Самостоятельная работа "Косвенная речь". Уровень 7 класс.
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему

Самостоятельная работа "Косвенная речь" (английский язык). Уровень 7 класс.

Автор: Хорошавина А.О.


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Grammar Test (the 7th form)

Reported Speech

Turn the following sentences into reported speech:

  1. “I didn’t break the window,” said the little boy to her.
  2. “Eat your dinner,” she said to him.
  3. “Have you seen this film?” Jane asked Peter.
  4. “I had an argument with Mark yesterday,” said Fiona.
  5. “The new guests will arrive tomorrow,” explained the manager.
  6. “Where is the post office?” Simon asked the stranger.
  7. “I want you to come to my birthday,” Olga said to me.
  8. “I had six lessons today.” Kate said to us.
  9. “These roses are beautiful!” she said to her boy friend.
  10. “I promise I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive, Mary,” said John.
  11. The teacher said, ”The Earth is round.”
  12. Alan said to Chris, “Leave me alone, please!”
  13. The general said to the troops, “Stand up straight!”
  14. Jenny said to Dave, “Please, don’t leave me!”
  15. The ballet teacher said, “Rachel, lift your leg higher, please!”
  16. The teacher said to the children, “You will have a test next week.”
  17. “He never buys me flowers,” she said.
  18. “I promise I’ll write to you,” Ann said to him.
  19. “I’m exhausted,” Dan said. “I’ve written two compositions!”
  20. “Bill wants to talk to you,” Gina said to Jane. “He is waiting outside.”
  21. “Did you miss the bus?” Liz asked. “You are late!”
  22. “Have you got an umbrella?” Mum asked. “It’s raining.”
  23. “Are you ready?” Mother said to the children. “It’s time to go!”
  24. “What time is it?” Bob asked. “My watch has stopped.”
  25. She said; “Tiger is the fastest animal in the world.”

Grammar Test (the 7th form)

Reported Speech

Turn the following sentences into reported speech:

  1. “I didn’t break the window,” said the little boy to her.
  2. “Eat your dinner,” she said to him.
  3. “Have you seen this film?” Jane asked Peter.
  4. “I had an argument with Mark yesterday,” said Fiona.
  5. “The new guests will arrive tomorrow,” explained the manager.
  6. “Where is the post office?” Simon asked the stranger.
  7. “I want you to come to my birthday,” Olga said to me.
  8. “I had six lessons today.” Kate said to us.
  9. “These roses are beautiful!” she said to her boy friend.
  10. “I promise I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive, Mary,” said John.
  11. The teacher said, “The Earth is round.”
  12. Alan said to Chris, “Leave me alone, please!”
  13. The general said to the troops, “Stand up straight!”
  14. Jenny said to Dave, “Please, don’t leave me!”
  15. The ballet teacher said, “Rachel, lift your leg higher, please!”
  16. The teacher said to the children, “You will have a test next week.”
  17. “He never buys me flowers,” she said.
  18. “I promise I’ll write to you,” Ann said to him.
  19. “I’m exhausted,” Dan said. “I’ve written two compositions!”
  20. “Bill wants to talk to you,” Gina said to Jane. “He is waiting outside.”
  21. “Did you miss the bus?” Liz asked. “You are late!”
  22. “Have you got an umbrella?” Mum asked. “It’s raining.”
  23. “Are you ready?” Mother said to the children. “It’s time to go!”
  24. “What time is it?” Bob asked. “My watch has stopped.”
  25. She said, “Tiger is the fastest animal in the world.”

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