Косвенная речь (Афанасьева, Михеева) 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Кондратьева М.В.

Контрольная работа по теме "Косвенная речь" к учебнику Афанасьевой, Михеевой 6 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Control Test Reported Speech

Variant 1

  1. Put said or told.
  1. Frank ... he had two cats at home.
  2. Dan ... me that Robert didn't like soup.
  3. Mother ... her daughter to go to the dentist.
  4. My brother ... he could skate well.
  5. She ... them her knowledge of English was good.

  1. Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.

  1. Sam says: “I like to go to Maths lessons, but I dislike English”.
  2. Kitty says: “Don’t help me. I can do it ;
  3. Annie asks “Are you a student?”
  4. Bill said to me “We are good friends”
  5. The teacher said: “You can do this exercise”

  1. Translate these words into English or into Russian.

  1. Immediately-
  2. Pain
  3. Cough (v)
  4. Break
  5. Chest
  6. Давление
  7. Пульс
  8. Здоровый
  9. Температура
  10. Легкое

Критерии оценки: 20-18 - «отлично»;17-14 - «хорошо»; 10-13 - «удовлетворительно»

Control Test Reported Speech

Variant 2

  1. Put said or told.

  1. Helen ... she would go to the park.
  2. Billy ... his sister to buy some bread.
  3. Polly ... the doctor that she had a bad cough.
  4. The teacher ... the pupils not to make mistakes.
  5. my dog could run and jump very well.

II Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.

  1. Janet says: “My Granny doesn’t work because she is on ;
  2. Kate asks John: “Don’t take my things, ;
  3. Fanny asks Nadine: “Do you write poems?”
  4. He said, “I can drive a ;
  5. Anthony said: “I take my little sister to school”

  1. Translate these words into English or into Russian.

  1. Silly
  2. Blood
  3. Pressure
  4. Health
  5. Hurt
  6. Ломать, сломать
  7. Кровь
  8. Немедленно, сразу же
  9. Боль
  10. Регулярно

Критерии оценки: 20-18 - «отлично»;17-14 - «хорошо»; 10-13 - «удовлетворительно»

Control Test Reported Speech

Variant 0

  1. Put said or told.

1. Lucy ... she has a hamster at home.

2. Brad ... me that Sam didn't like tennis.

3. Lily ... the teacher that she got a bad mark.

4. The trainer ... the pupils do every exercise well.

5. my horse could run and jump very well.

II Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.

  1. Garry says: “My father doesn’t work because he is on ;
  2. Liz asks Bob: “Don’t take my toys, ;
  3. Kate asks Nadine: “Do you sing well?”
  4. Ben said to me “You are a good friend”
  5. The teacher said: “You can do this exercise”

  1. Translate these words into English or into Russian.

  1. Silly
  2. Blood
  3. Pressure
  4. pain
  5. chest
  6. Пульс
  7. Здоровый
  8. Температура
  9. Легкое
  10. Сломать, ломать

Control Test Reported Speech

Variant 0

  1. Put said or told.

1. Lucy ... she has a hamster at home.

2. Brad ... me that Sam didn't like tennis.

3. Lily ... the teacher that she got a bad mark.

4. The trainer ... the pupils do every exercise well.

5. my horse could run and jump very well.

II Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.

  1. Garry says: “My father doesn’t work because he is on ;
  2. Liz asks Bob: “Don’t take my toys, ;
  3. Kate asks Nadine: “Do you sing well?”
  4. Ben said to me “You are a good friend”
  5. The teacher said: “You can do this exercise”

  1. Translate these words into English or into Russian.

  1. Silly
  2. Blood
  3. Pressure
  4. pain
  5. chest
  6. Пульс
  7. Здоровый
  8. Температура
  9. Легкое
  10. Сломать, ломать

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