Промежуточная аттестация в 6 классе
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Задания для промежжуточной аттестации в 6 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

6 класс   1 вариант

Задание 1. Чтение. Прочитайте текст и отметьте верные предложения буквой (T) и неверные предложения буквой (F).

My friend

Tanya is my classmate. She is a Russian girl. She is in the fifth form. She is a student of School Number 44.

Tanya is young, she is twelve years old. She is a bit taller than me. She looks like her mother. She is pretty. Tanya is a thin girl with large brown eyes. Her hair is fair, long and straight. Her face is oval and her nose is turned-up. She wants to look like all the models.

Tanya likes wearing smart things: bright blouses and skirts. She is always well dressed. She doesn't like jeans. Tanya is a good friend. She never gossips. Everyone loves her. She is clever, honest and kind. She always tells the truth. She has a good sense of humor. She knows a lot of interesting and funny stories.

She does well at school. She always does her homework. She is very good at English and math. Tanya plays the piano very well. I think she is very talented.

I am happy to have such a friend as Tanya.

1 Tanya is in the 5 form.

2 She is a student of School Number thirty four.

3 She likes wearing bright blouses and trousers.

4 She likes jeans.

5 She is a good student.

Задание 2

Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

  1. The pyjamas __________ (is / are) nice and cosy.
  2. Jeans __________ (is / are) fashionable.
  3. Where __________ (is / are) my leggings?
  4. There __________ (is / are) a black trainer under the sofa.
  5. I wonder where my left shoe __________ (is / are).
  6. The mittens __________ (is / are) warm. I like __________ (it / them).

Задание 3

Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строке.

1. arm, body, finger, toe, stout

2. ugly, lazy, stupid, shapely, curly

3. good-looking, hard-working, turned-up, blue-eyed, modern

4. selfish, slim, shapely, should, stout

5. leg, arm, ear, hair, eye

Задание 4

Подчеркни имена существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе

Shirts, trainers, pajamas, shorts, leggings, suits, clothes, trousers, ties, mittens.

Задание 5

 Послушайте  и решите, какой из двух мальчиков, Alexander or R

1) lives in the USA

2) has blue eyes

3) has curly hair

4) is good at outdoor games

5) is fond of quiet pastimes

6) likes to spend time with his father

7) can work hard

Учитель:                                 Ассистент:                                                                    

1) живет в США

2) имеет голубые глаза

3) имеет вьющиеся волосы

4) хорош в подвижных играх

5) увлекается спокойными играми

6) любит проводить время с отцом

7) может работать

6 класс   2 вариант

Задание 1. Чтение. Прочитайте текст и отметьте верные предложения буквой (T) и неверные предложения буквой (F).

My flat.

My flat is on the fifth floor. It’s very comfortable. We have got all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in my flat.

The largest room is the living room. In the middle of the room there is a big table and eight chairs round it. Opposite the window there is a wall unit with lots of books, a TV set and a DVD player. There are two comfortable armchairs and a sofa in the living room.

My room is the smallest room, but it is very cosy and bright. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, an armchair and several bookshelves in my room. There is a big colourful carpet on the floor and there are blue curtains on the window. The walls in my room are light-brown and there are some posters on them.Our kitchen is large and light. We’ve got a refrigerator, a wall cupboard and a cooker in it. I like my room and clean it every day.

1. My living room is small.

2. A wall unit is opposite the window.

3. There are 4 comfortable armchairs and a sofa in my living room.

4. There are no posters in my room.

5. I clean my room every day.

Задание 2

Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

  1. My sandals __________ (is / are) new.
  2. Where __________ (is / are) my shorts?
  3. I don`t know where my right boot __________ (is / are).
  4. Your gloves __________ (is / are) nice, I love __________ (it / them).
  5. There __________ (is / are) a blue sock under the chair.

6.      Your clothes __________ (is / are) fashionable.

Задание 3

Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строке.

1.stupid, ugly,  shapely, curly

2. stout, selfish, slim, shapely, should,

3. turned-up, good-looking, hard-working, blue-eyed, modern

4. selfish, slim, shapely, should, stout

5. leg, arm, ear, hair, eye

6. arm, body, finger, toe, stout

Задание 4

Подчеркни имена существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе.

        Clothes, dresses,  coats,  trousers , jeans, shorts, trainers, leggings, skirts, gloves.

Задание 5

 Послушайте  и решите, какой из двух мальчиков, Alexander or Rick

1) lives in the USA

2) has blue eyes

3) has curly hair

4) is good at outdoor games

5) is fond of quiet pastimes

6) likes to spend time with his father

7) can work hard

1) живет в США

2) имеет голубые глаза

3) имеет вьющиеся волосы

4) хорош в подвижных играх

5) увлекается спокойными играми

6) любит проводить время с отцом

7)может работать

Учитель:                                                            Ассистент

Текст аудирования:

Alexander and Rick are pen friends. They are both 13 but they are very different. Alexander lives in Irkutsk, in Russia and Rick is a New York boy. Alexander is quite tall, his hair is fair and his body is slim. He has bright blue eyes and a turned-up nose. Rick is not very tall, his curly hair is dark and short. Rick has dark eyes and a straight nose. Rick is quite strong and athletic. He plays a lot of football and baseball. He likes to listen to music. Rick’s family often travels and travelling is one of Rick’s favourite pastimes. Alexander is not as active as Rick. He likes quiet games; chess is his favourite. He is fairly good at drawing and painting and likes to visit the city picture gallery. Alexander’s father is very fond of fishing and he often takes his son fishing with him. The boy enjoys the quiet mornings that he spends on the river bank with his father. Both Rick and Alexander are friendly and kind boys. Alexander’s friends say that he is very reliable and hard-working. Rick’s friends like him because he is joyful and unselfish.

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