Косвенная речь (Афанасьева, Михеева) 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)
Контрольная работа по теме "Косвенная речь" к учебнику Афанасьевой, Михеевой 6 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Control Test Reported Speech
Variant 1
- Put said or told.
- Frank ... he had two cats at home.
- Dan ... me that Robert didn't like soup.
- Mother ... her daughter to go to the dentist.
- My brother ... he could skate well.
- She ... them her knowledge of English was good.
- Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.
- Sam says: “I like to go to Maths lessons, but I dislike English”.
- Kitty says: “Don’t help me. I can do it ;
- Annie asks “Are you a student?”
- Bill said to me “We are good friends”
- The teacher said: “You can do this exercise”
- Translate these words into English or into Russian.
- Immediately-
- Pain
- Cough (v)
- Break
- Chest
- Давление
- Пульс
- Здоровый
- Температура
- Легкое
Критерии оценки: 20-18 - «отлично»;17-14 - «хорошо»; 10-13 - «удовлетворительно»
Control Test Reported Speech
Variant 2
- Put said or told.
- Helen ... she would go to the park.
- Billy ... his sister to buy some bread.
- Polly ... the doctor that she had a bad cough.
- The teacher ... the pupils not to make mistakes.
- my dog could run and jump very well.
II Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.
- Janet says: “My Granny doesn’t work because she is on ;
- Kate asks John: “Don’t take my things, ;
- Fanny asks Nadine: “Do you write poems?”
- He said, “I can drive a ;
- Anthony said: “I take my little sister to school”
- Translate these words into English or into Russian.
- Silly
- Blood
- Pressure
- Health
- Hurt
- Ломать, сломать
- Кровь
- Немедленно, сразу же
- Боль
- Регулярно
Критерии оценки: 20-18 - «отлично»;17-14 - «хорошо»; 10-13 - «удовлетворительно»
Control Test Reported Speech
Variant 0
- Put said or told.
1. Lucy ... she has a hamster at home.
2. Brad ... me that Sam didn't like tennis.
3. Lily ... the teacher that she got a bad mark.
4. The trainer ... the pupils do every exercise well.
5. my horse could run and jump very well.
II Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.
- Garry says: “My father doesn’t work because he is on ;
- Liz asks Bob: “Don’t take my toys, ;
- Kate asks Nadine: “Do you sing well?”
- Ben said to me “You are a good friend”
- The teacher said: “You can do this exercise”
- Translate these words into English or into Russian.
- Silly
- Blood
- Pressure
- pain
- chest
- Пульс
- Здоровый
- Температура
- Легкое
- Сломать, ломать
Control Test Reported Speech
Variant 0
- Put said or told.
1. Lucy ... she has a hamster at home.
2. Brad ... me that Sam didn't like tennis.
3. Lily ... the teacher that she got a bad mark.
4. The trainer ... the pupils do every exercise well.
5. my horse could run and jump very well.
II Report the sentences. Don't forget about necessary changes.
- Garry says: “My father doesn’t work because he is on ;
- Liz asks Bob: “Don’t take my toys, ;
- Kate asks Nadine: “Do you sing well?”
- Ben said to me “You are a good friend”
- The teacher said: “You can do this exercise”
- Translate these words into English or into Russian.
- Silly
- Blood
- Pressure
- pain
- chest
- Пульс
- Здоровый
- Температура
- Легкое
- Сломать, ломать
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