Урок в стиле Spotlight on Russia по теме "Timonya"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)
Опубликовано 11.03.2024 - 0:35 - Короткова Анжела Юрьевна
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Timonia " Timonia " is a mass dance in a circle with singing choruses accompanied by instrumental playing . Would you like to know more about this dance? Spotlight on Kursk learns how to dance “ Timonia ” Have you ever heard the name of the dance? Where does it come from? How many people can dance it? Read to find out… The most popular form of entertaining in Russian is dancing. It traditionally involves people of almost all ages and social groups of society. Russian folk dances can be collective and individual with music or singing, they can be fast and slow. The folk dance " Timonia ", widely spread in the Sudzhansky and Belovsky districts of the Kursk region, where (according to the legend) it originated, tells about love among one man and several girls. It is a round dance where dancing groups move in a circle, each group consists of two or three women (chickens) and one man (cock). " Timonia " performs improvised dance moves in front of the girls, imitating the movements of a cock. Accompanying musicians are located in the center of the round. The movements of the girls in this dance are very restrained, while the men behave uninhibited, attracting attention. Often even musicians are involved in the dance. The dance " Timonia " is associated with festivals, fun and happiness. Nowadays people dance it both at home during celebrations and at concerts. On the 4 th of September in 2022 dancers set a record that was put in the Guinness Book of Records. 2,032 people danced " Timonia “ at the same time on the Red S quare of Kursk . DISCUSS What have you learnt from the text about “ Timonia ”? What surprised you most? What other Russian folk dances do you know? To watch the record dance, scan the qr -code References: https://infourok.ru/statya-narodnyj-tanec-timonya-v-hudozhestvennoj-kulture-rossii-5246309.html?ysclid=le06niieen595315769 https://dzen.ru/a/XZXko-iCwwCuc6Gw
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