Sport (word list)
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Sport (+/-)
Sport has a wholesome effect on emotional well-being and lifestyle.
Sport can help teens cope with challenges in life
there are some other methods that may help to overcome difficulties
sport may be helpful in struggling with difficult life circumstances
teens can detach themselves from their problems at home
to focus on smth they love
sport unites people and teaches discipline
your team eventually becomes more than your friends, they become your family
there are other ways to overcome life challenges
unless people change their mindset and focus on the positive they won’t be able to overcome..
positive outlook
working out
to go through some extremely difficult periods of their lives
their team becomes their family
to set teens on the right path
physical activity helps people to be fit, healthy and strong
sports help handle all the stresses in life
sports take too much time and energy
sports help people to reduce stress
exercising stimulates endorphin, the fell-good hormones production that play an important role in reducing stress, apathy and anxiety
sports distract teens’attention from everyday problems and get rid of tension
a good night’s sleep is beneficial for health
physical activity is time-consuming
any person can handle the stress without any medicines
sports help relieve the accumulated stress
to be in good shape
some people go in for sports , follow a diet and control their weight
others don’t pay due attention to their sport training
I am an enthusiastic supporter of a healthy lifestyle
there are lots of benefits of doing sports
those people who do their morning exercises tend to be more cheerful and energetic
sports case-harden the spirits
people who do sports have a will for victory
physical exercises improve posture and strengthen the muscles of all body
everyth depends on your wish
take part in competitions and win medals
our life is incomplete without sports
if people don’t want to suffer from such illness as scoliosis or osteochondrosis they should better go for a jog every morning or do some simple gymnastics training at home
sport is vitally important for everyone
parents should teach their children to lead a healthy lifestyle and to do some physical activity since early childhood
gym classes should be compulsory not optional
physical education at schoolhelps to form a lifelong habit of doing exercises
physical exercises are one of the best ways for emotional release
it is essential for children to balance mental stimulation and physical activities
school competitions form the will to win and promote teamwork
children should better concentrate on the core subjects such as maths,…
PE is one of the core subjects of the school curriculum
dangerous sports shouldn’t be banned
there is no necessity(need) to ban extreme sports such as diving, surfing, rafting,
they give people unforgettable experience and vivid emotions
to relieve stress, anxiety and tension
thrill seekers get an adrenaline rush and enjoy the feeling of exhilaration
extreme sports help to overcome fears
it is too dangerous to participate in extreme sports
life is a precious gift and we shouldn’t expose (подвергать) it to unnecessary risks
life itself is risky whether you drive a car or cross the street
to take hazards- идти на риск
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