Праздник. День Святого Валентина - День Любви
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
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День Святого Валентина - День Любви
Цель: познакомить с историей празднования дня Святого Валентина;
Формировать нравственные ценности (любовь, дружбу, доброту, уважение)
Задачи: развивать актерское мастерство, активность, смекалку, внимание, прививать чувство сплоченности в коллективной деятельности.
Оформление: сердечки, воздушные шары, плакаты I LOVE YOU на разных языках: Love, liebe, l’amour, laska, любовь.
Учитель: Dear ladies and gentlemen!
I’m very glad you to see you at the party, dedicated to one of the most wonderful holidays of the year – St. Valentine’s Day. In all English-speaking countries February, the 14th is a special day for flower shops, chocolate shops and card shops. Boys send cards to their girlfriends, and girls send cards to their boyfriends. But often they don’t write their names in the cards. The name of a person, sending the card, is a secret, - that’s the tradition.
“There is only one happiness in life – to love and to be loved”, wrote George Sand.
Love this great feeling accompanies people all his life from the birth till the last day. Its mother’s love to the children, love between boys and girls, love between man and woman, love to the favorite job, love to the Motherland. It’s impossible to live without love.
Love is tender feeling
Love is a way of being
Love is just showing someone you care.
Love is helping with the dishes
Love is feeding your pet fishes
Love is just giving from your heart
Love is…LOVE
Love is for you and for me
Oh, love is the greatest thing in the world.
P: Listen to me. I’ll tell you a new story about St. Valentine Day. Once upon the time there were two little Cupids, all day long they frisked in soft clouds and on the green flowering lawns of Paradise. They were very happy. But once, their arrow accidentally hit a man’s heart. It’s happened so unexpectedly and at first, they were frightened, but then they were amused by the man’s reaction…The man suddenly fell in love from the first sight.
P: I think there are a lot of people here who fell in love.
Mary Catherine Parson
I have a little Valentine,
That someone sends to me
It’s pink and white, and red and blue
And pretty as can be
Forget-me-nots are around the edge and tiny roses too
And such a lovely piece of lace the very palest blue
And in the center, there is a heart
As red as red can be and it is written all in gold:
To you, with love, from me.”
P: But where does the holiday come from? Rome…The first century B.C…The emperor Julius Caesar wants to form the strongest army in the world. “The real man must be the real soldier, he mustn’t be at the woman’s skirt”, says Caesar.” He must go to the war and nothing must connect him with his home. I forbid my warriors to marry” The order was sent everywhere in the country.
P: But can you forbid the sun to shine and the rain to water the earth? Can you order birds not to sing the songs and a young heart not to love? And the order is disobeyed when the young and handsome soldiers of the Roman Army meet beautiful girls.
(Навстречу друг другу идут юноши и девушки, юноши читают стихотворение по две строчки и дарят розы девушкам)
Robert Burns
Oh, my love is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June
O, my love is like a melody
That’s sweetly played in tune
As fair art thou, my bonny lass
So deep in love am I
And I will love thee still my dear
Till a’the seas gang dry
Till a seas gang dry my dear
And rock melt wi’ the sun
And I will love thee still my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run
And fare thee weel, my only love
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again my love
Tho’ it was ten thousand miles
Любовь. Как роза красная
Цветет в моем саду
Любовь моя - как песенка,
С которой в путь иду
Сильнее красоты твоей
Моя любовь одна.
Она с тобой,
Пока моря не высохнут до дна
Не высохнут моря мой друг,
Не рушится гранит
Не остановится песок,
А он, как жизнь, бежит.
Будь счастлива моя любовь,
Прощай и не грусти,
Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет
Пришлось бы мне пройти!
P: And if they can’t marry in legal way they have opportunity to marry secretly, because there was a priest Valentine who married them in spite of Caesar’s order. Many families were formed due to the priest. But one day he was betrayed and executed on the 14th of February
P: The couples who found happiness, thanks to the priest, began to call him St. Valentine and celebrate this holiday as the day of sweethearts.
P: Love! Many men of letters, composer and artists devoted their masterpieces to it.
What kind of love do you know?
- Love to a special person, love to family, love to a country, love to a humanity, love to the animals and nature, love to money, love to self. Let’s listen about love to all these things.
Song: Green fields
Once there were green fields kissed by the sun
Once there were valleys where rivers used to run
Once there was blue sky with white clouds high above
Once they were part of everlasting love
We were the lovers who strolled through the green fields.
Green fields are gone now, patched by the sun
Gone from the valleys, where rivers used to run
Gone with the cold wind that slept into my heart
Gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart?
Where are the green fields that we used to roam?
I’ll never know what made you run away
How can I search when dark clouds hide the day?
I only know there’s nothing here for me,
Nothing in this world left for me to see
But I’ll keep on waiting till you return
I’ll keep on waiting until day you learn
You can’t be happy while your hearts on the roam
You can’t be happy until you bring it home
Home to the green fields and me once again.
P: Now, let’s visit our poetic room and listen great words about this amazing feeling - love. Poetic declaration of love.
It’s Valentine Day, and in the street
There’s freezing rain and slush and sleet
The wind is fierce, the skies are grey
I don’t think, I’ll go out today
But here inside the weathers warm
There’s no trace of wind or storm
And you just made the morning shine
You said you’d be my Valentine
Song I like-Мне нравиться, что Вы больны не мной (M. Tsvetaeva)
I like my being not your sweetheart
And like your being not mine forever
And realize that never planet Earth
For us will lose its time
I like to chat without thoughts
With jokes destroying hush
And also like while sitting close
Not blush.
I say thanks with all my heart
For your being not aware
Of you love to me
For nights without you being calm and fair
I thank you for the meetings.
Which are very rare,
For our not walking when the
Moon is bright
The Sun not shining upon us
And pity for not being
Your bonny lass.
Мне нравиться, что Вы больны не мной,
Мне нравиться, что я больна не Вами
Что никогда тяжелый шар земной
Не уплывет под нашими ногами,
Мне нравиться, что можно быть смешной,
Распущенной, и не играть словами
И не краснеть удушливой волной
Слегка соприкоснувшись головами
Спасибо Вам и сердцем, и душой,
За то, что Вы меня не зная сами, так любите
За мой ночной покой,
За редкость встреч закатными часами,
За наше не - гулянье под луной,
За солнце не у нас над головами, -
За то, что Вы больны - увы! не мной,
За то, что я больна - увы! Не вами.
I’m walking by the river
To meet my own true friend
I’m standing by the window
To see my own friend
I’ m going to write a letter
To send my own true friend
I’m going for a visit
To see my own true friend
We shall go jumping on a windy day
We shall walk on a rainy day
We shall go swimming on a sunny day
We shall go playing on a frosty day.
Walk and talk together on a summer day
Play the games together on a winter day
Skate and ski together on an autumn day
Play and games together on a fine spring day
Always be together every, every day!
Song: «A Red Ruta»
Can you tell me the truth?
Where you’ve got such a magic,
I have been all these days
In the spirit of sadness
Maybe somewhere in woods
You have looked for the spell herbs
You have found the sun rut
And have charmed me with magic
Don’t look for ruta
You don’t look for it in the evenings
You are only my love
You are really one,
Cause of your beauty
That looks like clear water
Quick shiny water
From mountain hills
2. I meet you in my dreams
In the green oak groves
And for me all this seems
Sign of luck and the hopes
And you don’t have to bring
Me the blossom of hope
That’s because you forever
Stay with me in my dreams.
February the 14 th Day
It’s Valentine, they say
I choose you from among the rest
The reason is “I love you best”
День Валентина в этот день
Мне повторять совсем не лень
Я выбираю тебя из всех
Потому что, я люблю тебя больше всех
To every little friend of mine
I’ll send a little valentine
This one is like a little book
You’ll find a message if you look
I’ll use an envelope for this
I’ll write my name then seal a kiss
What colour shall I give to you
Orange, purple, yellow or pink
White or red, or maybe a lacy one, instead?
Я другу каждому на праздник
Пошлю по валентинке
Найдете сообщения на всех моих картинках,
Я имя напишу свое и вместе с поцелуем
В цветных конвертах отправлю всем, кого люблю я
By A.S. Pushkin
I love you – and my love
I think was stronger
Then to be quite extinct within me yet
But let it not distress you any longer
I would not have you feel the least regret
I loved you bare of hope and expression
By turns, with such purity, such passion.
As may, God grant you,
To be loved once more.
Song ‘The history of love”
Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea,
The simple truth about the love she brings to me?
Where do I start?
With her first hello she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine;
There'd never be another love, another time,
She came into my life and made the living fine.
She fills my heart, she fills my heart with very special things
With angel songs, with wild imagining.
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely.
With her along, who could be lonely?
I reach for her hand, It's always there
How long does it last? Can love be measured by the hours in a day?
I have no answers now, but this much I can say:
I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away
And she'll be there.
Sonnet XCI
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies force
Some in their garments, though new fangled ill,
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure
Wherein finds a joy above the rest
But these particulars are not my measure
All this I better in one general best
Thy love is better than high birth to me
Richer than wealth, producer than garments cost
Of more delight than hawks or horses, be
And having thee, of all men’s pride I boast
Wretched in this alone, that thou may take
All this away and me most wretched make
Кто хвалится родством своим со знатью
Кто силой, кто блестящим галуном
Кто кошельком, кто пряжками на платье
Кто соколом, собакой, скакуном.
Есть у людей различные пристрастья,
Но каждому милей всего одно
А у меня особенное счастье, -
В нем остальное все заключено
Твоя любовь мой друг, дороже клада
Почетнее короны королей
Наряднее богатого наряда
Охоты соколиной веселей.
Ты можешь все отнять, чем я владею
И в этот миг я сразу обеднею.
Song: «Шербургские зонтики»
If it takes forever I will wait for you.
For a thousand summers I will wait for you,
Til you’re back beside me ‘til I’m holding you
Til I hear you sigh here in my arms.
Anywhere you wander anywhere you go,
Every day remember how I love you so,
In your heart believe what in my heart I know
That forever more I’ll wait for you.
If takes forever I will wait for you.
For a thousand summers I will wait for you.
Til you’re here beside me til I’m touching you
And forever more
Sharing you love.
W. Shakespeare about love
O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O stay and here, your true love’s coming
That can sing both high and low
Trip no further, pretty sweeting
Journey’s end in lover’s meeting
Every wise man’s son doth know
What is love? Tis not hereafter
Present mirth has present laughter
What’s to come is still unsure
In delay there lies no plenty
Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty
Youth’s stuff will not endure.
Песня «Уж если ты разлюбишь, так теперь» - Sonnet 90
Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now
Now while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow
And do not drop in for an after loss
Ah, do not, when my heart hath’ scraped this sorrow
Come in the rearward of conquered woe
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow
To linger out of purposed overthrow
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last
When other petty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset come: so, shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune’s might
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of three will not seem so.
Уж если ты разлюбишь. Так теперь,
Теперь, когда весь мир со мной в раздоре,
Будь самой горькой из моих потерь,
Но только не последней каплей горя
И если скорбь дано мне превозмочь
Не наноси удара из засады,
Пусть бурная не разрешиться ночь
Дождливым утром, утром без отрады
Оставь меня, но не в последний миг,
Когда от мелких бед я ослабею,
Оставь сейчас, чтоб сразу я постиг,
Что это горе всех невзгод больнее
Что нет невзгод, а есть одна беда-
Твоей любви лишиться навсегда.
1God: Tell me brother, do you believe in Earth love? Is it stronger than Gods’ love?
2 God: Oh, brother, the people’s love is more beautiful. It could destroy and create, overcome area and time.
1 God: It might be you sleep bad…
2 God: You don’t believe to me, look on the Earth!
(Танцевальная композиция Орфей и Эвридика, голос за кадром)
By A.S. Pushkin
A magic moment I remember
I raised my eyes and were you there
A feeling vision, the quintessence
Of all, that’s beautiful and rare.
And now my heart throbs with elation
Hailing the resurrection of
Divine ideals, inspiration,
Life, tears and happiness and love
Я помню чудное мгновенье:
Передо мной явилась ты,
Как мимолетное виденье,
Как гений чистой красоты.
Душе настало пробужденье:
И вот опять явилась ты,
Как мимолетное виденье,
Как гений чистой красоты.
И сердце бьется в упоенье,
И для него воскресли вновь
И божество, и вдохновенье,
И жизнь, и слезы, и любовь.
Композиция: «С любимыми не расставайтесь»
-You don’t part with your lovers
You don’t part with your lovers
You don’t part with your lovers
Unite with them forever you
-And every time to say good-bye them
And every time to say good-bye them
And every time to say good-bye them
When you stay them for a while?
-Until I live with you I shall be
My soul and blood unsplited then
Until I live with you I shall be
The love and death are always near
-You’ll bring with you my dear lover
You’ll bring with you to everywhere
You’ll bring with you to everywhere
Your native land, your lovely house
-But if I leave this world forever
The short star lights lose their way
But if I leave this world forever
I try to change my Milky Way.
-I’ll pray for you all night and day
Not to forget this Earthy Way
I’ll pray for you all night and day
And you’ll come back to me again
С любимыми не расставайтесь
С любимыми не расставайтесь
С любимыми не расставайтесь
Всей кровью прорастайте в них
И каждый раз навек прощайтесь,
И каждый раз навек прощайтесь
И каждый раз навек прощайтесь
Когда уходите на миг.
-Пока жива, с тобой я буду
Душа и кровь неразделима.
Пока жива, с тобой я буду
Любовь и смерть всегда вдвоем
Ты понесешь с собой, любимый,
Ты понесешь с собой, повсюду
Ты понесешь с собой, повсюду
Родную землю, милый дом
-Но если я безвестно кану-
Короткий свет луча дневного, -
Но если я безвестно кану
За звездный пояс, млечный дым?
Я за тебя молиться стану,
Чтоб не забыл пути земного
Я за тебя молиться стану
Чтоб ты вернулся невредим.
Эвридика: What’s everything for me? It’s nothing.
Just only you alone
Live in my heart, you loving!
Что мне стихии, что могучий Бог? -
Они не властны надо мною.
Есть только ты любимый!
God: Let you die, if nobody isn’t in your heart! - Ну так умри ж! (Вспышка молнии, бездыханная Эвридика опускается на руки Орфея, свечи гаснут)
Orphey: Oh, Gods! Isn’t love great sin? (О Боги, разве любовь столь тяжкий грех? Неужели влюбленные достойны кары?)
1God: Would you follow her? You must know: you can die instead of her. - (Так ты пойдешь за ней? Ну что ж иди, но знай, ценою возвращенья ее стать может жизнь твоя.)
2 God: Go and remember? You must prove that there is love on the Earth! (Иди, но помни, ты должен доказать, что на свете есть любовь земная.)
Орфей: I agree. Согласен я.
Сцена из трагедии Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта» (В саду.)
Tis but thy name that is my enemy
Thou art thyself though, not a Montaque?
What’s Montaque? It is nor hand, nor food,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part,
Belonging to a man, oh, be some other name
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet
So, Romeo would, were he not Romeo called
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title Romeo daff thy name
And for that name, which is no part of thee
J: Oh, Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Change you name, or if you can’t I will no longer be a Capulet. It’s only your name that is my enemy. But what does a name matter? If a rose had any other name, it would smell as sweet.
Romeo: Call me “Love” Let that be name and from now I’ll never be called Romeo. I hate my name because it’s enemy to you.
J: How did you come here? The walls are high.
R: Stone walls can’t keep love out.
J: If any of my family sees you here, they’ll kill you.
R: If their hatred ended my life, that, would be better than for me to go on living without your love.
J: Do you love me? I know that you say “Yes”, but even if you swear it, you may still be untrue.
R: Lady, I swear by the moon that touches with silver the tops of those fruit trees.
J: Oh, don’t swear by the moon. It changes every month. Your life might be so changeable.
R: What shall I swear by?
J; Don’t swear at all. I here a noise. Sweet love, good-bye. Dear Romeo, if you truly wish to marry me, send me a message tomorrow. I’ll send someone who’ll bring me a message, tell me, where and what time you will marry me. And I will lay all that I have at your feet and follow you, my lord, trough all the world. Romeo!
R: My sweet?
J: At what time tomorrow I shall send to you?
R: At nine o’clock.
J: My messenger will be there. Good night, good night Parting is such sweet sorrow.
R: Sleep rest on your eyes, I wish that I were Sleep and Peace to rest in so sweet a place.
Song: “What is a youth?” (песня из кинофильма Ромео и Джульетта)
What is a youth? Impetuous fire,
What is a maid? Ice and desire
The world wags on...
A rose will bloom, it then will fade
So, does a youth, so does the fairest maid.
Comes a time when one sweet smile
Has its season for a while?
Then love’s in love with me.
A rose will bloom, it then will fade,
So, does a youth, so does the fairest maid.
Some will think only to marry,
Others will tease and tarry
Mine is the very best parry
Pure pity rules us all
Caper the caper, sing me the song
Death will come soon to hush us along
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall
Love is a pasting which never will pall
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall
Love is a pasting which never will pall
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall
Pure pity rules us all
A rose will bloom, it then will fade
So, does a youth, so does the fairest maid.
Once I loved a bonny lass
And oh, I love her still
She dresses, eye so clean and neat,
Both decent and genteel
But there is something in her gait
Makes any dress look well
Я помню глаз приятное сияние
Простой одежды праздничный наряд,
Чарующей походки колыханье,
Прекрасный нежный взгляд
И все это казалось мне чудесным
Во всем я видел прелесть, чистоту
В глазах твоих голубизны небесной
Души невинной сердца красоту
Мьюзикл: Love story
Влюбленный юноша под балконом принцессы (мелодия испанской серенады)
My darling, I ask be awfully kind
I’m waiting for you underneath.
I’m going to say that I have a good mind
To cover your face with lots of kisses
You touch me so deeply, break heart into peaces
My life is senselessly free
I can’t sleep and breath, I’m thirsting for kisses
I long for your meeting with me.
Be quiet! The only thing left is to hope and wait
The sole hope is to believe in heaven gate.
There will be ball you ought to know
A great deal fun to us will come
And father will choose the husband me
My heart would free to anyone
My love for you, for only you
Be quiet! Be quiet!
2 вариант Песня Stay – (Bonnie Bianco and Pierre Cosso)
You are my life you are my only one desire
You are the air that I breath tonight
Won’t you stay here besides me stay
When I see you there’s glow from the stars above?
Quests they know that I’m so in love
Yes, I’ll stay here beside you stay
Day after day
Feeling love in the evening sun till you came
And you were the one (yes, you are)
Now I’ll stay here besides you stay
Well remembered dreams of foolish parade
Didn’t need to persuade you hungry for smile
In the morning moonlight that ‘ll be alright with you
Take my hand
All I can do is to dream of you all way through
Close my eyes all I see is you
Yea, I’ll stay here beside you stay
Stay by my side you’re the air that I breathe tonight
Yes, I’ll stay here beside you stay
Forever – here we’ll stay tonight
Here we’ll stay
(Бал: король, королева, принцесса, фонограмма «Эсмиральда», танец, трое юношей признаются по очереди в любви принцессе)
Prince from Germany (мелодия Бель)
Light illuminates my suffering soul,
But I shouldn’t disturb your peace, of course
My darling, I wish you, but your heart is cold
My heavy cross and the deformity my stamp
And your sympathy for me I can accept
I’m an outcast; there is a stamp on brow and head
I never would be very happy I must say
And after death I couldn’t leave myself in peace
I’ll give my heart for devil only for your kiss
Prince from Melbourne
I’ll be in the heaven if I can be yours
Give me the only hope to me my curse
Thoughts, I’m in the grip of sinful
Shameless, silly thoughts
My reckless passion – that is what I can’t say” not!”
My heavy cross and the deformity my stamp
And your sympathy for me I can accept
I’m an outcast; there is a stamp on brow and head
I never would be very happy I must say
And after death I couldn’t leave myself in peace
I’ll give my heart to devil only for your kiss
Dream, I have the sweetest dream, my darling!
Moan, you are my sinful moan, darling!
You’ve, you’ve broken my heart and also shattered silly hope
Oh, Saint Maiden, you can’t help me, I must note.
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you’ll hearing my heart
And my heart will go and on
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till were gone
Love was when I left you
One true time I hold to
In my life we’ll always go on.
Chorus:(men sing together, принцесса жестами отказывает им, дает руку юноше и направляется к трону, король и королева в гневе)
You’re here (My heart will go on)
There is nothing I feel
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
And my heart will go on and on.
Queen (мотив песни А. Пугачевой Доченька)
Tell me, dear, why you love this fellow
Dozen princes ask us for your hand
Look at princes from Germany or Melbourne
Each of them has riches and the land
But you are sighing deeply
And sadness in your eyes
You’ve just refused your tipple
Though I had calmed you twice
Recover your composure
And listen to my words
And we’ll be happy both,
And I’ll thank the gods
(королева жестом указывает парню на дверь, принцесса прощается с любимым и подходит к королеве.)
You ought to know he’s better than anyone
He’s better than any prince
And any of the fan.
I can be happy only with him
He is my love, my love
Please, mother, listen to what I said above
You ought to know
He is my tender friend
Please mother, stop your quarrel
Let it be fine end (мелодия песни Гурцкой «Мама»)
Песня: “My heart will go”
Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance and spaces between us
You have to show you go on
R: Near far, wherever you are
But the musical is drawing to its close
They will love a long, a long time
And their love will never die
As they choose their mate on Saint Day
Let them fall in love
Like before they do till now
Let be strong and happy marriages ties
Let them love as ever
Let them bind them forever
Let be fine and merry their life
(Гаснет свет, звучит музыка, принцесса исчезает, все отправляются на поиски принцессы, юноша находит ее, фанфары, и возвращается с ней, звучит песня мелодия «Замыкая круг»)
Young man
I return for you my darling
And I ask you be so kind
I’m asking you for princess’ hand
Dear father, dear mother
We declare to each other
And we’ll be in love up to the end.
I should like to say
That’s the best of previous day
And he’ll really great better than any prince.
Very well, I say
That’s the happiest of days
Let than celebrate the wedding just today
That’s the end of sweet love story
We can tell it up to morning
S: Well done, all is well that ends well and you see happy end of this story, but let’s listen the legend about forget- me- not.
Long, long ago, a boy and a girl sat on the bank of the river; they loved each other dearly, they were very happy to spend each minute together. But suddenly they saw dark blue flash and then more and more flashes appeared…And soon they understood that it was not flash, they were tiny flowers of such unique blue colour which can argue with the blueness of the Sky. Young man noticed how lover’s eyes shone with charm light and he ran to the path, where there were unusual flowers, coming back with these flowers, he falls into the swamp and realized that he must die, threw the flowers on the bank and screamed to his darling: “Forget- me-not.” Still this flower was called “Forget-me- not”
Давным-давно, когда люди еще только познали любовь, на берегу реки сидели девушка и юноша. Влюбленные радовались каждой минуте: каждому дуновению ветерка, каждому движению ветки, склоненной над водой. Вдруг, вдалеке вспыхнула синяя искорка, потом еще одна, потом еще… И вскоре стало ясно, что это не огни, а маленькие цветы, которые синевой своей могли бы поспорить с синевой небес. Юноша заметил, как засияли глаза его возлюбленной и, не раздумывая, побежал по тропинке, туда, где покачивались синие венчики. Он уже возвращался с цветком в руке, оставалось только миновать край болота, вдоль которого лежал путь, но поскользнулся и упал прямо в черную жижу. Поняв, что гибель неминуема, собрав последние силы, он выбросил цветок на берег и крикнул любимой: "Не забудь!" с тех пор этот цветок называют незабудкой.
Song”Junona and Avos”
You’ll awaken me at the dawn
And companied me coming early
You will never forget me forever
You will never to see you again
Hiding you from hard illness of flue
I’ll think: «OH, my God, oh, my God!”
To part is awfully bad
I will never forget you forever.
Ты меня на рассвете разбудишь,
Проводить необутая выйдешь,
Ты меня никогда не увидишь,
Ты меня никогда не забудешь
To love is very hard to people
Who don’t understand its feel
And if you understand a little
You can be happy, you can live
If you see me tonight
I’ll tell you about love
If you want me to feel
You’ll understand it’s me
Song “The shadow of your smile” (в исполнении группы девушек)
Words by Paul Francis Webster
The shadow of your smile when you are gone
Will colour all my dreams and light the dawn.
Look into my eyes my love, and see
All the lovely things you are to me.
Our wistful little star was far too high
A tear-drops kissed your lips and so did I,
Now when I remember spring all the joy that love can bring,
I will be remembering
The shadow of your smile
Orphey: I shall fight for you
I shall struggle for you
And I know I’ll win everything about you!
Я тебя отвоюю у всех земель, у всех небес
Оттого что лес – моя колыбель и могила – лес
Я тебя отвоюю у всех времен, у всех ночей
У всех золотых знамен, у всех мечей
Я тебя отвоюю у всех!
Storyteller: Once upon the time there lived one girl. She was very pretty and very shy. She falls in love with one young hunter, which lived by the end of the village? But he didn’t notice her. Every evening he went to the river and talked with willows. The young girl was very sorry about him and decided she turned into the willow; she came to the witch and asked her for helping. From this time very, beautiful weeping willow appeared near the river, and every evening young hunter came to this tree and he didn’t know that all day long this girl has been waiting for him and crying, but when he came her tears dried, still all willows are called weeping willows.
В одной деревне жила девушка. И была она застенчива и очень хороша собой. Полюбила она охотника, который жил на краю деревни, но он не обращал на нее внимания. Каждый вечер уходил он к реке и разговаривал с ивами. Никому из людей он не решился бы сказать то, что шептал деревьям. Долго тосковала девушка и решила стать ивой, чтобы любимый, наконец, заметил ее. Пошла она к ведьме и та, выслушав внимательно, напоила девушка волшебным настоем. С той поры у реки появилось невиданной красоты дерево. Каждый вечер приходил охотник на берег. Приметил он одну иву, рядом с которой ему было уютно и радостно. Полюбил он эту иву, и приходил он к ней каждый вечер. И не знал охотник, что весь день ждет его девушка и плачет, а к вечеру, когда он приходит к ней в гости, слезы ее высыхают. С тех пор и зовут эти ивы плакучими.
Song: Girl (в исполнении группы парней)
Is there anybody going to listen to my story
All about the girl who came to stay?
She’s the kind of girl you want so much
It makes you sorry
Still you don’t regret a single day
Ah, girl, girl
When I think of all the times
I tried so hard to leave her
She will turn to me and start to cry
And she promises the earth to me
And I believe her
After all this time, I don’t know why
Ah, girl, girl.
Свет снова гаснет. Загорается «блуждающая» свеча: это Орфей идет на встречу своей судьбе. Он вглядывается в лица сидящих в зале и движется от последних рядов к первым. Звучит музыка из оперы "Юнона и Авось". Хор "Аллилуйя любви!"
Голос Эвридики со сцены: Орфей!
Голос Орфея: Эвридика!
Орфей поднимается на сцену и от своей свечи зажигает другую, которую держит в руке Эвридика. заднем плане боги выстраиваются в виде полумесяца. У каждого в руке - зажженная свеча! Орфей и Эвридика держат друг друга за руки.
1 Бог: You are right, my brother. Love conquers everything! Ты прав, мой брат - любовь благословенна. Она способна сокрушить заслоны, достойны любящие счастья!
2 Бог: You see two loving hearts. Перед тобой - два любящие сердца: они тому надежная порука.
Музыка звучит громче. Орфей и Эвридика выходят вперед, поднимают руки со свечами вверх. Их жест повторяют боги.
T: You see happy end of this story.
St. Valentine: Dear friends, I’m so happy that love conquered at last.
I’d like to know what people can do in honour of love, if you are ready to do heroically deeds, would you come to me?
St. Valentine:I see that everyone of you have different hearts: shy, firm, tender, kind, faithеfull,…And all hearts united together one wish – to love and be loved. I wish you happiness and love! I leave you, because there are a lot of work to do, I must help to people to find their real love. I’d like to retell you very interesting legend.
Many centuries ago, there were no people on the Earth, there were some creatures, and they were stronger and cleverer than Gods. Gods were angry about it and they decided to punish creatures, they divided them into two parts and changed into people and throw it all over the world, since those times, people try to find their own part and if they found they become very happy, stronger and cleverer.
(Вы все молодцы, умны и изобретательны, у вас у всех разные сердца, у кого-то оно очень доброе, у кого-то оно горячее, у кого-то немного робкое, у кого-то твердое, верное, нежное, но все человеческие сердца объединяет одно желание - любить и быть любимым. Я желаю Вам счастья, любви! Я покидаю Вас, т.к. еще много дел на планете – стольким людям надо помочь найти свою любовь. Существует такая легенда…).
How I Love You is said in Different Languages
- Bulgarian: Obicham te
- Burmese: chit pa de
- Cambodian: Bon sro lanh oon
- Canadian French: Sh'teme
- Cantonese: Moi oiy neya
- Danish: Jeg elsker dig
- Dutch: Ik hou van jou
- Filipino: Mahal ka ta
- Finnish: Mina" rakastan sinua
- French: Je t'aime
- Gaelic: Ta gra agam ort
- German: Ich liebe Dich
- Greek: s'ayapo
- Hungarian: Szeretlek
- Indonesian: Saya cinta padamu
- Iranian: Mahn doostaht doh-rahm
- Irish: taim i' ngra leat
- Italian: ti amo
- Japanese: Kimi o ai shiteru
- Romanian: Te Ador
- Russian: Ya tebya liubliu
- Serbian: ljubim te
- Spanish: Te amo
- Swedish: Jag a"lskar dig
- Thai: Phom Rak Khun
- Vietnamese: Toi yeu em
- Yiddish: Ich libe dich
- Yugoslavian: Ya te volim
- белорусский –я цябе кахаю
Болгарский – обичам те
Греческий ц арано
Грузинский миквархар
Иврит – Ани охев отак
Итальянский- ти амо
Китайский-во ай най
Корейский тангшин и чо а йо
Немецкий – их либо дых
Румынский- те адор
Русский – я тебя люблю
Татарский- мин сены яратам
Узбецкий – мен сенга севаман
Турецкий- сени севийорум
Украинский – я тебе кохаю
Французский – же тем
Чешский – милую те
Эсперанто – Ми амас вин
Song “I’ve just call to say”
Оформлено дерево сюрпризов с детскими сердцами для родителей
Ордена: орден Алого Сердца (алое сердце), орден улыбчивого сердца (улыбающееся сердце), орден свободного сердца (сердце с крыльями), орден сердечной тайны (красное сердце в черной полумаске)
По желанию, перед окончанием праздника можно провести следующие конкурсы:
-1.-The star with the arrow is a symbol of love. The best shooters will devote to the knights of Order of Scarlet Hearts and dames will get the names of Abductors of the Hearts. (мишень в виде сердца, шарики.)
2.-The next competition: to love and to be loved? It’s great happiness, but many centuries ago, girls kept at home, they saw nobody except relatives, how could they speak about their meeting with their lovers? They used secret language. I suggest you to speak without any words and even sounds.
Девочки читают задания из конвертов и жестами объясняют, что они хотят, а мальчики пытаются угадать.
Present me flowers
I want to dance
I’d like to go for a walk
Kiss me
I’d like an ice- cream.
Winners will be award with Order of Secret Mystery
3.-The most- most…
You must say yourself looking in the mirror 10 tender and kind words, you mustn’t laugh, and don’t repeat phrases. The winner will award of Order of Smiling Heart.
_- the most glamour declaration of love.
4.-balloons and there are different questions
Автор сценария и режиссер-постановщик: Матвеева Майя Кадыровна
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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