Презентация "Виды Лондона"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6 класс)

Сырникова Светлана Андреевна

Материал к учебнику 5 класса " Enjoy English " авторы М.З Биболетова,О.А. Денисенко раздел 3 "Visiting London" стр 84-107


Материал к учебнику 4 класса " Enjoy English " авторы М.З Биболетова, раздел 3 "People and animals " стр 44-47


Материал к учебнику 9 класса " Enjoy English " авторы М.З Биболетова, раздел 2, секция 2 стр 72


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

London Quiz

Слайд 2

1. Big 2. Trafalgar 3. Tower 4. Buckingham 5. Westminster 6. The Houses of 7. The Tower of 8. The London a) Palace b) London c) Eye d) Ben e) Square f) Abbey g) Parliament h) Bridge Match the words to get the names of places of interest

Слайд 3

1. Big Ben 2. Trafalgar Square 3. The Tower of London 4. Tower Bridge A) C) B) D)

Слайд 4

1. Buckingham Palace 2. The Houses of Parliament 3. The London Eye 4. Westminster Abbey A) C) B) D)

Слайд 5

Read and match 1. London is 2. The London Eye is 3. Buckingham Palace is 4. The Tower of London is 5. The Houses of Parliament is 6. Big Ben is 7. Trafalgar Square is 8. Westminster Abbey is a ) a big wheel. b) an ancient fortress. c) a place where Queen Elisabeth II lives when she is in London. d) a famous bell. e) an ancient working church. f) the capital of the UK. g) is in the heart of London. h) home of the British Parliament.

Слайд 6

Use: thousands, was founded, city, of, cathedrals, interesting, famous . London is the capital of the UK. It is a very old (1)_________. It (2)____ __________ about two thousand years ago. London is one of the most famous and (3)___________ cities in Europe. It is (4)___________ for its places of interest. There are lots of museums, historical buildings, ancient (5)____________ and monuments. It is full (6)____ history. Every year (7)__________ of tourists come to London.

Слайд 7

Answer the questions 1. What is the official name of the country? 2. What is the geographical name of the country? 3. What countries does it consist of? 4. What are their capitals? 5. What is the capital of the UK? 6. When was it founded? 7. How many people live in the capital?

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The giant panda

Слайд 2

A giant panda lives in China. It has a white body with large black patches around the eyes over the ears and across the body. Pandas eat bamboo. They are good climbers.

Слайд 3

The giant panda is the emblem of the World Wildlife Fund

Слайд 4

A giant panda is an endangered animal because of cutting down bamboo forests

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

УМК М.З. Биболетова « ENJOY ENGLISH » 9 класс Student’s Book p . 78-81 Unit 2 Выполнила: Сырникова Светлана Андреевна у читель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 545 г.Сестрорецк 2022 г

Слайд 2

At At the airport

Слайд 4

the departure lounge to announce the flight

Слайд 5

h and luggage to get through passport control

Слайд 6

to fill in the declaration

Слайд 7

a b oarding pass

Слайд 8

t o take off

Слайд 9

to get the luggage from the baggage reclaim at the arrivals

Слайд 10

to leave the airport by taxi

Слайд 11

УМК М.З. Биболетова ENJOY ENGLISH 9 класс Student’s Book p . 78-81 Unit 2

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты




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