Lesson "Sports and sport activities"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Введение лексики по теме «Спорт»
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Предварительный просмотр:
План- конспект урока английского языка
в 7 классе УМК Enjoy English-7 ( Биболетова М. З.)
Тема: Виды спорта
Цели урока:
1) введение лексики по теме «спорт»;
2) первичное закрепление введенного лексического материала в устной и письменной речи;
3) совершенствование навыков чтения.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
I am sure all people would like to be happy and healthy. They say, “Sport helps us to be healthy”. Do you agree with the proverb? Why? Why not?
( I agree with this statement. I think people can buy different things but they can’t buy their health. Sport helps you be strong and slim, to look beautiful and to be in a good mood.
I disagree with the statement. In my opinion, if you have money you will visit good doctors and buy good medicine. It is not necessary to go in for sports.)
2. Введение и фонетическая отработка новой лексики
It was very interesting to know your opinion. Different people like different types of sports. What types of sports can you see in the pictures? Let’s learn to pronounce them. Now I want you to read the words from ex. 3 p. 100. Can you choose the names of sports games?
football- [’fʋt‚bɔ:l]
volleyball - [’vɒlɪbɔ:l]
chess - [tʃes] шахматы
gymnastics - [dʒɪm’næstɪks]
aerobics - [ə’rəʋbɪk]
cycling - [΄saikliŋ]
skiing [’ski:ɪŋ]
horse riding [’raɪdɪŋ]
windsurfing [’wɪnd‚sɜ:rfɪŋ]
figure skating [’fɪgjər]
judo [’dʒu:dəʋ]
polo [΄pəuləu]
rugby [’rʌgbɪ]
athletics [æƟ’letɪk]
chequers ['ʧekəz] —шашки
3. Ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме «спорт»
Do you know how to use the words “sport” and “sports”? Let’s read the examples from
ex. 2 p. 101 in your textbooks. Can you translate the word combinations with the word “sports”?
4. Активизация введенной лексики в устной речи
And now it is time to practice today’s vocabulary. It is interesting to find out what types of sports you like and dislike. Answer my questions, please.
1. Are you fond of playing football?
2. Do you like swimming?
3. Can you play tennis well?
4. Have you ever taken part in sports competitions?
5. What do you prefer: to watch sports competitions or to take part in them?
6. Does sport help you to keep fit?
7. How often do you go to the sport club?
8. What sports are popular in your family?
9. Do you want to be a sportsman?
10. Are you good at running (swimming, skating)?
5. Физкультминутка
It is time to learn the new poem. Listen to me and try to understand it.
Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.
Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.
Two little hands go thump, thump, thump. [θʌmp]
6. Введение страноведческой информации по теме «спорт»
People from different countries like different types of sports. What sports are popular in Russia (America, Great Britain)? Look at the pictures of ex. 1 p. 100 and match the pictures, the sports and the country. Name the type of sport, the number of the picture and the country.
1 – USA, 2 – Brazil, 3 – USA, 4 – Russia, 5 – Italy, 6 – Norway, 7 – USA, 8 – Russia, 9 – Great Britain, 10 – Finland, 11 – USA, 12 – Brazil.
7. Совершенствование навыков чтения и устной речи
Will you read the task of ex. 4 p. 100? Read the description of the sports and name them. Are you ready to say what sports people are talking of?
Примерные загадки:
1. This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field. (hockey)
2. It is a team game. Two teams hit a large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground. (volleyball)
3. It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing pieces. They move the playing pieces on a board. The aim of the game is taking your opponent’s king. (chess)
8. Тренировка лексического материала по теме «спорт» в письменной речи
I would like you to open your Active Books p. 70 ex. 1.
You will find an odd word in these lines. Underline the word and explain your choice. Write down the sports you can do indoors. It is exercise 2 p. 70.
9. Итоги. We have learnt a lot of new words on the topic “Sport” and found out what types of sports you are fond of. Our lesson is over.
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