Открытый урок-игра "Christmas Quest" в 5 классах
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Все мы знаем, как дети любят поиграть на уроках. "Рождественский квест" не только создаст праздничное настроение, но и поможет узнать о рождественских традициях в англо-говорящих странах, познакомит с новой лексикой, заставит вспомнить старую и применить всё это на практике.
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «Christmas Quest» по английскому языку
Название квеста: Christmas Quest
Предмет: Английский язык
Цели: развитие интереса школьников к особенностям празднования Рождества в стране изучаемого языка, формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в рамках темы «Рождество».
• Образовательная - вовлечение каждого ребёнка в активный познавательный процесс, организация групповой деятельности школьников, выявление умений и способностей работать в команде.
• Развивающая - развитие интереса к предмету, творческих способностей, воображения, эрудиции, лингвистического мышления, развитие языковой догадки по теме «Рождество» и мыслительной активности учащихся.
• Воспитательная - воспитание интереса к языку, воспитание уважения и ценностного отношения к культурным традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.
Аудитория: учащиеся 5 класса
Необходимое техническое оборудование: ПК, проектор, раздаточный материал.
Script “Christmas Quest”
Presenter 1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
Presenter 2: We are so happy to welcome you at our Christmas party!
Presenter 1: Today we’ll have lots of fun. Do you like singing?
Children: Yeeees!
Presenter 1: Do you like dancing?
Children: Sure!
Presenter 1: Do you like playing games?
Children: Of course, we do!
Presenter 2: Wait! Don’t tell all our secrets.
Presenter 1: Oh, sorry. I’m so chatty!
Presenter 2: Everything is alright. Well, guys, are you ready to start the party?
(Someone knocks the door)
Presenter 1: Oh, do you hear this? Someone knocks the door. Who’s that?
Presenter 2: I think it’s Santa. Come in, Santa!
Deliveryman: Good day! Here is a letter for you.
Presenter 1: For us?
Presenter 2 (to the deliveryman): Thank you.
Deliveryman: You’re welcome! Good bye!
Presenter 2: Bye!
Presenter 1: Please, open it. I can’t wait to read.
(Presenter 2 is opening the envelope, and the letter appears on the slide)
Presenter 1: Who’s it from?
Presenter 2: I don’t know. There are many strange words here. I think we should unscramble them.
Task 1 Santa’s Letter
Presenter 1: Guys, can you help us?
(Children are reading the letter and try to guess the unscrambled words)
Presenter 1: Poor Santa! Poor children!
Presenter 2 (to the children): Will you help Santa to save Xmas?
Children: Yeeeeees!
Presenter 1: We have little time! Christmas is coming soon and children all over the world are waiting for their presents. Let’s start our quest!
Presenter 2: But the quest has already started.
Presenter 1: Really?
Presenter 2: Yes, it has. (to the children) You, our little helpers, have unscrambled the words in Santa’s letter and get the first hint. Here you are. + Hint 1
(Each team has its colour: silver, pink, orange or red), подсказки помечены кружками с цветами команд.
Task 2 Decorate the Xmas tree
Presenter 1: But now get ready for the second task. You should help Little Rabbit to decorate his Xmas tree with baubles. You may use only the baubles with Xmas vocabulary. You may ask your team for help. Each team has 2 chances. Is it clear?
(Teams, one by one, are decorating the Xmas tree)
Presenter 1: Good job! You’re so smart and fast! All of you get another hint. Here you are. + Hint 2
Task 3 Colour the snowmen
Presenter 2: Are you ready for the third task? Tell me, do you like painting colouring books?
Children: Yes, we do.
Presenter 2: All teams have colouring pages and pencils on the table. You should colour the snowmen according to the instructions. Listen to me attentively and try not to do mistakes. Do you have any questions? Here we go!
(Children are colouring the pictures with pencils)
Presenter 2: Have you finished? And now look at the board , please, and check the results. Have you got any mistakes? How many?
(Если ребята допустили более 3 ошибок, то подсказку не получают)
Presenter 2: I’m sorry, but team (s) who have / has made more than 3 mistakes won’t get a hint. + Hint 3
Task 4 Strike the snowflakes
Presenter 1: Please, don’t worry! You have a chance to win the next game. Tell me, do you like surprises?
Children: Yes, we do.
Presenter 1 (ведущий достаёт мешок со спрятанным в нем игрушечным пистолетом): Try to guess what is it? You may come here and touch it.
(Children are touching the object in the sack and trying to guess what it is)
Children: Is it a toy gun/pistol?
Presenter 1: You’re absolutely right! It’s a toy gun. You’ll need it for the next task. I need 2 people to keep the rope with snowflakes on it.
Presenter 1: Each team has 2 chances to strike the snowflakes with a gun. There are riddles on the backside of the snowflakes. You should guess them.
(Teams strike the snowflakes and guess riddles)
Presenter 1: Great! You all get one more hint. + Hint 4
Having a rest Penguin Dance
Presenter 2: Are you tired? Let’s have a rest and dance a penguin dance. Look at the board and repeat after funny penguins.
(Children and presenters are dancing)
Task 5 Where is Santa?
Presenter 2: Excellent! You dance very well! Hey, we have no time to relax. Let’s do the next task. Do you know that Santa Claus likes playing hide-and-seek? And you?
Children: Yes, we do.
Presenter 2: You should look at the slides and say where Santa is. Ready? Here we go!
(Children are describing the place where Santa is hiding)
Presenter 2: Great job! Each team gets a hint. + Hint 5
Task 6 Make Reindeer
Presenter 1: Do you know how Santa usually travel around the world?
Children: By train? By bike? By plane? By bus? By sleigh?
Presenter 1: Yes, you’re right! And what animals pull Santa’s sleigh?
Children: Dogs? Polar bears? Reindeer?
Presenter 1: Sure! Your next task is to make a reindeer using the pieces of cardboard. You should run to the desk, take 1 piece and fix it on the board. The team, which makes a reindeer first, will get a special bonus (Xmas stickers for a greetings card).
(Teams are making reindeer from pieces of paper)
Presenter 1: Wow! Exciting! You’re so sporty! But the fastest team is … (the colour of the team). These beautiful Christmas stickers are for you. Use them in the next task. All teams get a hint. + Hint 6
Task 7 Make Xmas cards
Presenter 2: Have you ever made Xmas greetings cards? Put your hands up if you made. (поднимают руки) If not, you have a chance to do it right now. There are all necessary things on the table: paper with prints, pencils, scissors, glue and examples of popular Xmas wishes. You have time limit: only 10 minutes. If you have any questions or need help, ask us. Ready? Let’s start to create! Засекаем время (10 МИНУТ!!!)
(Children are making cards and writing Xmas wishes)
Presenter 2: The time is over. Finish your work, please, and show your Xmas cards.
(Children are showing their cards and reading wishes)
Presenter 2: Your greetings cards are so amazing, aren’t they? I think you’re worth to get another one hint. + Hint 7
Task 8 Find Santa’s sack
Presenter 1 (to Presenter 2): Do you know that Santa’s red sack has GPS? We can trace its location!
Presenter 2: Here is the route which we should follow to find presents. All teams, one by one, will listen to the instructions and draw a line on the map. Please, be attentive and try not to make mistakes. Who will be the first? Here is a board marker.
(У каждой команды по 2 попытки)
- Start from the school. Go straight on and turn left to the Library.
- Go straight on to the Museum.
- Turn right to the Supermarket.
- Don’t go into it. Go straight on to the Cinema.
- Return to the Library.
- Go straight on to the Gallery.
- Turn right and go straight on to the Bank.
- You can see two high buildings. Go into the building which is in the center. (На последнем слайде – Гринч и надпись “Oh, no!”)
Final Challenge
Presenter 2: Children, did you guess who has stolen Santa’s sack?
Children: Yes, it’s Grinch.
Presenter 1: Do you know why he doesn’t like Xmas?
Children: He has no friends.
Presenter 1: Yes, it’s true. So let’s invite him to our party and make friends with him, okay?
Children: Okay!
Presenter 2: Repeat after me “Grinch, come to the party!” Say it 3 times.
(Grinch comes in)
Grinch: Well, well, well. What are you doing here? Having a Xmas party? Faugh! (Фо!) I hate all these fir-trees, decorations and silly songs. But I like presents very much and I won’t give the sack back (показывает на мешок и прижимает его к себе). A Very Horrible Xmas! Bye! (собирается уходить)
Presenter 2: Wait! What can we do for you? Please, don’t go away! We want to be your friends.
Grinch: WHAT? My F-R-I-E-N-D-S?????
Presenter 1: Yes, and we can show you how to have fun at Xmas.
Grinch: Okay. Let’s try.
Guessing codes
Presenter 2 (to the children): You all have done 8 tasks and got hints. They are pieces of a code. Now you should put them in the right order to make a sentence. (расставляют части кода в правильном порядке)
Presenter 2: Read your sentences, please. (дети читают получившиеся предложения).These codes are your final challenge.
Giving compliments
Presenter 1: Grinch, do you like getting compliments?
Grinch: I don’t know. I have never got compliments. Nobody likes me. (огорчается)
Presenter 1: No, it’s not true. We like you because you are smart, …
(Дети по очереди называют прилагательные, характеризующие Гринча с положительной стороны).
Grinch: Oh, thanks a lot. Your compliments make me happy.
Singing a song
Presenter 2: And what about a Xmas song? Do you like singing?
Grinch: No, of course, I don’t. But I’d like to listen to you.
(Дети поют “Little Snowflake”)
Grinch: Oh, it was so beautiful and touching! What else can you do?
Telling Xmas poems
Presenter 1: Children, do you know any Xmas poems? Come here and tell us them.
(Дети рассказывают стихи)
Grinch: Oh, my God! My icy heart is melting!
Giving Xmas cards
Presenter 2: It’s not all surprises. We have prepared Xmas cards for you.
(Дети дарят открытки и читают пожелания)
Grinch: Thank you so much! They are really beautiful! And I’d like to give you something too. This sack is yours. (показывает мешок). I don’t need it anymore because the best Xmas present is my friends!
(Гринч раздает конфеты ребятам. Играет песня Little Snowflake. Дети благодарят Гринча)
Children: Thank you, Grinch.
Conclusion/ Reflexion
Presenter 1: Thank you, Grinch, for your kind heart!
Presenter 2: Thank you, guests, for your great attention and shiny smiles.
Presenter 1: Thank you, children, for being smart, creative, hardworking and friendly.
Presenter 2: Did you like the party? What did you like best? What was difficult?
Presenter 1: We hope you have had lots of fun and positive emotions.
Presenters: Thank you! Good Bye!!!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Dear little NDSFRIE , Help me, ASEPLE ! TMASCHRIS is coming but someone stole my big red sack with ENTSPRES . Poor me! Poor DRENCHIL ! I am very DSA . I must save Christmas! Can you PHEL me? I need 4 teams. Each team should do 8 tasks and get 8 hints for the NALFI challenge. Be brave and NGSTRO ! Listen to your team and RKWO together. Good luck! Yours, Santa USCLA
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 We decorate it with toys, baubles, sweets, lights and bells.
2 The place where the English children hang their stockings at night waiting for their presents.
3 It is white and made out of snow. It has a carrot instead of a nose.
4 He is Russian Santa Claus.
5 He wears a special uniform and has got a long white beard. He loves travelling on Christmas Eve.
6 It is a special Christmas song.
7 He is short. He makes Christmas presents for children. He is Santa’s helper.
8 It is one of the seasons when we can have a snowball fight, ski, skate or make a snowman.
The penguin dance
Where is Santa?
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Museum Theatre Shopping centre School Hospital Bank Library Gallery Supermarket Toy shop Museum Cinema Restaurant
I am not here! Ha-Ha
You are … … wrong !
You haven’t found me! = P
You couldn’t find me! Ho-Ho!
Oh, no-o-o!
The final challenge
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