Практикум по согласованию видовременных форм глагола в косвенной речи к учебно-методическому комплексу Афанасьевой О.В., класс V
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Данное учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой комплекс упражнений по практике косвенной речи для учащихся 5 класса школ с углубленным изучением языка.
Пособие преследует следующие практические цели:
- Формирование и совершенствование грамматического навыка согласования видовременных форм глагола в косвенной речи;
- Совершенствование умения употребления косвенной речи;
- Развитие умений монологической речи в форме пересказа;
- Обучение чтению художественных текстов с целью использования полученной информации в продуктивной речи;
- Способствование совершенствованию лексических навыков и закреплению тематического вокабуляра.
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Предварительный просмотр:
по согласованию видовременных форм глагола
в косвенной речи
к учебно-методическому комплексу Афанасьевой О.В., часть V
Курумканский лицей
Пояснительная записка
Данное учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой комплекс упражнений по практике косвенной речи для учащихся 5 класса школ с углубленным изучением языка.
Пособие преследует следующие практические цели:
- Формирование и совершенствование грамматического навыка согласования видовременных форм глагола в косвенной речи;
- Совершенствование умения употребления косвенной речи;
- Развитие умений монологической речи в форме пересказа;
- Обучение чтению художественных текстов с целью использования полученной информации в продуктивной речи;
- Способствование совершенствованию лексических навыков и закреплению тематического вокабуляра.
В основу пособия положен коммуникативный принцип организации процесса усвоения знаний: каждое упражнение сопровождается коммуникативной задачей.
Хотя косвенная речь является пассивным грамматическим минимумом, и предназначается только для узнавания в тексте, но, тем не менее, часто создается необходимость её употребления в пересказах.
Составитель Раднаева О.Л.
Exercise 1Present Simple – Present Simple
Say and write your friends what these children say.
- Sam says: “I like apples very much”
- Sam says: “I do exercises every morning”
- Sam says: “My mother bakes good cakes”
- Sam says: “My Granny likes me very much
- Sam says: “My parents go to the theatre every month”
- Sam says: “Jack does homework at 19 o’clock”
- Nelly says: “I wrote a letter to my sisters yesterday”
- Nelly says: “I watched TV yesterday”
- Nelly says: “Sam phoned me yesterday”
- Mike says: “I have moved in a new flat”
- Mike says: “I have fallen ill”
- Mike says: “We’ve lost the key”
- My sister says: “I shall clean our flat tomorrow”
- My sister says: “Our brother will come at 10 o’clock”
- My sister says: “They will buy bread”
Exercise 2.
Tell your friend what these people ask.
- The teacher says: “Learn this poem by heart”
- The teacher asks: “Give me your copybooks”
- The teacher says: “Take your pens”
- The teacher asks: “Shut the door”
- The teacher asks: “Open the window”
- Mother says: “Don’t go to the shop”
- Mother says: “Don’t open the window”
- Mother says: “Don’t come back late”
Exercise 3
Say what Tom is interested in.
- Tom asks: “Is his mother a teacher?”
- Tom asks: “Is Los-Angeles situated in the west of the USA?”
- Tom asks: “Is sky blue?”
- Tom asks: “Does his mother take medicine?”
- Tom asks: “Did it rain yesterday?”
- Tom asks: “Did his brother go to school yesterday?”
- Tom asks: “Have you ever been to Italy?”
- Tom asks: “Has your mother ever been to Moscow?”
- Tom asks: “Has your parents ever seen your copybooks?”
- Tom asks: “Will it be possible?”
- Tom asks: “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?”
- Tom asks: “Shall we go to see Granny?”
Exercise 4
Say what Ann wants to know.
- Ann wants to know: “Where is Scotland situated?”
- Ann wants to know: “When did it rain?”
- Ann wants to know: “When did my father come?”
- Ann wants to know: “When did your sister write the letter?”
- Ann wants to know: “Where have you been?”
- Ann wants to know: “What has my brother done?”
- Ann wants to know: “What have your friend written?”
- Ann wants to know: “Why will your aunt go to Moscow?”
- Ann wants to know: “When will you come?”
- Ann wants to know: “When shall we go to the Zoo?”
- Ann wants to know: “When shall I take the medicine?”
- Ann wants to know: “How many apples are there in the box?”
- Ann wants to know: “How many books are there in your bag?”
Exercise 5
Read the story about Sam’s day and say why he may be late for school. Speak your friend about Sam’s day.
Sam’s day
At 8 o’clock Sam’s mother comes into the room and says:
- Wake up, Sam! Get up and do your morning exercises!
At 8.20 Sam washes his face. Mother asks him:
- Are you taking a shower?
Sam answers:
- No, I am cleaning my teeth.
Then he has breakfast.
- Where is Dad? asks Sam
- He has gone to work. Be quick, please. Don’t be late for school.
- Will you stay at home today, Mum?
- No, I’ll go to work.
Exercise 6
Present Simple – Past Simple
Present Continuous – Past Continuous
Present Perfect – Past Perfect
Tell your friends what happened to these people.
- Max said: “My mother is ill”
- Max said: “His brothers are at work”
- Max said: “I have broken my leg”
- Max said: “My sister has a headache”
- Max said: “I am taking my little brother to the doctor.”
- Max said: “I can swim very well”
- Max said: “The doctor is taking my pulse”
- Max said: “Mother takes me to the dentist twice a year”
- Max said: “The doctor takes blood pressure”
- Max said: “I seldom eat sweets”
- Max said: “It doesn’t snow”
- Max said: “I have no sore throat”
- Max said: “I don’t go in for sports”
- Max said: “I don’t eat meat”
- Max was interested: “Are you drinking the 3d cup of coffee??”
- Max was interested: “Does the doctor take your temperature?”
- Max was interested: “Have you got a cat?”
- Max was interested: “When do you get up?”
Exercise 7
Little Jack doesn’t know how to tell his mother what Kate told him. Help him. Put in said or told.
- Kate ………she had got a car.
- Kate ……… me to come at 18 o’clock.
- Kate ……… him to write her a letter.
- Kate ………Tom could swim well.
- Kate ………Ann Bob was reading.
- Kate ………us her father was at home.
- Kate ………her mother was at work.
- Kate ………they couldn’t dance.
- Kate ………the doctor she was ill.
- Kate ………the teacher didn’t like her.
- Kate ………to have a rest.
- Kate ………not to go there.
- Kate ………not to drink much coffee.
Exercise 8
Read the story “The doctor’s advice” and say who is stupid: the doctor or the old gentleman. Prove your idea. Tell your friends about the doctor’s advice.
The doctor’s advice
Once an old gentleman goes to see a doctor. The doctor examines him and says:
- Medicine won’t help you! Go to a quiet country far a month and have a rest. Your illness is not serious.
Then he advises to the old gentleman:
- Don’t worry! Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, smoke just one cigar a day and you will recover pretty soon.
The old gentleman nods and says:
- Thank you very much, doctor. I shall do everything you have said.
A month later the same gentleman comes to see the doctor again. The doctor says:
- How are you? I am glad to see you. You look much younger!
The old gentleman answers:
- Oh, doctor, I feel quite all right now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early, I drank a lot of milk and I walked a lot. You advices certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that one cigar will kill me! It is not a joke to start smoking at my age!
Future Simple - Future in the Past
Tomorrow – the next day
In 2 days – 2 days later
In 5 weeks – 5 weeks later
In a month – a month later
Next day – the next day, the following day
This – that
Now - then
Exercise 9
Tell your classmates what Peter and Phil said and what they were interested in.
- Peter said: “I will come at 17 o’clock tomorrow”
- Peter said: “We shan’t help you next day”
- Peter said: “They won’t arrive in 3 days”
- Peter said: “I shan’t take this medicine”
- Phil asked Mary: “Will you help me tomorrow?”
- Phil asked the doctor: “Will you take my temperature?
- Phil asked the doctor: “Why will you take my pressure?”
- Phil asked Mary: “When will you bring this book?”
- Teacher was interested: “When will you write this report?”
- Teacher was interested: “When will your mother come to school, Sasha?”
- Teacher was interested: “What will your parents tell you about your bad marks, Tom?”
Present Perfect – Past Perfect
Past Simple – Past Perfect.
Here – there
Now – then
This – that
These – those
Today – that day
Yesterday – the day before
3 days ago – 3 days before
Last year – the previous year
Exercise 10
Tell your friend what these people told you.
- Fred said: “Sarah has lost her keys”
- Fred said: “I have fallen ill”
- Fred said: “My sister has broken her leg”
- Fred said: “She broke her leg three days ago”
- Fred said: “The doctor took my pulse”
- Fred said: “I saw this woman yesterday”
- Jill asked Rose: “Have you seen this film?”
- Jill asked Rose: “Has your brother ever helped you?”
- Jill asked Rose: “Did it rain yesterday?”
- Jill asked Rose: “Were you at home last week?”
- Jill asked Rose: “Have you been at work today?”
- Jill asked Rose: “Who has lost these books?”
- Jill asked Rose: “What have you seen here?”
- Jill asked Rose: “What did you do yesterday?”
- Jill asked Rose: “When did your mother come?”
Exercise 11
Help Sarah to refer this story to English.
Вчера мне позвонил Максим и сказал, что он заболел. Я спросила, не болит ли у него горло. Он ответил, что у него болит горло и голова, и что к нему приходил врач. Он рассказал, что врач измерил его температуру, послушал легкие и сказал ему лежать в постели, не ходить в школу три дня, пить горячее молоко и через три дня он выздоровеет.
Exercise 12
Read the story and say why John gave his medicine to Tim.
Tim takes medicine
It is winter now and John is ill. He is coughing; he has a terrible headache and feels a pain in his chest. The doctor came yesterday. He felt the boy's pulse and listened to his lungs. He touched John's head and immediately gave him some medicine. The doctor told John: “Stay in bed and take the medicine regularly 3 times a day”.
Now there is a bottle of medicine on John's table near his bed. But John doesn't like the medicine and doesn't want to take it. "What shall I do?" he thinks. "What shall I do not to take the medicine?"
Suddenly he remembers Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer and his cat. John read the book about them last summer. So John gets out of his bed, takes his big black cat Tim and gives him his medicine. Tim likes the medicine and begins to drink it. But at that moment John's mother comes into the room. She sees John, Tim and the bottle of medicine. She understands everything. "Don't be silly, John," she says. "You should drink the medicine, not the cat. You are ill, the cat isn't. But the cat may feel bad because of the medicine. You shouldn't give it to Tim. Be a good boy, take a spoon of the medicine and try to sleep."
Tell your friends this story
Exercise 13
Read the story and say what you think of Bobby.
Bobby's Answer
Mr and Mrs Davis have a son. His name is Bobby, and it was his birthday a few days ago.
Last Sunday Bobby's grandfather came to visit them, and he brought Bobby a nice toy train. When he gave it to Bobby, he said: "I'm sorry, Bobby, but I forgot your birthday last Tuesday, so I didn't give you this present then."
"Oh, that doesn't matter, Grandpa," Bobby answered. "Thank you very much. It's just what I wanted."
"And how old are you now, Bobby?" his grandfather asked. Bobby knew the answer to that question. "I'm five, Grandpa," he said.
"That's good," the old man said. "You're a big boy now, Bobby. And what are you going to be when you're older?" Bobby knew the answer to that question too. "I'm going to be six, Grandpa," he answered.
Tell your classmates this story
Exercise 14
Use the following sentences in the reported speech. Make all the necessary changes.
- Sasha said: “My sister is sick”
- Sasha said: “His brothers are at park”
- Tanya said: “I have bought a dress”
- Tanya said: “My sister has a toothache”
- Kolya said: “I am going to see the doctor.”
- Kolya said: “I can play the piano very well”
- Denis said: “The doctor is taking my temperature”
- Denis said: “Father takes me to the dentist twice a year”
- Max said: “The doctor prescribes the medicine”
- Max said: “I seldom eat chocolate”
- Roma said: “It doesn’t rain”
- Roma said: “I have no backache”
- Lucy said: “I don’t swim”
- Lucy said: “I don’t eat healthy food”
- Ann was interested: “Are you drinking hot milk?”
- Ann was interested: “Does your mother take medicine?”
- Ann was interested: “Have you got a sore throat?”
- Ann was interested: “How often do you play tennis?”
- Mother said: “I shall be back next week”
- Andrew said: “We shan’t come to you next day”
- Andrew said: “They won’t arrive in 5 days”
- My little sister said: “I shan’t take this medicine”
- Sarah asked Rose: “Will you help me tomorrow?”
- Sarah asked the doctor: “Will you take my pressure?”
- Sarah asked father: “Why won’t you take me to the Zoo?”
- Sarah asked Mary: “When will you bring this dress?”
- Tom said: “I have lost my copybooks”
- Tom said: “Sandra has fallen ill”
- Tom said: “My sister has broken her arm”
- Bob said: “She broke this vase three days ago”
- Bob said: “Mother was on a diet last week”
- Fred said: “I saw this man yesterday”
- Jane asked Rita: “Have you seen this boy?”
- Jane asked Rita: “Has your friend ever written you?”
- Jane asked Rita: “Did you see Mary yesterday?”
- Marian asked Tom: “Were you at the Jones’ last week?”
- Marian asked Tom: “Have you ever been to Spain?”
- Teacher asked: “Who has lost these pencils?”
- Teacher asked Tim: “What have you seen here?”
- Teacher asked Rose: “What did you do a week ago?”
- Teacher asked Sam: “When did your parents come?”
- The teacher said: “Stop talking!”
- The teacher said: “Be ready to answer the questions!”
- The teacher said: “Learn this text by heart!”
- The teacher said: “Close the books, please.”
- The teacher said: “Kate, come to the blackboard, please.”
- Mother said: “Don’t go to the disco today”
- Mother said: “Don’t speak with this woman”
- Mother said: “Don’t walk late, please.”
- My friend told me: “Don’t smoke, please.”
Exercise 15
Read the text and say what you think about Tom.
An Excellent Student
A teacher was asking Tom a lot of questions. But his knowledge was very poor and he couldn't answer any of them. The teacher asked him questions on geography and history of Great Britain and the USA.
- What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? - she asked him.
- What are the emblems of England, Scotland and Wales? - she wanted to know.
- I don’t know.- Tom said. He looked very unhappy. The teacher then decided to ask him some very easy questions:
- Please tell me, when was the Great Fire of London? Tom shook his head:
- I don't know the answer.
- Who was the first President of the United States? continued the teacher. She thought it was the easiest question possible.
But Tom couldn't answer it either. He thought for a long time, but didn't say anything. The teacher got very angry and shouted, "George Washington!"
The student got up and began to walk to his seat.
- Come back! - the teacher said. - I didn't tell you to go.
- Oh, I'm sorry, - the student said. - I thought you call the next student.
Tell your classmates this story.
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Индивидуальная программа Коммуникативный подход в обучении видовременным формам глагола по теме «Я и моё окружение» в 7 классе
Основной целью обучения в современной средней школе является владение учащихся основами иноязычного общения, в процессе которого осуществляется воспитание, развитие и образование личност...
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