Mass media
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)
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Mass media.
There are many kinds of newspapers in our country. We know that it is necessary to read newspapers. Reading them we can learn lots of interesting and useful things. I read many newspapers and magazines «Pravda», the Isvestiya, the «Kommersant» but my favourite newspaper is «Argumenty I Fakty». It is one of the most popular papers in Russia. It’s a national weekly newspaper. The paper contains 16 pages and covers the most important national and international news. There are articles of political nature, economic and business news, interviews with prominent people, literary and artistic reviews and of course sports news. I like to read the newspaper because the articles are short, laconic, informative, entertaining and easy to read. This paper appeals to readers of all age groups and interests.
It is interesting to look through some magazines or read them. Sometimes I buy the magazine « At the wheel». As we have a car it is useful for us to read it. It contains 16 pages and covers the most important and useful information about cars.
Television and radio are very popular means of information. We can know a lot of news watching TV or listening to the radio set. I watch TV regularly and my favourite programs are «news», the «man and law», «the best voice» and others. Television is a convenient source of information. It informs us about current events and the latest developments in science and politics. There are special educational programs which are very helpful and interesting for children and grown-ups. We can widen our knowledge of different subjects and learn a lot of interesting facts about the world around us. It competes with cinemas and theatres because you can see everything without leaving home and it is much cheaper. TV is a source of entertainment. There are lots of programs: drama, classical or pop music concert, quiz and so-called soap operas. A great variety of different programs on different channels make some people think that TV begins to dominate our lives, to attract us away from other things. But TV is one of the most important mass media and plays a great role in our life today.
The Internet is the newest kind of mass media.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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