times. You can see a real loom (weaving machine) here. The assistants have much to do: to make summer and winter dresses, to make dresses for other workers, to keep the House in order. They should also make souvenirs for New Year holidays. Can you weave a carpet yourself? Can you make a flaxen doll? And we have our own flaxen doll Bereginya, which keeps warmth in the House. It was brought 7 years ago from exhibition “Russian flax” in Vologda. Have you ever seen how Vologda lace is made? So you should come here and try to do everything yourself!
The Path of Fairy-Tales
In Father Frost’s Votchina there are many magic places. One of them is the Path of fairy-tales. The Path starts from the most important gate and runs through the forest. On the Path of fairy tales there are many exciting adventures. Children and adults will visit Lesovichok’s Lodge, will peep in Magic Well, will walk across the Bewitched Bridge, will gain strength on the Path of Health, you will see the Centuries-old oak tree with an owl and many other wonderful things.
Father Frost’s Post Office
Every year Father Frost reads and answers about 200 thousand letters from Russia and from the other countries.
Usually people don’t know the Post’s address, but if you write on your letter: “Father Frost” he will receive it. So if you decided to write your letter, you must think about New Year's congratulations beforehand. You write a letter in summer and receive an answer in winter – what a big surprise!
At the end of my excursion I’d like to remind you that the House of Father Frost is big, magic and hospitable. Everybody who comes here for the first time is surprised. Father Frost’s assistants will meet the guests; will show them the whole house. They will invite you on the sightseeing tours, will make special hot tea and will tell you an interesting old parable “how to drink tea vpriglyadku”. And his beloved granddaughter Snow Maiden will sledge you in Grandpa's sleigh, you will walk on the "ECO-Path ."" Nature Path "learns to love nature, aesthetic appreciation, and personal responsibility for the preservation of nature.
After finishing my work I came to a conclusion that we all believe in a fairy tale. But modern people forgot the customs and traditions, that’s why it is very important to remind them about it. So, I found an easy way to show them how Russian traditions could be. During this trip we can back to our childhood and try to pass a tradition down to the next generation. It is just a small step to the forgotten folklore legacy of Great Russia and Family traditions.
- My aim was to make an excursion project that’s why I studied the information about Great Ustug and the history of Father Frost. The tasks were to learn about Russian customs and New Year’s traditions.
- I have made an excursion project. You can have the booklet of this picturesque journey. I think it’ll be useful for every person who also will go there. This tour can also be a good family present for the New Year’s Day.
- I have learnt a lot about one of the cities of my great country. I have learnt how to use a computer program Microsoft Publisher.
- This topic is interesting for me and I am going to continue working on it.
4. «Morozko» Russian Folk Tale
5. V.F. Odoevskiy «Moroz Ivanovich»
6. http://www.liveinternet.ru/
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The plan of my work was: To find information about New Year’s traditions, the pagan customs and the historical facts about Father Frost and his residence. To study the information I have found. To attract interest to the forgotten folklore legacy of Great Russia. To find a way of presentation of this information.
Welcome to Great Ustug
Father Treskun is a prototype of russian Father Frost Father Treskun Father Frost
The Father Frost’s Votchina The room of the skilled workers The bed-chamber The Throne Hall Father Frost’s office Father Frost’s library The room of the New Year Trees The room of the wishes
The Throne Hall
The room of the New Year Trees
The room of the wishes
Father Frost’s library
The Bedchamber
The room of the skilled workers
The Path of Fairy-Tales
Father Frost’s Post Office
Предварительный просмотр:
Hello! My name is GuliukyAlina, I’m a student of the school № 318. My topic is about “New Year’s traditions: the excursion to Great Ustug”. I want to tell you about Russian folklore. Unfortunately, many people forgot our Russian traditions.
The aim of my work was to make an excursion project, to show our new year’s traditions.
The tasks of my work were:
- To learn about Great Ustug and the pagan customs.
- To find out about the places of interest in Father Frost’s Votchina
- To formulate some advice for people who want to know more about Russian traditions.
The Journey through the snowy Russia can be very exciting if you make it in a Father Frost’s sleigh.
So, welcome to the magic town of fairy tale which is called Great Ustug. Great Ustug is a town in Russia, the regional center of the Vologda district, one of the most interesting towns in the Russian North.It is located 460 km north-east of Vologda, on the left bank of the river Sukhona.Great Ustug is an ecologically clean region with amazing nature. It has a long history. It is a beautiful and wonderful town, and it is Father Frost’s motherland since 1998.Father Frost’s votchina is located in a pine forest.
In the centre of the big Votchina there is an amazing palace with 12 interesting rooms. In the Throne Hall there is a New Year tree with small balls, flags, toys and lights. Near the New Year tree there are two thrones: one is for Father Frost and another one is for his granddaughter Snow Maiden. In the Room of the New Year Trees You can see lots of different New Year trees. Some of them are from children's exhibition “Waiting for a wonder”. You can admire of their creative works. You will be surprised at various materials of New Year trees: paper, cones, plastic bags, cloth, bast, cookies and even lace.
The Room of the Wishes is the unique room, because everybody can make his own wish here. Sit down near the table with white cloth, close your eyes and listen to the sound of the magic bell. And also our President Vladimir Putin rang this bell himself and made his wish here in January, 2008. So, wonders are here... Don't you feel them?
There are wonders at every turn in the magic house. Library is a room where knowledge and clever thoughts live. There are a lot of books here. Some of them are from guests. And some of them were written by Father Frost himself.
Are you tired? If you are not, let’s go to the Father Frost’s bedroom. His bed is decorated with unique carving. And every carved item here has its own meaning. At the head of the bed you can see the Sun, at its foot you can see the Moon. The owls give wisdom to Father Frost and small birds bring news in the mornings. There are seven pillows on the bed. It is a symbol of a week. There is one more pillow on it. It is called a Holiday pillow. Also you can see a mirror on the wall in the Bedroom. If you look in it you'll get younger at once. There are sacks with dreams on the next wall, because children always want to see only kind fairy tales and funny cartoons in their dreams.
One more interesting place is the room of skilled workers.
Father Frost’s skilled assistants have many old things, which were used by Russian women in ancient times. You can see a real loom (weaving machine). Can you weave a carpet yourself? Can you make a flaxen doll? We have our own flaxen doll Bereginya, it keeps warmth in the House. So you should come here and try to do everything yourself!
In Father Frost’s Votchina there are many magic places. One of them is the Path of fairy-tales. The Path starts from the most important gate and runs through the forest. On the Path of fairy tales there are many exciting adventures. Children and adults will visit Lesovichok’s Lodge, will peep in Magic Well, will walk across the Bewitched Bridge, will gain strength on the Path of Health, you will see the Centuries-old oak tree with an owl and many other wonderful things.
At the end of my excursion I’d like to remind you that the House of Father Frost is big, magic and hospitable. Everybody who comes here for the first time is surprised. Father Frost’s assistants will meet the guests; will show them the whole house. They will invite you on the sightseeing tours, will make special hot tea and will tell you an interesting old parable “how to drink tea vpriglyadku”. And his beloved granddaughter Snow Maiden will sledge you in Grandpa's sleigh, you will walk on the "ECO-Path ."" Nature Path "learns to love nature, aesthetic appreciation, and personal responsibility for the preservation of nature.
After finishing my work I came to a conclusion that we all believe in a fairy tale. But modern people forgot the customs and traditions, that’s why it is very important to remind them about it. So, I found an easy way to show them how Russian traditions could be. During this trip we can back to our childhood and try to pass a tradition down to the next generation. It is just a small step to the forgotten folklore legacy of Great Russia and Family traditions.
When I was choosing a way of presenting the results of my research, I decided to make an excursion booklet because it is useful, especially now, when the New Year is coming, you can see and choose the whole information of this wonderful trip.
Start the New Year to show your children how our customs can be. Teach them to love our country and respect our traditions.
Good bye.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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